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发布时间:2018-05-08 20:26

  本文选题:南非 + 高等教育 ; 参考:《浙江师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育的大众化和私有化过程中,很多国家高等教育面临着财政短缺的问题。各国力图谋求通过高等教育财政改革改变困境,学生贷款作为一种有效的融资方式为许多国家所接受与践行。发展中国家由于社会信用体系不完善、资金相对匮乏,与发达国家相比学生贷款较为困难。南非作为一个发展中国家实施国家学生资助计划并取得成功,具有案例分析的典型性。本文尝试对其有效实施的原因进行探析。 本文首先从历史、社会、经济角度等与高等教育密切相关的因素出发,探讨促使南非实施学生贷款的外部背景与高等教育所面临的境况,得出南非历史上的种族制度造成南非社会及高等教育的二元结构,在南非黑人与白人之间贫富差距严重,而高失业率与高技能人才缺失的矛盾等都显示出南非发展高等教育,实施学生贷款的需要。同时,本文从学生贷款项目本身的利益相关者高校、学生、政府三方出发,分析得出他们支持学生贷款的原因:高校因为财政资金缩减,寻求新的资金来源而支持学生贷款;学生贷款也为那些被高昂学费困扰的学生带来了希望;政府以促进高等教育公平为目标实施学生贷款项目。本文第二部分对南非学生贷款项目的发展及组织结构进行梳理,明确学生贷款项目——国家学生资助计划,是在南非原有的第三级教育基金演变而来的,现由董事会与下属的7个委员会负责管理,高校资助办公室协助运行。在此基础上,在文章第三部分选取南非国家学生资助计划的7个贷款要素进行梳理与分析,包括贷款资金来源、贷款资格对象审核与确定、贷款额度、贷款的发放、贷款利率、贷款与奖学金转化、贷款回收进行。其中,以贷款资金来源、贷款资格对象审核与确定、贷款回收三个关键要素作为着重分析对象,试图从中找出南非学生贷款成功的原因。最后,将南非国家学生资助计划所取得的成果归纳为“获益学生人数的不断增加”、“对高等教育入学产生积极影响”、“促进大学生社会构成多样性”三点。总结出国家学生资助计划实施过程中“稳定的资金来源保障了贷款的延续性”、“有效的成本的控制与资金管理”、“明确的贷款对象利于贷款目标的达成”、“有效的贷款回收”四点经验。本文也指出国家学生资助计划面临着“种族隔离残留产生的另一种不公平”、“贷款发放形式与贷款人数的增加减少了学生贷款数额”、“学生学业完成程度低不利于贷款回收”等不足。 基于以上分析,本文结合我国高校国家助学贷款问题,得出结论南非学生贷款具有典型性,其成功经验主要体现在政府的资金与有效法律支持、学生贷款资格确定标准合理制定、对贷款有效回收积极应对三方面。
[Abstract]:In the process of popularization and privatization of higher education, many countries are facing the problem of financial shortage. Many countries try to change the dilemma through the financial reform of higher education. As an effective financing method, student loans are accepted and practiced by many countries. Because the social credit system is not perfect and the capital is relatively scarce in developing countries, student loans are more difficult than those in developed countries. As a developing country, South Africa has been successful in implementing national student aid programs. This paper attempts to explore the reasons for its effective implementation. Starting from the historical, social, economic and other factors closely related to higher education, this paper discusses the external background of promoting the implementation of student loans in South Africa and the situation faced by higher education. It is concluded that the racial system in the history of South Africa caused the dualistic structure of South African society and higher education, and the gap between the rich and the poor between the black and the white in South Africa is serious, and the contradiction between the high unemployment rate and the lack of highly skilled personnel shows the development of higher education in South Africa. The need to implement student loans. At the same time, this paper analyzes the reasons why they support the student loan from the stakeholders of the student loan project: colleges and universities support student loans because of the reduction of financial funds, seeking for new sources of funds; Student loans also offer hope to students beset by high tuition fees; the government aims to promote equity in higher education through student loan programs. In the second part of this paper, the development and organizational structure of the student loan program in South Africa are reviewed, and it is clear that the student loan program, the National Student Assistance Scheme, has evolved from the original tertiary education fund in South Africa. It is managed by the board of directors and 7 committees. On this basis, in the third part of the article selected seven loan elements of the South African National Student Financial Assistance Scheme to comb and analyze, including the source of loan funds, loan qualification object audit and determination, loan quota, loan issuance, loan interest rate. Loan and scholarship conversion, loan recovery. In order to find out the reasons for the success of student loan in South Africa, this paper focuses on three key elements: the source of loan funds, the examination and determination of loan qualification object, and the loan recovery. Finally, the results of the National Student support Scheme in South Africa are summed up as "increasing number of students benefiting", "positive impact on higher education enrolment" and "promoting diversity of university students' social composition". It is concluded that in the process of implementing the National Student Financial Assistance Scheme, "stable sources of funds ensure the continuity of loans", "effective cost control and fund management", "clear loan targets are conducive to the achievement of loan objectives", "effective loan recovery" four points of experience. The paper also points out that the National Student Financial Assistance Program faces "another kind of inequality resulting from the legacy of apartheid" and that "the increase in loan forms and the number of loans has reduced the amount of student loans." The low degree of students' academic completion is not conducive to loan recovery and so on. Based on the above analysis, this paper combines the problem of national student loan in Chinese universities and draws the conclusion that the student loan in South Africa is typical, and its successful experience is mainly reflected in the government's funds and effective legal support. The standard of student loan qualification is set reasonably, and the three aspects of effective loan recovery are actively dealt with.


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