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发布时间:2018-05-09 12:26

  本文选题:高校 + 人力资源管理 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当今世界的竞争就是人才的竞争,高校是各种专业人才、高素质人才的汇聚之地,为了争夺高校人才宝库,掌握主动权和制高点,在日趋激励的竞争中抢占先机,高校人力资源管理显得尤为重要。 本文借鉴国内外有关高校人力资源管理的一些成果和素材,仔细探讨高校人力资源管理的发展历程、发挥的作用、显现的特点、当前的现状,剖析当前高校人力资源管理存在的主要问题:人力资源管理观念淡薄、人员资源配置率较低、人力资源管理制度不够规范、绩效考评制度设置不合理、高层次人才流失严重、人才培养力度不够。并从内外因两方面出发,得出新形势下高校人力资源管理的对策:创新高校人力资源管理理念、用战略规划优化人力资源配置、完善高校人力资源管理机制、完善绩效考评体系、建立科学的人才良性循环机制、完善人才全程培育机制,对进一步的优化高校人力资源管理,有效配置高校的人力资源,加大高校人力资源的开发力度,调动广大职工的积极性,促进我国高等教育事业的发展有着积极的作用。
[Abstract]:The competition in the world today is the competition of talents. Colleges and universities are the gathering places for all kinds of professionals and high-quality talents. In order to compete for the talent treasure-house of colleges and universities, to master the initiative and the commanding heights, they can seize the first chance in the increasingly motivated competition. Human resources management in colleges and universities is particularly important. This paper draws lessons from some achievements and materials of human resource management in colleges and universities at home and abroad, and probes into the development course, function, characteristics and current situation of human resources management in colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the main problems existing in the management of human resources in colleges and universities: the concept of human resources management is weak, the allocation rate of human resources is low, the system of human resources management is not standardized, the system of performance evaluation is unreasonable, and the loss of high-level talents is serious. The training of talents is not strong enough. From both internal and external reasons, the countermeasures of human resource management in colleges and universities under the new situation are obtained: innovating the concept of human resources management in colleges and universities, optimizing the allocation of human resources with strategic planning, and perfecting the mechanism of human resources management in colleges and universities. Improve the performance appraisal system, establish the scientific talented person virtuous circle mechanism, consummate the talented person entire course to cultivate the mechanism, to further optimize the university human resource management, the effective disposition university human resources, strengthens the university human resources development dynamics, Mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff and workers, promote the development of higher education in China has a positive role.


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