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发布时间:2018-05-06 10:57

  本文选题:高校毕业生 + 就业歧视 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:从1999年我国高校普遍实施扩招以来,高等教育开始由精英化向大众化转变,迎接高校毕业生的是严峻的就业形势以及巨大的就业竞争压力。我国正处于经济转型的特殊时期,就业市场中长期存在劳动力供大于求的状况,加之我国历 史文化传统的影响,这就使得高校毕业生的就业歧视问题日益严重。平等权是贯穿于所有人权的基础性权利,是现代人权法的支柱。随着人权观念的提升,关乎每一个人的就业歧视问题得到社会的广泛关注,维护劳动者就业平等权的呼声也愈来愈高。然而,受社会环境、用人单位、高校教育和大学生自身等因素的影响,我国高校毕业生就业歧视问题严重,关于大学生的就业平等权 的维护有待完善。本研究采用文献分析法、实证分析法、比较分析法等研究方法,从五个方面展开论述。第一部分是引言部分。在该部分中,首先阐明论文的研究背景、目的及意义,其次是文献综述部分,再次是论文的写作思路和研究方法,,最后是论文的创新点。第二部分是关于就业歧视的界定。首先,阐述国际公约对就业歧视的有关界定;其次,阐述西方发达国家对于就业歧视的界定;再次,阐述我国学术界对于就业歧视界定的研究成果。最后,对我国学术界关于就业歧视界定中存在的不足做进一步的完善。第三部分是关于高校毕业生就业歧视问题的现状分析。通过对高校毕业生就业歧视问题进行实例分析,总结出我国目前劳动力就业市场中高校毕业生就业歧视问题的主要类型。第四部分是关于高校毕业生就业歧视问题产生的原因分析。分别从社会环境、用人单位、高校教育以及大学生自身四个角度分析目前高校毕业生就业歧视问题的成因。第五部分是提出有效预防和防止 高校毕业生就业歧视问题的对策建议。关于我国高校毕业生就业歧视问题的研究还有待于完善,笔者将继续努力,不断为高校毕业生就业歧视问题研究奉献微薄的力量。
[Abstract]:Since the general implementation of the enrollment expansion in Chinese universities in 1999, higher education has begun to change from elite to popular. The severe employment situation and the enormous pressure of employment competition are facing the graduates of colleges and universities. China is in a special period of economic transition, the employment market has a long-term situation of labor supply exceeding demand, coupled with the history of our country. The influence of historical culture tradition makes the employment discrimination of college graduates become more and more serious. The right to equality is the basic right running through all human rights and the pillar of modern human rights law. With the promotion of the concept of human rights, the issue of employment discrimination concerning everyone has been widely concerned by the society, and the voice of safeguarding the equal right of workers to obtain employment is becoming higher and higher. However, under the influence of social environment, employing unit, college education and college students themselves, the employment discrimination of college graduates in China is serious, and the employment equality right of college students is very serious. The maintenance needs to be improved. This study uses literature analysis, empirical analysis, comparative analysis and other research methods, from five aspects. The first part is the introduction. In this part, firstly, the background, purpose and significance of the thesis are expounded. Secondly, the literature review part, the writing thought and research method of the thesis, and the innovation of the paper. The second part is about the definition of employment discrimination. Firstly, it expounds the definition of employment discrimination in international conventions; secondly, expounds the definition of employment discrimination in western developed countries; thirdly, expounds the research results of the definition of employment discrimination in the academic circles of our country. Finally, the author further improves the definition of employment discrimination in Chinese academic circles. The third part is about the present situation analysis of employment discrimination of college graduates. By analyzing the employment discrimination of college graduates, this paper summarizes the main types of employment discrimination of college graduates in China's labor market. The fourth part is the analysis of the causes of employment discrimination of college graduates. This paper analyzes the causes of employment discrimination of college graduates from four angles of social environment, employing units, college education and college students themselves. Part V proposes effective prevention and prevention Countermeasures and suggestions on Employment Discrimination of College graduates. The research on employment discrimination of college graduates in our country still needs to be perfected. The author will continue to make efforts and devote his modest strength to the study of employment discrimination of college graduates.


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