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发布时间:2018-05-09 21:59

  本文选题:人的全面而自由发展 + 管理哲学 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:一流的大学不仅需要一流的师资,同样需要一流的管理人才。高校管理人员专业化是当今高等教育发展的必然趋势,因而加强高校管理人员专业化建设的研究,对于推动中国高等教育事业的发展,提高高校的管理水平和办学效益无疑有着十分重要的意义。 高校管理人员,作为高校的领导者和管理者,他们一般都有着较高的知识水平和理论素养,但是,我们必须承认每个人的基本素质是有很大差异的,要想成为一个专业的管理人员,就必须要以“专业”的要求来管理,并通过终身管理实践,,习得高校管理的专业知识与技能,来实现管理人员在“专业”上的“全面发展”;在知识经济时代,大学需要的是丰富多彩的创造性思维,这就要求高校在进行管理人员专业化建设时不能把人视为机器、工具,必须把尊重人的个性特点和人格尊严放在重要位置,一切从人出发,以人为本,将发展其创造力作为工作的出发点和落脚点,以最大限度地调动人的积极性、主动性和创造性,也只有这样,才能实现管理人员的“自由而全面的发展”。本文采用文献研究法、比较研究法、实例研究法等研究方法,试从人的全面而自由发展的哲学理念,来对高校管理人员专业化建设进行分析。 目前,中国高校管理人员专业化程度不高,除了体制、机制、意识形态、管理主体不同等原因外,还与不够重视高校管理人员专业化、管理制度不够健全、缺乏培养创造性的环境和政策、办学自主权没有得到真正地落实等有关,当然,管理人员专业化管理理念的普遍缺失也是不可忽视的原因。发达国家高校管理人员专业化程度较高,并积累了许多成功的经验,这为推进中国高校管理人员专业化建设提供了诸多有益的启示。 从实际出发,确立人的全面而自由发展的管理理念,这与高校管理人员专业化建设的自身特点相契合。首先,高校管理人员专业化建设应以人的全面而自由发展为理念;其次,我们要通过制定职业生涯发展规划和建立职业生涯培训体系来构建职业生涯管理体系,以促进管理人员的全面而自由发展;再次,我们要通过建立岗位分类管理制度、职员晋升制度、考核评价制度和绩效薪酬管理制度等职业生涯管理配套制度,来保障管理人员的全面而自由发展。
[Abstract]:First-class universities need not only first-class teachers, but also top-class management talents. The specialization of university administrators is an inevitable trend in the development of higher education today. Therefore, to strengthen the research on the specialization construction of university administrators will promote the development of higher education in China. There is no doubt that it is of great significance to improve the management level and school efficiency of colleges and universities. University administrators, as leaders and administrators of colleges and universities, generally have a high level of knowledge and theoretical literacy. However, we must admit that the basic qualities of each person are very different. In order to become a professional manager, we must manage with the requirement of "specialty", and acquire the professional knowledge and skills of university management through lifelong management practice to realize the "all-round development" of management staff in "specialty"; In the era of knowledge economy, what universities need is rich and colorful creative thinking. Respect for the personality and dignity of the human person must be placed in an important position, all from the perspective of the human person, people-oriented, and the development of his creativity as the starting point and foothold of his work, in order to maximize the motivation, initiative and creativity of human beings, This is the only way to achieve the "free and comprehensive development" of managers. This paper uses the methods of literature research, comparative research and case study, and tries to analyze the professional construction of university administrators from the philosophy of all-round and free development of human beings. At present, the degree of specialization of administrators in Chinese colleges and universities is not high. Apart from the different reasons of system, mechanism, ideology, and main body of management, they also pay less attention to the specialization of administrators in colleges and universities, and the management system is not perfect enough. The lack of environment and policy to cultivate creativity and the lack of autonomy in running a school are related to the fact that the general lack of professional management concept of managers is also the reason why it can not be ignored. The degree of specialization of university administrators in developed countries is high, and a lot of successful experiences have been accumulated, which provides a lot of beneficial enlightenment for promoting the construction of specialization of university administrators in China. From the practical point of view, the establishment of a comprehensive and free development management concept is in accord with the characteristics of the professional construction of university administrators. First of all, the professional construction of university administrators should be based on the concept of all-round and free development of human beings; secondly, we should establish a career management system by making career development plans and establishing a career training system. In order to promote the overall and free development of managers; thirdly, we should establish the post classification management system, staff promotion system, evaluation system and performance pay management system and other career management system, To ensure the overall and free development of managers.


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