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发布时间:2018-05-10 09:28

  本文选题:公立高等学校 + 公立高校教师 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我们知道,高校教师作为高级知识分子,是国家的宝贵财富,是现代化建设和教育事业的中坚力量,是人类科技文化与艺术遗产的继承者和传播者,是新知识新文化的创造者,是教育目标的组织实施者,是高级专门人才的培养者,同时也是学生身心发展的引导者。因此,高校教师对社会主义的文明建设起着广泛而重要的作用,对社会的发展进步、国家和民族的兴衰以及社会主义现代化的进程都有着至关重要的影响力。 随着我国教育体制的不断改革和教师聘任制的全面实行,公立高等学校与教师之间的法律关系变得更加复杂起来,教师为了维护自身权益的纠纷不断升级。同时,2010年7月29日国务院发布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》中提出要“提高教师的地位待遇。要不断改善教师工作、学习和生活条件,吸引优秀人才长期从教、终身从教。依法保证教师平均工资水平不低于或者高于国家公务员的平均工资水平,并逐步提高。”教师合法权益的保护与教师待遇的提高和实现的前提就是必须明确教师法律地位,以法律形式规定其在社会关系中的位置。因此,明确高校教师的法律身份和地位是影响高等教育事业发展和高校人事制度改革的重要因素。 由于教师的法律地位因其所处的法律关系不同而不同。因此,本文是以公立高校教师为研究对象,从教师职业的公务性来界定“高校教师的法律地位”及其存在的问题。文章第一部分指出,高校教师法律地位问题的源起、研究意义、研究方法和思路;第二部分是分析我国高校教师法律地位的现状和存在的问题,以此作为研究的背景;第三部分是从教师聘任制(入口)、职称评定制度(晋升)和教师退休制度(出口)三个制度着手,来探析高校教师在不同法律关系中所享有的权利和应尽的义务以及在三种制度下高校教师法律地位的现状与具体问题;第四部分是针对上文的分析提出教师权益保护的建议以及高校教师法律地位的发展趋势。
[Abstract]:We know that university teachers, as senior intellectuals, are the valuable wealth of the country, the backbone of modernization and education, the successors and disseminators of the cultural and artistic heritage of human science and technology, the creator of the new knowledge and new culture, the organization and implementer of the educational goals, the trainers of the senior specialized talents, and the same As a guide to the development of students' body and mind, college teachers play a broad and important role in the construction of socialist civilization, and have a very important influence on the development and progress of the society, the rise and fall of the nation and the nation and the process of socialist modernization.
With the continuous reform of the educational system and the full implementation of the appointment system of teachers in China, the legal relationship between public institutions of higher learning and teachers has become more complicated, and the disputes between teachers in order to maintain their own rights and interests are constantly escalating. At the same time, the national medium and long-term education reform and development plan issued by the State Council in July 29, 2010 (2010-2020) In order to improve teachers' status and treatment, we should constantly improve teachers' work, study and living conditions, attract outstanding talents for a long time from teaching and lifelong education. Ensure that the average wage level of teachers is not less than or higher than the average wage level of national civil servants, and is gradually improved. "Protection of teachers' legal rights and teachers' treatment and teachers' treatment." The premise of the improvement and realization is to clarify the legal status of teachers and to define their position in social relations in the form of law. Therefore, to clarify the legal status and status of college teachers is an important factor affecting the development of higher education and the reform of the personnel system of colleges and universities.
Because the legal status of the teacher is different from the legal relationship it is in. Therefore, this article is taking the public university teachers as the research object, defining the "legal status of College Teachers" from the public service of the teachers' profession and the existing problems. The first part points out that the origin, significance and research of the legal status of the teachers in Colleges and universities is of significance and research. Methods and ideas; the second part is the analysis of the status and existing problems of the legal status of College Teachers in our country, which is the background of the study. The third part is the three systems of teachers' appointment system (entrance), professional title evaluation system (Jin Sheng) and teacher retirement system (export), to explore the importance of College Teachers in different legal relations. The rights and obligations as well as the present status and specific problems of the legal status of College Teachers under the three systems; the fourth part is the suggestion for the protection of the rights and interests of teachers and the development trend of the legal status of the teachers in Colleges and universities.



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