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发布时间:2018-05-06 17:07

  本文选题:大学生 + 文化安全 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当今社会,文化对于人类社会的发展起着至关重要的作用,国家安全观不再仅仅局限于政治安全、经济安全和军事安全,而是将文化安全也摆在了突出重要位置,党的十七届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的若干重大问题的决定》中指出“文化在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用日益凸显,维护国家文化安全的任务更加艰巨,增强国家文化软实力、中华文化国际影响力的要求更加紧迫。” 一个国家能够保证文化方面的安全是国家稳定发展的精神前提,大学生是国家为社会主义现代化建设储备的宝贵人才,是祖国的未来和民族的希望,他们的思想状况如何直接关乎国家的危亡,而以美国为首的境外敌对势力从未放弃过对青年大学生的思想侵袭,他们凭借其强大的科技力量、优势的文化产业,进行全方位潜移默化的向我国大学生渗透西方的政治理念、资本主义的价值观等,在文化领域中价值观的渗透和反渗透斗争中,与我们争夺青年一代的思想意识形态主阵地,所以加强大学生文化安全教育研究对巩固国防和保障大学生成长成才都有着十分重要的意义。 本文分为四个部分对大学生文化安全进行了全面系统的研究。第一部分主要是对大学生文化安全的概念进行分析,通过对大学生这个群体所具有的独特性出发总结出大学生文化安全的涵义。第二部分主要是对新时期加强大学生文化安全有哪些意义进行了分析。文章的第三部分也是全文的核心和重点,通过对大学生文化安全的现状透视,,并对大学生群体中存在的文化不安全表现进行了研究,目的是为了更好的提示大学生可能在哪个方面存在着不安全的隐患,哪种状态属于不安全的状态,从而提高警惕树立正确的文化安全观,同时还针对这些存在的问题从国际环境、国内环境以及学校教育、学生自身的因素找出产生的原因。第四部分,针对产生的文化不安全的现象和原因,在指导思想方面、教育内容方面、教育主体方面、教育载体方面以及教育环境方面提出了相应解决问题的对策,最终目的是为了让大学生能够自觉树立起维护国家安全的责任意识,并且从内心当中树立起对优秀的中华民族文化的文化自信。
[Abstract]:In today's society, culture plays a vital role in the development of human society. The concept of national security is no longer confined to political security, economic security and military security, but also puts cultural security in a prominent position. The CPC Central Committee on deepening the Reform of the Cultural system, adopted at the sixth Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, The decision on several important issues to promote the Great Development and Prosperity of Socialist Culture "" pointed out that "the position and role of culture in the competition of comprehensive national strength is becoming increasingly prominent, the task of safeguarding national cultural security is more arduous, and the soft power of national culture is enhanced." The demand for international influence of Chinese culture is even more urgent. " The cultural security of a country is the spiritual prerequisite for the country's steady development. College students are the valuable talents that the state reserves for the socialist modernization drive, and it is the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. How their ideological situation is directly related to the country's peril, and the hostile forces abroad, led by the United States, have never given up their ideological attack on young college students. They rely on their powerful scientific and technological power and their cultural industry. Carrying out all-round and subtle infiltration of Western political ideas and capitalist values into Chinese college students, and competing with us for the ideological and ideological position of the young generation in the cultural field of the infiltration of values and the struggle against infiltration. Therefore, it is of great significance to strengthen the research of cultural safety education for college students to consolidate national defense and ensure the growth of college students. This article divides into four parts to carry on the comprehensive and systematic research to the university student's cultural security. The first part mainly analyzes the concept of college students' cultural security and summarizes the meaning of college students' cultural security through the uniqueness of college students. The second part mainly analyzes the significance of strengthening the cultural security of college students in the new period. The third part of the article is also the core and focus of the full text, through the perspective of the current situation of the cultural security of college students, and the existence of cultural insecurity in the group of college students is studied. The purpose is to better remind college students which aspects may be unsafe hidden danger, which state is unsafe, so as to raise vigilance and establish a correct cultural security concept. At the same time, the causes of these problems are found out from the international environment, domestic environment, school education and students' own factors. The fourth part, aiming at the phenomenon and reason of cultural insecurity, puts forward the corresponding countermeasures in guiding ideology, educational content, educational subject, educational carrier and educational environment. The ultimate purpose is to enable college students to consciously establish the sense of responsibility to maintain national security and build up the cultural confidence in the excellent Chinese culture from the heart.


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