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发布时间:2018-05-08 17:59

  本文选题:文化自觉 + 大学生 ; 参考:《信阳师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:所谓“文化自觉”,它是借用费孝通先生的观点,费孝通先生认为生活在一定文化中的人要对自己所处的文化有自知之明。文化自觉的过程是一个漫长而艰巨的过程,人们要认识自己的文化,在认识的过程中,不断自我认识、自我反省和自我重组。在十八大报告中,胡锦涛就指出要树立高度的文化自觉和文化自信。文化自觉是推动社会进步与发展的一种重要的精神力量,有助于我国文化强国战略的实现。 本文以大学生为探究对象,共分四个部分论述了大学生文化自觉的实现。第一章主要介绍了论文的选题背景和意义、研究现状、研究思路和方法以及论文的重难点及创新点。在全球化背景下,各种文化、各国文化的相互碰撞与交织,要求大学生必须有丰厚的文化积淀和高度的明辨是非的能力,事实是,当代大学生文化自觉的程度和水平尚未达到预期,需要我们面对并加以探讨。第二章阐述了文化自觉的内涵。从文化的内涵着手,进而从四个方面阐述文化自觉的含义,并与“非文化自觉”作比较,指出非文化自觉实现不了逻辑的必然性和历史的必然性的统一。此外还从文化自觉的三个构成要素即文化主体、文化客体、文化实践进一步剖析了文化自觉的内涵,进而将大学生这一文化主体紧密联系起来,分析了大学生实现文化自觉的必要性。第三章论述大学生文化自觉的现状。大学生文化自觉现状存在着积极和消极两个方面,从积极方面看,丰富的社团活动、学术活动、文艺活动为大学生文化自觉的实现提供了广阔的空间;从消极方面看,大学生的文化自觉意识不足,对于中国优秀文化了解还不够,缺失文化自信。第四章,论述了大学生文化自觉的实现。大学生文化自觉的现状,要求我们必须大力开展各种各样、丰富多彩的社团活动、学术活动和文艺活动繁荣校园文化,提高大学生的文化自觉意识,大力弘扬中国优秀文化,增强大学生的文化自信,培养大学生积极的人生价值观,促使大学生将文化自觉落实在行动中,让大学生在认识和实践上实现高度的统一,最终实现文化自觉。 作为未来社会和国家的建设者和接班人,大学生文化自觉的实现有着重要的意义,无论是在学习中还是在生活中,大学生都要做到文化自觉。
[Abstract]:The so-called "cultural consciousness" is borrowed from the viewpoint of Mr. Fei Xiaotong, who believes that people living in a certain culture should have self-knowledge of their own culture. The process of cultural awareness is a long and arduous process, people should know their own culture, in the process of understanding, constantly self-knowledge, self-reflection and self-reorganization. In the report, Hu Jintao pointed out to establish a high degree of cultural self-consciousness and cultural self-confidence. Cultural consciousness is an important spiritual force to promote social progress and development. This paper discusses the realization of college students' cultural consciousness in four parts. The first chapter mainly introduces the background and significance of the thesis, the research status, the research ideas and methods, the important difficulties and innovations of the paper. In the context of globalization, the collision and interweaving of various cultures and cultures of various countries require college students to have rich cultural accumulation and a high degree of ability to distinguish right from wrong. The fact is, The degree and level of cultural consciousness of contemporary college students are not up to expectations, which need to be faced and discussed. The second chapter expounds the connotation of cultural consciousness. Starting from the connotation of culture, this paper expounds the meaning of cultural consciousness from four aspects, and compares it with "non-cultural consciousness", and points out that non-cultural consciousness can not realize the unity of logic inevitability and historical inevitability. In addition, the connotation of cultural consciousness is further analyzed from the three elements of cultural consciousness, namely, the subject of culture, the object of culture and the practice of culture, and then the university student is closely connected with the subject of culture. This paper analyzes the necessity of realizing the cultural consciousness of college students. The third chapter discusses the current situation of college students' cultural consciousness. The present situation of college students' cultural consciousness has two aspects: positive aspect, rich community activity, academic activity, literature and art activity, which provides a wide space for the realization of college students' cultural consciousness. The cultural consciousness of college students is not enough, the understanding of Chinese excellent culture is not enough, lack of cultural confidence. The fourth chapter discusses the realization of college students' cultural consciousness. The present situation of college students' cultural consciousness requires us to vigorously carry out various, rich and colorful community activities, academic activities, and literary and artistic activities to flourish campus culture, to enhance college students' awareness of cultural consciousness, and to vigorously promote Chinese excellent culture. To strengthen the cultural self-confidence of college students, to cultivate their positive values of life, to urge them to carry out their cultural consciousness in their actions, to achieve a high degree of unity in their cognition and practice, and finally to realize their cultural consciousness. As the builders and successors of the future society and the country, the realization of college students' cultural consciousness is of great significance, both in learning and in life, college students must achieve cultural awareness.


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2 王文兵;;文化自觉的方法论思考[J];思想战线;2007年02期

3 费孝通;文化自觉的思想来源与现实意义[J];文史哲;2003年03期

4 李宗桂;文化自觉与文化发展[J];中山大学学报(社会科学版);2004年06期

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