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发布时间:2018-05-11 09:32

  本文选题:日本 + 研究生 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The evolution of graduate education policy is not only the inevitable reflection of the intensified competition of global talent cultivation, but also the inevitable result of various countries' economic development and the upgrading of industrial structure to upgrade the demand for talents. Whether a country's comprehensive national strength is strong or not, and whether the economy's competitiveness is strong or not, fundamentally reflects the competition of the country's talent strength. Especially in recent decades, from developed countries to developing countries, all of them pay attention to the development of graduate education strategically, and attach importance to the cultivation of senior talents from action. At present, the high-tech industry, especially ITS, the electronic industry is changing with each passing day, and the demand for high-level talents is gradually upgraded. With the popularization of postgraduate education, the number of graduate students has reached a new high, and the demand for high-level talents has naturally increased. Japanese graduate education policy is an indispensable part of the Japanese graduate education system, especially in recent years, Japan's economic and social uncertainty, employment environment instability, has become the focus of Japanese government work. At the same time, Japan's graduate education policy presents certain characteristics, mainly as follows: the government pays more and more attention to graduate education, and the investment in graduate education is unprecedented. Strong implementation of graduate education policy. Based on the policy analysis and the theoretical introduction of policy evolution, this paper makes a steady development of graduate education in Japan from three aspects: the main policy, the value pursuit and the implementation effect. The policy content and evolution of the rapid development stage are combed. Then, taking the first employment of the master's graduate as an example, combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis, the present employment situation, the reason analysis and the corresponding strategies are studied. In order to reveal the effect of the evolution of Japanese graduate education policy from one side, and then, the paper focuses on the characteristics of Japanese graduate education policy evolution, from the diversification of policy subjects and the clarity of policy objectives. The specialization of policy evaluation describes the direction of policy evolution, depicts the characteristics of policy evolution from three aspects: system construction, scale expansion, quality assurance, science and technology policy traction, industry development leading, and so on. Finally, it summarizes the enlightenment of the evolution of Japanese graduate education policy from three aspects. In the process of formulating and implementing graduate education policy in China, attention should be paid to matching the economic, political and cultural policies. Especially in the transition period of social development, corresponding educational policies should be issued to ensure that the reform of postgraduate education conforms to the law of its own development.


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