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发布时间:2018-05-09 12:41

  本文选题:呼和浩特市 + 大学生 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生就业历来是党和政府高度重视的一个民生问题,随着我国高校教育从精英化教育到大众化教育的转变,大学生就业难问题进一步凸显出来。本文认为,六个因素造成了呼和浩特市大学生就业难:一是政府在政策上宏观调控不够,二是就业创业扶持政策落实不到位,三是信息平台供求信息不对称,四是大学生就业存在区域偏好,造成人才分配不均,五是高校专业培养结构失调,六是项目计划的经费保障不到位。为了促进大学生就业,呼和浩特市出台了多项政策,如拓宽大学生就业渠道等,这些政策一定程度上解决了呼和浩特市大学生就业难问题,但是由于政府宏观调控不力以及就业政策落实不到位等因素,这些措施不能从根本上缓解当前大学生就业难的困境。通过查阅各类文献和问卷调查等方法,提出通过拓宽就业途径,引导大学生基层就业,完善自主创业扶持政策,加大就业政策落实的力度和进一步加强组织领导等措施来调整呼和浩特市促进大学生就业政策,希望能有效解决当前呼和浩特市大学生就业难的问题。 全文共分为五部分,第一部分是引言,论述选题的背景、意义和文献综述,明确研究对象、方法和创新之处;第二部分介绍我国大学生就业政策经历的历史沿革;第三部分结合呼和浩特市大学生就业促进政策实际,研究分析我市目前大学生就业现状、促进大学生就业政策存在的问题及形成的原因;第四部分提出如何进一步完善我市大学生就业促进政策的若干建议;第五部分为结语。
[Abstract]:The employment of college students has always been a livelihood problem attached great importance to by the Party and the government. With the transformation of college education from elite education to popular education, the problem of college students' employment is becoming more and more prominent. This paper holds that six factors cause the employment difficulties of college students in Hohhot: first, the government is not enough in the policy of macro-control; second, the implementation of employment entrepreneurship support policy is not in place; third, the information supply and demand of information platform is asymmetric. Fourth, there is regional preference for college students' employment, which results in uneven distribution of talents. Fifth, the structure of professional training in colleges and universities is out of balance, and the financial guarantee of project planning is not in place. In order to promote the employment of college students, Hohhot has issued a number of policies, such as broadening the employment channels for college students, which to some extent solve the difficult problem of employment for college students in Hohhot. However, due to the lack of government macro-control and employment policy implementation, these measures can not fundamentally alleviate the plight of the current employment difficulties of college students. By consulting all kinds of literature and questionnaire, this paper puts forward that through broadening the employment channels, we should guide the college students to obtain employment at the grass-roots level, and improve the policy of supporting their own entrepreneurship. It is hoped that the implementation of employment policy and the further strengthening of organization and leadership to adjust the employment policy of college students in Hohhot can effectively solve the problem of difficult employment for college students in Hohhot. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, which discusses the background, significance and literature review of the topic, defines the object, method and innovation of the research, the second part introduces the history of employment policy of college students in China. The third part analyzes the current situation of college students' employment in Huhhot, the problems and the reasons for the formation of the policy. The fourth part puts forward some suggestions on how to further improve the employment promotion policy of college students in our city, and the fifth part is the conclusion.


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