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发布时间:2018-05-08 13:23

  本文选题:新建本科院校 + 外籍教师 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:新建本科院校逐步成为我国本科教育的重要力量。为了更好地适应教育国际化进程不断推进的大潮,外籍教师逐步成为新建本科高校教师队伍中不可或缺的一部分。当前,新建本科院校发展基础相对薄弱,,对外籍教师绩效管理出现不少问题,影响了外籍教师的工作效能提高。科学合理建立外籍教师绩效管理体系,充分发挥外籍教师积极性、创造性,提高教学效益是新建本科院校面临一个重要课题。 本文以福建省新建本科院校的外籍教师为研究对象,以绩效管理为研究主题,界定绩效管理相关概念,分析新建本科院校外籍教师主要特征有自主性、专业性、自我价值实现愿望强烈等,以及新建本科院校外籍教师管理的人本化管理的特殊性,同时在管理中要注重激励机制的建立。新建本科院校外籍教师绩效管理在一定程度上可以促进高校与外籍教师沟通的需要,为人力资源管理的其他环节提供依据,并有效促进外籍教师的发展,指出当前福建省新建本科院校外籍教师绩效管理存在的不足,主要有对绩效管理的理解存在误区、考核方法不合理、考核目标缺乏科学定位等,运用360度考核法、关键绩效指标等绩效原理和技术,提出外籍教师绩效管理中尊重员工、系统管理、以人为本等基本原则,从绩效管理绩效计划、绩效实施、绩效考核、绩效反馈四个环节着手,提出明确外籍教师绩效考核责任主体、建立有意义的目标、建立以人为本的绩效考核体系、建立目标管理绩效考核机制、建立以评价结果为核心的激励机制、绩效反馈和绩效改进等改进新建本科院校外籍教师绩效管理水平的具体方法策略,希望该研究能为新建本科院校外籍教师的绩效管理起到一定的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:New undergraduate colleges and universities have gradually become an important force in undergraduate education in China. In order to better adapt to the trend of internationalization of education, foreign teachers have gradually become an indispensable part of the teaching staff of new undergraduate colleges and universities. At present, the development foundation of new undergraduate colleges is relatively weak, there are many problems to the performance management of foreign teachers, which affect the improvement of foreign teachers' work efficiency. Establishing a scientific and reasonable performance management system for foreign teachers, giving full play to the enthusiasm, creativity and teaching efficiency of foreign teachers is an important subject facing the newly-built undergraduate colleges and universities. This paper takes the foreign teachers of the newly established undergraduate colleges in Fujian Province as the research object, takes the performance management as the research topic, defines the related concepts of the performance management, and analyzes the main characteristics of the foreign teachers in the newly established undergraduate colleges and universities are autonomy, professionalism, etc. The desire to realize self-value is strong, and the particularity of humanistic management in the management of foreign teachers in newly established colleges and universities, and the establishment of incentive mechanism should be paid attention to in the management at the same time. To a certain extent, the performance management of foreign teachers in newly established colleges and universities can promote the need of communication between colleges and universities, provide the basis for other aspects of human resource management, and effectively promote the development of foreign teachers. This paper points out the shortcomings of the performance management of foreign teachers in the newly-built undergraduate colleges and universities in Fujian Province, such as the misunderstanding of the performance management, the unreasonable assessment methods, the lack of scientific orientation of the assessment objectives, and so on. The 360-degree assessment method is used. Key performance indicators and other performance principles and techniques are put forward in the performance management of foreign teachers such as respect for staff, system management, people-oriented and other basic principles, starting from the performance management performance plan, performance implementation, performance appraisal, performance feedback, etc. It is proposed that the main body of responsibility for foreign teachers' performance appraisal should be defined, the meaningful goal should be established, the people-oriented performance appraisal system should be established, the performance appraisal mechanism of target management should be established, and the incentive mechanism with the evaluation result as the core should be established. Performance feedback and performance improvement and other specific methods and strategies to improve the performance management level of foreign teachers in newly established colleges and universities, it is hoped that this study can play a certain reference role in the performance management of foreign teachers in newly established colleges and universities.


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