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发布时间:2018-05-07 09:25

  本文选题:大学生 + 拜金主义倾向 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:拜金主义倾向是在我国改革开放和建设中国特色社会主义过程中出现的危害最大的社会思潮之一。拜金主义是一种极端崇尚金钱能力的“拜物教”,以金钱至上、金钱万能为核心的社会思潮。拜金主义倾向在我国主要表现出发展迅速,,影响广泛,危害性大等一系列特征,对当代大学生的价值观有着巨大的负面影响,需要引起高度重视。 本文论述了以下四方面内容: 拜金主义倾向相关理论:拜金主义的概念,拜金主义倾向的产生,拜金主义倾向的影响。 当代大学生拜金主义倾向的主要表现:贪图享乐与金钱至上的人生观;投机取巧的成才观;物质至上的婚恋观;有利可图的交友观;虚荣奢侈的消费观。 当代大学生拜金主义倾向的主要原因及危害:主观原因:奋斗意识薄弱;夸大金钱的作用;个人主义膨胀。客观原因:马列信仰淡化;教育者行为失范;家庭教育“负能量”影响;朋辈间攀比互化;社会负面环境影响;媒体的误导。危害:腐蚀大学生精神世界;冲击大学生理想信念;诱发政治不稳定因素;干扰社会主导价值观念。 大学生拜金主义倾向问题的解决对策:国家:弘扬传统美德,还原开放本义;社会:运用新兴媒体,强化价值导向;学校:注重教师示范和典型示范,实现知行合一。
[Abstract]:The tendency of money worship is one of the most harmful social trends in the process of reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Money worship is a kind of fetishism which advocates the power of money. The tendency of money worship in China mainly shows a series of characteristics, such as rapid development, wide influence, great harmfulness and so on, which has a huge negative impact on the values of contemporary college students, and needs to be paid more attention to. This paper discusses the following four aspects: The related theories of money worship tendency: the concept of money worship, the emergence of money worship tendency, and the influence of money worship tendency. The main manifestations of the tendency of contemporary college students' money worship are: the outlook on life of seeking pleasure and money first; the view of opportunism of becoming a talent; the view of marriage and love with material supremacy; the view of making friends with profit; the view of consumption with vanity and luxury. The main reasons and harm of the tendency of money worship of contemporary college students are: subjective reasons: weak consciousness of struggle; exaggeration of the role of money; expansion of individualism. Objective reasons: dilution of belief in Marxism-Leninism; abnormal behavior of educators; "negative energy" influence of family education; peer-to-peer comparison and interaction; negative social environmental impact; misguided media. Harm: eroding the spiritual world of college students; impacting college students' ideals and beliefs; inducing political instability; interfering with social dominant values. The countermeasures to solve the problem of college students' money worship tendency are as follows: state: carry forward the traditional virtues and restore the original meaning of openness; Society: using the new media to strengthen the value orientation; School: pay attention to teachers' demonstration and typical demonstration to realize the unity of knowledge and practice.


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1 张慧玲;;当代大学生金钱观探析[J];青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2006年03期

2 杨发仁;;自觉抵制拜金主义的思想影响[J];实事求是;2006年04期




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