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发布时间:2018-05-10 15:51

  本文选题:新媒体传播 + 互联网思维 ; 参考:《中国农业教育》2015年06期

[Abstract]:Under the background of media integration, the operation of campus media in Colleges and universities has a tendency of instrumental rationality, that is, the use of technical level, lack of exploration and Research on its propagation law and its essence. The integration of campus media is a form of development, only the technology superimposed on the traditional media, or the parallel operation of traditional media and new media. In order to avoid the surface application of the Internet technology, taking the campus media operation of Nanjing Agricultural University as an example, through an in-depth analysis of the connotation of "Internet thinking", it explores how the "thinking" of "user thinking" "platform thinking" "fusion thinking" and "product thinking" included in the Internet thinking can be obtained in the operation of campus media. In order to promote the integration and innovation of the various campus media platforms, the main body of the university is only surpassing the original media operation logic and communication inertia, making it a whole media based on the Internet thinking.

【作者单位】: 南京农业大学;


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