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发布时间:2018-05-07 10:02

  本文选题:孝文化 + 当代大学生 ; 参考:《延边大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国传统文化源远流长,在漫长的文化历史长河中,中国古人积累了无限的智慧结晶,这些智慧以其特有的魅力和能量影响着一代又一代的中华儿女,丰富着了中华的文化财富,使中华民族以独特的姿态屹立于世界东方。孝,是中华传统伦理的核心观念和特色,也是中华传统伦理体系的始基和诸德之首,不仅如此,从某种意义上来讲,中国文化可以称为孝的文化。在传统文化中,孝道具有民族性,普遍性和发展性,是中国文化的显著特色之一。 当今时代是网络时代,科技飞速发展,物质极大丰富,同时也出现了一些道德滑坡的现象,在这样一个时代大背景下,传承中国传统文化是非常有必要的。特别是中国的孝文化,作为中国传统文化的重要组成部分,已经成为中国人衡量自己的内在准则。传统孝文化的仍然具有重要的现代价值,它可以丰富传统文化的内容、促进家庭的和谐、维护社会的稳定。当代大学生以“90后”为主,他们个性鲜明,社会上的评价褒贬不一。在承认他们主流意识形态积极的同时,我们也不得不承认当代大学生在道德等方面存在着很多问题。缺乏信仰,人生缺少目标,对中国传统文化漠视,对社会前沿漠不关心。很多大学生在孝道方面做得并不好。如果忽略对当代大学生的孝道教育,当他们的父母步入老龄化,以他们目前的状况来看,可能会程度不同地出现对老不敬、对老不孝,对老不养的现象。因此研究当代大学生孝文化教育势在必行。 家庭、学校、社会三方面分别对大学生进行教育和培养,但是在这个过程当中,因为种种过失而造成了大学生孝道意识浅薄,孝道行为缺失。由于家庭的结构变化、家长对孩子不合理的爱;学校单方面重视分数而忽略尊重孩子需求的教育方式;社会上负面的宣传舆论等都是导致大学生孝文化缺失的原因。此外,个体的人格也是其中一个不可忽视的因素,人格在一个人的毕生发展中都是非常重要的,相对应的,人格的形成在家庭、学校、社会中都可以找到影响因素。 本文以孝文化的研究为切入点,针对了当前大学生的特点,结合调查问卷的结果,对孝文化缺失的原因进行了分析,从家庭、学校和社会三方面找出解决方法,同时结合了心理学的理论和观点从完善人格的角度提出解决策略。为大学生德育教育工作提供新思路。 本文共分为四部分,第一部分为绪论,主要写研究的目的、意义以及研究方法和研究的最新动态。第二部分写传统孝文化概述,主要包括传统孝文化的含义、基本内容、现代价值。第三部分分析了当代大学生孝文化教育存在的问题及其形成原因,对其大学生现状采用问卷调查、个别访谈的方法,对当代大学生的孝道实践进行了实证研究,并对当代大学生孝道缺失的原因,分别从家庭、学校、社会、个体自身四个方面进行了分析。第四部分重点写加强当代大学生孝文化教育的对策,重点在于家庭、学校和社会建立三位一体的预防机制,同时还创新性的从人格因素来尝试性的提出了笔者的一些看法。
[Abstract]:Chinese traditional culture has a long history. In the long history of culture and history, the Chinese ancient people have accumulated infinite wisdom. These wisdom, with their unique charm and energy, affects the Chinese children in generation after generation, enriches the Chinese cultural wealth and makes the Chinese nation stand in the east of the world with a unique attitude. Filial piety is the Chinese tradition. The core concept and characteristic of ethics is also the beginning of the Chinese traditional ethical system and the first of all virtues. In a sense, Chinese culture can be called the culture of filial piety. In the traditional culture, filial piety is one of the prominent features of Chinese culture.
Today's era is the network age, the rapid development of science and technology, abundant material, and some moral landslides. Under such a background, it is necessary to inherit Chinese traditional culture. In particular, Chinese filial culture, as an important part of Chinese traditional culture, has become a measure of the Chinese people. The traditional filial piety culture still has an important modern value. It can enrich the content of the traditional culture, promote the harmony of the family and maintain the stability of the society. The contemporary college students are based on the "post-90s", their personality is distinct, and the social evaluation is different. While recognizing the positive ideology of their mainstream ideology, we must not There are many problems in the moral and other aspects of the contemporary college students. Lack of faith, the lack of goals in life, indifference to Chinese traditional culture and indifference to the front of the society. Many college students do not do well in filial piety. If they ignore the filial piety of contemporary college students, their parents are aging and their present status. In the light of the situation, it may be different from the old to the old, the old and the unfilial. It is imperative to study the filial piety education of contemporary college students.
The three aspects of the family, the school and the society are educating and cultivating the college students respectively, but in this process, because of various faults, the college students' filial piety consciousness is shallow and the filial piety is missing. Because of the changes in the family structure, the parents' unreasonable love for the children, and the education in which the school pays attention to the scores and neglects the needs of the children. In addition, the personality of the individual is one of the factors that can not be ignored, and the personality is very important in the life of a person, and the formation of personality can be found in the family, school and society.
This paper, taking the study of filial piety culture as the breakthrough point, aims at the characteristics of the current college students, combined with the results of the questionnaire, analyzes the reasons for the lack of filial piety culture, and finds out the solutions from three aspects of family, school and society. At the same time, it combines the theory and viewpoint of psychology to put forward the solution strategy from the angle of perfect personality. Education provides new ideas.
This article is divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction, which mainly writes the purpose, significance and research methods and the latest developments of the research. The second part writes the traditional filial piety culture, mainly including the meaning, the basic content and the modern value of the traditional filial piety culture. The third part analyses the problems and the formation of the contemporary college students' filial piety education and its formation. The reasons for the present situation of college students are investigated by questionnaire, and the methods of individual interview are used to carry out an empirical study on the practice of filial piety of contemporary college students. The reasons for the lack of filial piety of contemporary college students are analyzed from four aspects of family, school, society and individual themselves. The fourth part emphasizes the strengthening of contemporary college students' filial piety education. The strategy focuses on the establishment of a trinity prevention mechanism in the family, the school and the society. At the same time, the author puts forward some ideas from the personality factors.



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