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发布时间:2018-05-09 02:28

  本文选题:高校社团活动 + 公民意识 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:社团为培养人才提供了独特的资源、能量和动力。社团为有志者提供了优质环境,即共同志向的人际环境、共同爱好的人文环境、共同事业的政治环境。历史上,孙中山先生成立的兴中会,就培养了一大批民族领袖。北京大学的马克思学说研究会等学生社团在推动中国革命的进程中发挥了不可替代的作用。高校学生社团活动是大学生公民意识培育的特殊载体,其所具有的自愿性,自治性等特征有利于大学生公民意识的培养。 研究高校学生社团在培养大学生公民意识方面的作用是我国进一步深化改革,发展社会主义市场经济的需要,是我国构建社会主义和谐社会的需要,也是当代大学生自身发展和培养社会主义合格公民的需要。当前,高校学生社团在培养学生公民意识方面发挥着重要作用,但也存在着诸多急需解决的问题。通过对高校社团活动中大学生公民意识详细的问卷调查和系统分析,总结出大学生公民意识整体状况较为乐观,但发现大学生对高校社团的整体认识不够,对公民概念的理解有失偏颇。同时,高校学生社团管理也不够规范。 在高校社团活动培育大学生公民意识的调查讨论中,从性别分析,高校社团活动中女生的公民意识整体上高于男生;从年级分析,高年级大学生公民意识相对强于低年级;从成长区域分析,农村大学生的公民意识整体上高于城市大学生;在专业比较上,总体上来说,文史科专业大学生公民意识普遍高于理工科大学生。 高校社团活动中大学生公民意识水平不高的原因,首先是由大学生对社团认识不足造成的;其次是社团活动较少,大学生参与度较低;最后是高校社团活动缺乏和谐稳定的内部环境和外部环境。在以上分析的基础上,提出对高校社团活动中大学生公民意识培养的积极对策。第一要重视高校社团在培育大学生公民意识方面发挥的作用;第二要确立高校社团活动宗旨,培养社团成员成长为合格公民;第三要注重高校社团活动主题,开展公民教育专题活动;第四要改进高校社团活动方式,体现民主平等;第五要分类引导高校社团活动,对于不同类型的社团要有针对性的培育大学生公民意识。
[Abstract]:The community provides unique resources, energy and motivation for the cultivation of talents. The community provides a high-quality environment for the aspiring people, that is, the interpersonal environment of common ambition, the humanistic environment of common love, the political environment of common cause. In history, a large number of national leaders were trained by the party set up by Mr. Sun Zhongshan. The Marxist Society of Peking University and other student societies have played an irreplaceable role in promoting the Chinese revolution. College student community activity is a special carrier for the cultivation of college students' civic consciousness, and its voluntary and autonomous characteristics are beneficial to the cultivation of college students' civic consciousness. It is necessary for our country to further deepen the reform and develop the socialist market economy to study the role of college student associations in cultivating the civic consciousness of college students. It is also the need to build a harmonious socialist society in our country. It is also the need for contemporary college students to develop themselves and cultivate qualified socialist citizens. At present, college student associations play an important role in cultivating students' civic consciousness, but there are many problems that need to be solved. Through the detailed questionnaire survey and systematic analysis of college students' civic consciousness in the activities of university mass organizations, it is concluded that the overall situation of college students' civic consciousness is optimistic, but it is found that the overall understanding of college students' civic consciousness is not enough. The understanding of the concept of citizenship is biased. At the same time, college student association management is not standardized. In the investigation and discussion of cultivating college students' civic consciousness in university community activities, from the gender analysis, the civic consciousness of female students is higher than that of male students, and from the grade analysis, the civic consciousness of senior students is relatively stronger than that of lower grade students. From the analysis of growing area, the civic consciousness of rural college students is higher than that of urban college students on the whole; on the whole, the civil consciousness of students majoring in literature and history is higher than that of science and engineering students. The reasons for the low level of college students' civic awareness in the activities of university associations are firstly caused by the lack of understanding of the associations among the college students, and secondly, the low level of participation of the students in the activities of the mass organizations and the low level of participation of the students. Finally, the lack of harmonious and stable internal environment and external environment. On the basis of the above analysis, this paper puts forward some positive countermeasures for the cultivation of college students' civic consciousness. First, it is necessary to attach importance to the role played by university associations in cultivating college students' civic awareness; second, to establish the purpose of university community activities and to train their members to become qualified citizens; third, to pay attention to the theme of university community activities. To carry out civic education activities; fourth, to improve the college community activities to reflect democratic equality; fifthly, to guide the university community activities, for different types of associations should be targeted to cultivate the civic awareness of college students.


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