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发布时间:2018-05-11 00:28

  本文选题:大学生 + 核心学习价值观 ; 参考:《长沙理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:学习价值观是在一定社会历史条件下,学习主体对学习与自身发展需要以及利益关系形成的观点、看法和态度。大学阶段是大学生学习价值观形成的关键时期。大学生的核心学习价值观现状反映出他们的学习价值观取向,,关系到他们的健康成长与发展,与整个社会的进步和发展紧密相连。然而,我国当下的大学生核心价值观表现出多样化、个体性与功利性特点,导致大学生容易滑向功利主义与拜金主义,甚至走向自私自利、极端个人主义境地,而成为“迷惘的一代”,可持续性发展动力不足。当前正值我国大力开展社会主义核心价值体系研究之际,重视大学生核心学习价值观教育研究,具有十分重要的理论意义与实践意义。 根据马克思主义人的全面发展理论,反观我国大学生的核心学习价值观教育,主要存在核心学习价值观教育观念陈旧、教育目标单一、教育内容僵化、教育环境复杂等现实困境。通过采用文献研究法,访谈法,问卷调查法,非介入性研究法,探究当代大学生核心学习价值观特点,提出构建大学生核心学习价值观的教育追求:即强调尊重共性价值更追求个性价值;尊重外在价值更追求内在价值;尊重社会价值跟追求个体价值;尊重短期价值更追求长效价值。坚持立足于马克思主义人的全面发展理论,立足于我国社会主义核心价值体系,立足于我国高校的教育目标,立足于我国大学生的内在追求,尝试提炼我国大学生核心学习价值观的内容与层次。 在此基础上,试图通过更新核心学习价值观教育理念、构建核心学习价值观教育目标、创新核心学习价值观教育路径、优化核心学习价值观教育环境等,形成大学生核心学习价值观教育协调发展的长效机制,探索切实可行的大学生核心学习价值观教育的合理路径。从而引导大学生形成正确核心学习价值观,树立远大的学习理想,激发浓厚的学习兴趣,培养实践能力与创新精神,最终成长为人格健全、全面发展、社会所需的栋梁之才。
[Abstract]:Under certain social and historical conditions, learning values are the viewpoints, views and attitudes of learning subjects to the needs of learning and their own development, as well as to their interests. The university stage is the key period for the formation of college students' learning values. The present situation of college students' core learning values reflects their orientation of learning values, which relates to their healthy growth and development, and is closely related to the progress and development of the whole society. However, the core values of college students in our country are diversified, individualistic and utilitarian, which leads college students to slide to utilitarianism and money worship, even to selfishness and extreme individualism. And become "the lost generation", the motive force of sustainable development is insufficient. At present, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to pay attention to the education of the core learning values of college students at this time when our country is vigorously carrying out the research on the socialist core value system. According to the Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings, the core learning values education of college students in China is mainly characterized by the outmoded concept of core learning values, the single goal of education, and the inflexibility of the contents of education. The educational environment is complex and so on. Through the methods of literature research, interview, questionnaire survey and non-interventional research, this paper explores the characteristics of the core learning values of contemporary college students. The educational pursuit of constructing college students' core learning values is put forward as follows: emphasizing on respecting common values and pursuing individual values, respecting external values and pursuing inner values, respecting social values and pursuing individual values; Respect the short-term value and pursue the long-term value. Adhere to the Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings, based on our socialist core value system, based on the educational objectives of our universities, based on the internal pursuit of Chinese college students, This paper attempts to refine the content and level of the core learning values of college students in China. On this basis, we try to renew the concept of core learning values education, construct the core learning values education goals, innovate the core learning values education path, optimize the core learning values education environment, etc. To form a long-term mechanism for the coordinated development of college students' core learning values education, and to explore a feasible and reasonable path for college students' core learning values education. Therefore, it can guide college students to form correct core learning values, set up lofty learning ideals, stimulate strong interest in learning, cultivate practical ability and innovative spirit, and finally grow into the pillars of sound personality, all-round development and social needs.


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