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发布时间:2018-05-09 16:27

  本文选题:研究生 + 科研能力 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究生教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,研究生教育的质量是当前研究生教育的重点,因此作为研究生教育培养质量重要的衡量指标,研究生的科研能力是高等教育的重中之重。在对研究生培养方面体育院校研究生作为我国体育领域高层次的人才,其科研能力的高低、创新能力的培养,对于推进体育创新研究、普及体育知识、提高全民身心素质、增强国家在体育方面的竞争力都具有重要意义。1999年我国实施研究生扩招以来,我国研究生人数急剧增加,这给高校保证研究生质量问题带来了极大困难,同时使得高校研究生培养质量也遇到很大困难。本文以北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力提高影响因素为研究对象,运用文献资料法、访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法、因子分析法对当前影响北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力提高的因素进行研究,总结分析出哪些是影响北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力的提高的有利因素,哪些是不利因素。结论如下: 1.由因子分析法分析得知影响北京体育大学排球方向科研能力提高的因素主要有以下几方面:导师因子、课程设置因子、学校科研条件因子、导师团队因子、学生整体因子、自身因子六个方面的因子。 2.导师因子是研究生科研能力提高的有利因子,对研究生科研能力的提高起到积极的推动作用。 3.课程设置因子中,科研课程内容宽泛、针对性不强、开设时机不合理;专业方向课和专业基础课内容不够深入、不够系统、是影响北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力提高的不利因素,有待于进一步完善。多位老师授课的授课方式有助于拓宽研究生知识面是影响北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力提高的有利因素。 4.学校科研条件因子中,图书馆资源的丰富和实验室条件的优越是北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力提高的有利因素;科研经费的不足以及学校提供的科研实践的机会少是影响北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力提高的不利影响因素。 5.导师团队认真的科研态度、较强的团结协作意识、较高的科研能力和科研指导能力是北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力提高的优势因素。 6.学生整体因子中,科研氛围不高、科研交流少、团队协作精神不强是北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力提高的劣势因素。 7.学生自身因子中,科研态度不认真、学习主动性不强是科研能力提高的劣势因素,不利于北京体育大学排球方向硕士研究生科研能力的提高。
[Abstract]:Graduate education is an important part of higher education in China. The quality of graduate education is the focus of graduate education. Therefore, as an important measure of the quality of the quality of graduate education, the research ability of graduate students is the most important of higher education. It is of great significance to promote the research of sports innovation, to popularize sports knowledge, to improve the physical and mental quality of the whole people and to enhance the competitiveness of the country in sports. Since the expansion of postgraduate enrollment in China, the number of graduate students in our country has increased dramatically in.1999, which has given insurance to colleges and universities. It is difficult to verify the quality of graduate students. At the same time, the quality of the graduate students in Colleges and universities is also very difficult. This paper studies the influence factors of the research ability of graduate students in the direction of the master's Volleyball in Beijing Sport University, and uses the method of literature, interview, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and factor analysis. The factors of improving the scientific research ability of the postgraduate students in the direction of the volleyball in Beijing Sport University are studied, and which are the favorable factors which affect the improvement of the research ability of the master's graduate students in the direction of Beijing Sport University; and which are the disadvantages.
1. by the analysis of factor analysis, it is found that the factors affecting the improvement of scientific research ability in the direction of Volleyball in Beijing Sport University are mainly in the following aspects: the factors of tutor factor, course setting factor, school scientific research condition factor, tutor team factor, student overall factor and self factor in six aspects.
2. mentor factor is a favorable factor for the improvement of postgraduate's scientific research ability, and plays a positive role in promoting the scientific research ability of postgraduates.
Among the 3. course setting factors, the content of scientific research courses is wide, the pertinence is not strong, the opening time is unreasonable, the content of professional direction and professional basic course is not deep enough and the system is not systematic. It is an unfavorable factor affecting the research ability of the graduate students in the direction of the Beijing Sport University volleyball. It needs to be further perfected. It helps to broaden the knowledge level of graduate students and is beneficial to the improvement of scientific research ability of graduate students in Volleyball direction of Beijing Sport University.
4. among the factors of scientific research conditions, the richness of the library resources and the superiority of the laboratory conditions are the favorable factors for the improvement of the scientific research ability of the postgraduate students in the direction of the Beijing Sport University volleyball; the shortage of scientific research funds and the few opportunities for the scientific research provided by the school are the influence of the research ability of the master's graduate students in the direction of the Beijing Sport University. High adverse impact factors.
5. the conscientious research attitude of the tutor team, the strong sense of solidarity and cooperation, the higher scientific research ability and the ability of scientific research guidance are the dominant factors for the improvement of the scientific research ability of the postgraduate students in the direction of the Beijing Sport University volleyball.
6. among the overall factors of the students, the scientific research atmosphere is not high, the scientific research communication is few, and the teamwork spirit is not strong is the inferiority factor of the improvement of the research ability of the postgraduate students in the direction of the Beijing Sport University volleyball.
7. of the students' own factors, the attitude of scientific research is not serious, and the lack of initiative is a disadvantage factor for the improvement of scientific research ability, which is not conducive to the improvement of the scientific research ability of the postgraduate students in the direction of the volleyball in Beijing Sport University.



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