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发布时间:2018-05-06 10:19

  本文选题:民办高校助学基金 + 项目管理 ; 参考:《广东工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会和经济的发展,高等教育的普及化和大众化,中国大学生的人数正在呈爆发式的增长,中国高等教育正在以前所未有的速度发展。民办高校虽然学费比公办学校高,但是并非是贵族学校。民办高校大学生的户籍60—80%是农村,即使是一些来自城市的学生,家庭也并不富裕。其中,作为广东省著名的民办高校之一的A高校,近年来经济困难学生的比重不断上升,成为制约学校进一步发展的突出的问题之一,由此也引发了一系列严重问题。因而,如何加强A高校对经济困难学生的管理和帮助,则对提高A高校助学金管理具有重要意义。首先,为民办高校大学生助学金项目的完善提供一些理论依据,对现有的民办高校大学生助学金项目进行研究,有助于我国民办高校大学生助学金项目的完善。其次,可以促使A高校教育质量的提高。最后,一定程度上有着合理配置社会资源的作用。目前,政府对高等教育的政策制定、资金投入和管理等方面仍然不完善,和西方的发达国家对于助学金的管理相比,仍然存在很大的差距。为了最有效利用能够获得的财力、物力和人力资源以扩大教育权利,资源的调动和利用应该受到各级教育组织的重视。 本文主要运用文献研究法、WBS方法、访谈调查法及案例研究法,对国内外项目管理、民办高校助学金项目管理相关文献的深入研究。阐述了项目管理、民办高校助学金项目管理的内涵和理论基础,介绍了国外民办高校大学生助学金项目管理的主要经验。在对A高校助学金管理进行分析后,总结并提出A高校助学金项目普遍取得的成绩和存在的问题,例如资助方式比较单一,资助额度总体偏低,资金来源渠道不够宽广管理体制不健全。在此基础上提出A高校助学金项目化管理的必要性和可行性,A高校助学金项目化管理有利于控制助学金的成本效益,有利于加强助学金项目的协作管理和有利于加强助学金项目的任务分解。 针对A高校助学金项目管理存在的漏洞,本文进行了系统分析与项目规划设计,结合A高校和A高校学生经济的基本情况,建议改革A高校助学金项目的组织结构,规范执行A高校助学金项目,实施效果评估,提出评估方案和评估方法,如教育工作者和学生对A高校助学金项目的评价项目团队对A高校助学金项目的评价。建议加强对民办高校学生资助的重视,丰富民办高校助学金,完善民办高校资助管理制度。
[Abstract]:With the development of society and economy, the popularization and popularization of higher education, the number of college students in China is increasing explosively, and the higher education in China is developing at an unprecedented speed. Private colleges and universities, although higher than public schools, but not aristocratic schools. 60-80% of private college students are registered in rural areas, even some students from the city, families are not rich. Among them, as one of the famous private colleges and universities in Guangdong Province, the proportion of the students with financial difficulties has been rising in recent years, which has become one of the outstanding problems restricting the further development of the schools, which has also caused a series of serious problems. Therefore, how to strengthen the management and help of students with financial difficulties in A colleges and universities is of great significance to improve the administration of financial aid in colleges and universities. First of all, to provide some theoretical basis for the improvement of private university student grant project, to study the existing private university student grant project, which is helpful to the improvement of private university student grant project. Secondly, it can improve the quality of higher education. Finally, to a certain extent, there is a reasonable allocation of social resources. At present, the government's policy making, capital investment and management of higher education are still imperfect, compared with the western developed countries in the management of grants, there is still a big gap. In order to make the most effective use of the available financial, material and human resources to expand the right to education, the mobilization and utilization of resources should be emphasized by educational organizations at all levels. This article mainly uses the literature research method and the WBS method, the interview investigation method and the case study method, to the domestic and foreign project management, the private university stipend project management related literature thorough research. This paper expounds the connotation and theoretical basis of project management and the management of private colleges and universities, and introduces the main experience of foreign private colleges and universities in the project management of student grants. After analyzing the management of grants in A colleges and universities, the paper summarizes and puts forward the achievements and problems in general. For example, the method of financial aid is relatively single, and the amount of financial aid is on the low side. Fund source channel is not broad enough management system is not perfect. On this basis, the necessity and feasibility of A university grant project management are put forward. It is helpful to strengthen the cooperative management of the grant program and to strengthen the task decomposition of the grant program. In view of the loopholes existing in the management of grant projects in A colleges and universities, this paper makes a systematic analysis and project planning and design, and proposes to reform the organizational structure of financial aid projects in A colleges and universities in combination with the basic economic situation of the students in institutions of higher learning A and A colleges and universities. The evaluation scheme and methods are put forward, such as the evaluation of educational workers and students to the A university grant project, and the evaluation of A university grant project by the project team. It is suggested that we should pay more attention to student aid in private colleges and universities, enrich financial aid in private colleges and universities, and perfect the financial aid management system of private colleges and universities.


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