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发布时间:2018-05-09 09:49

  本文选题:生态学 + 河南省高等教育结构 ; 参考:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育作为一个生态系统,在发展过程中总会与周围环境产生交互关系,其系统内部各个组成部分也一直经历着动态变化的过程。高等教育结构作为高等教育生态系统的组成部分,它的发展变化状况会影响着高等教育的职能与作用。本文基于现有的教育生态学和高等教育结构的研究基础,运用生态学的原理和方法,对河南省高等教育结构状况进行数据搜集和整理,探析河南省高等教育结构中出现的各种问题,并指出问题产生的缘由,进而提出河南省高等教育结构优化调整的对策。 首先,通过查找中国统计年鉴、河南统计年鉴和河南教育年鉴等方式,对河南省高等教育结构做详尽的数据分析,展现出当前河南省高等教育生态结构的现状。 其次,根据当前河南省高等教育结构的基本情况,采用生态学中生态金字塔、生态适应性、生态位、物种群聚四种理论,对河南省高等教育结构进行生态学分析,查找问题。进而从两个方面探寻河南省高等教育结构问题产生的具体原由,一方面是遗传因子和生态位的影响,另一方面是高等教育限制因子和生态环境的影响。 最后,指出河南省高等教育生态结构优化的对策和建议。主要表现在四个方面:整形生态金字塔,追求高等教育层次结构的合理状态;提高生态适应性,使高等教育科类结构同产业结构相适应;走向生态多样化,促进高等教育形式结构多样化发展;实现协同进化,高等教育区域结构要平衡发展,,均衡布局。
[Abstract]:As an ecosystem, higher education always interacts with the surrounding environment in the process of development, and each component of the system has been undergoing dynamic changes. As an integral part of higher education ecosystem, the structure of higher education affects the function and function of higher education. Based on the existing research foundation of educational ecology and higher education structure, this paper collects and arranges the data of the structure of higher education in Henan Province by using the principles and methods of ecology. This paper probes into various problems in the structure of higher education in Henan Province, points out the causes of the problems, and then puts forward the countermeasures for optimizing and adjusting the structure of higher education in Henan Province. First of all, by looking up the Chinese Statistical Yearbook, Henan Statistical Yearbook and Henan Education Yearbook, the author makes a detailed data analysis on the structure of higher education in Henan Province, showing the present situation of the ecological structure of higher education in Henan Province. Secondly, according to the basic situation of the structure of higher education in Henan Province at present, the ecological pyramid, ecological adaptability, niche and species clustering are adopted to analyze the structure of higher education in Henan Province and find out the problems. On the one hand, the influence of genetic factors and niche, on the other hand, the influence of higher education restriction factor and ecological environment. Finally, the countermeasures and suggestions of ecological structure optimization of higher education in Henan Province are pointed out. It mainly shows in four aspects: plastic ecological pyramid, pursue the reasonable state of higher education hierarchy structure, improve ecological adaptability, make higher education subject structure adapt to industrial structure, move towards ecological diversification, To promote the diversified development of the structure of higher education, and to realize co-evolution, the regional structure of higher education should develop in a balanced and balanced manner.


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