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发布时间:2018-05-11 22:10

  本文选题:幼师高专院校 + 法制教育 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自从依法治国方略提出以来,我国社会主义法制建设取得了很大成就,法律已经渗透到社会生活的方方面面。党和国家一直非常重视学生法制教育这个问题,法制教育日益成为学校教育的主要内容。 随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,人民生活水平日益提高,人们越来越关注学前教育事业的发展,迫切希望得到高质量的学前教育服务。幼儿教师作为学前教育机构中专门的教育教学人员,他们的奠基性作用显得更为突出,幼儿教师越来越受到全社会的重视。我国的学前教育与幼儿教师教育事业的发展进入关键时期。2010年,国务院先后颁布了《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》(2010-2020年)和《国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见》,为学前教育事业发展提供了难得的历史机遇。近年来,我国幼儿园数量激增,但幼儿教师素质参差不齐,虐童事件频频发生。幼儿教师法律意识淡薄,不仅会损害儿童身心,在一定程度上还会制约学前教育事业的发展,因此对幼师学生进行法制教育就显得尤其重要了。本文的选题出发点也在于此。 本文作者走访了石家庄市10余所幼儿园,与50余位幼儿教师进行了座谈,以4所幼师高专院校的毕业生和在校生为主要研究对象,采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,通过分发调查问卷,收集了大量实际数据,通过分析数据,得出统计结果,挖掘出数据背后潜在的信息。具体采用了文献研究法、问卷调查法、数据分析法和访谈法等研究方法。通过研究,找出目前幼师高专院校学生法制教育工作开展过程中存在的问题,对这些问题进行分析,找出问题出现的原因,探讨如何加强和改进幼师高专院校学生法制教育工作,从而找出一条合理的教育路径。目的在于一是改善幼师高专院校学生法制教育工作,提高学生素质,减少学生犯罪;二是促进学前教育和幼儿教师教育事业的发展;三是丰富幼师高专院校学生法制教育研究理论。 本文从四个部分阐述了幼师高专院校学生法制教育问题。 第一部分,概括性地阐述了法制教育。首先从理论上阐释了“法制”、“法制教育”,对法制教育与法治教育、法学教育进行了概念对比分析。其次从马克思人的全面发展学说、邓小平法制教育理论和科学发展观三个方面阐释了法制教育的指导理论。最后对幼师高专院校学生法制教育的特殊性做了阐述。 第二部分,,作者对4所幼师高专院校的毕业学生和在校学生进行了问卷调查,问卷分为教师问卷和学生问卷两种类型。问卷主要从法律意识、法律知识、法律能力、法律信仰四个方面对教师和学生的法律素养状况进行调查,他们的法律素养状况能够直接反映出法制教育的现状。通过对调查问卷所得数据进行定量与定性分析,分析出了目前幼儿教师的法律素养状况和幼师高专院校学生法制教育现状。 第三部分,根据调查问卷得出的结论,找出幼师高专院校学生法制教育存在的问题主要表现为:一是幼师高专院校学生法制教育缺乏相应的保障机制;二是幼师高专院校学生法制教育课程建设不完善;三是幼师高专院校学生法制教育实效性差。同时深入分析了造成这些问题的成因,包括:社会中不良现象给法制教育造成负面影响;学校的一些错误认识对法制教育带来消极影响;师资力量薄弱制约着法制教育的发展;学生自身原因也影响了法制教育的效果;家庭法制教育滞后影响了法制教育的实效性。 第四部分,针对存在的问题,本部分提出了加强和改进幼师高专院校学生法制教育的具体对策:首先要求学校要转变观念,正确定位;明确目标,完善体系;提高认识,加大投入。其次是要加快法制教育课程建设,包括充实教育内容;改进教育形式;创新教学方法;加强实践教学。再次学校还应该加快校内师资队伍建设和建设一支强有力的校外兼职教师队伍;第四是作为法制教育对象的学生应加强法律素养的自我完善,包括端正学习态度,增加法律知识储备;积极参与法律活动,提高法律能力;树立权利意识,增强法律信仰;最后一点就是多方力量要通力合作,国家应加大治理力度、学校应加大依法治校力度、社区应加大法制宣传教育、家长应转变作风,营造良好的法制教育社会、校园、社区、家庭环境。
[Abstract]:Since the strategy of governing the country by law, the construction of our socialist legal system has made great achievements. The law has penetrated into all aspects of social life. The party and the state have always attached great importance to the problem of the legal education of students, and the legal education has become the main content of the school education.
With the rapid development of our social economy and the increasing living standard of the people, people are paying more and more attention to the development of preschool education, and eager to get high quality preschool education service. As a special education and teaching staff in preschool education institutions, preschool teachers are more prominent, and children teachers are becoming more and more important. The development of preschool education and preschool teachers' Education in China has entered the critical period of.2010. The State Council has promulgated the "national medium and long term education reform and development plan" (2010-2020 years) and the State Council on the current development of preschool education, which provides the development of preschool education. In recent years, the number of kindergartens in our country has increased sharply, but the quality of kindergarten teachers is uneven and the incidents of child abuse occur frequently. The weak legal consciousness of preschool teachers will not only harm the children and mind, but also restrict the development of preschool education to a certain extent. Therefore, it is especially important for the students of young teachers to carry out legal education. This is the starting point of this paper.
In this paper, the author visited more than 10 kindergartens in Shijiazhuang and conducted a discussion with more than 50 preschool teachers, taking the graduates and students of 4 junior high school colleges and universities as the main research object, using quantitative and qualitative research methods to collect large quantities of actual data through the distribution of questionnaires, and to obtain statistical results through the analysis of data. Excavate the potential information behind the data. It adopts the research methods such as literature research, questionnaire, data analysis and interview. Through the research, we find out the existing problems in the process of the legal education of the junior high school students, analyze the problems, find out the reasons for the problems and discuss how to strengthen it. And improve the legal education work of the students of junior high school, so as to find a reasonable way of education. The aim is to improve the legal education of the students in junior high school, improve the quality of students and reduce the crime of students; two, promote the development of preschool education and preschool teachers' education, and the three is to enrich the students of young teachers' colleges and universities. The theory of legal education research.
This article expounds the problem of legal education for students in kindergarten teachers' colleges from four aspects.
The first part is a general exposition of legal education. First, it explains the "legal system", "legal education", and makes a comparative analysis of the concept of legal education, legal education and law education. Secondly, it explains the legal education from the theory of the overall development of Marx, the theory of Deng Xiaoping's legal education and the three aspects of Scientific Outlook on Development. Finally, it expounds the particularity of legal education for students in kindergarten teachers' colleges.
In the second part, the author surveys the graduates and students in 4 teachers' colleges and universities. The questionnaire is divided into two types: the teacher questionnaire and the student questionnaire. The questionnaire mainly investigates the legal literacy of teachers and students from four aspects of legal awareness, legal knowledge, legal ability and legal belief, and their legal literacy. The situation can directly reflect the present situation of legal education. Through the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire, the status of the legal literacy of the present preschool teachers and the status of the legal education of the junior high school students are analyzed.
The third part, according to the conclusion of the questionnaire, find out the main problems in the legal education of the junior high school students: first, the lack of corresponding guarantee mechanism for the legal education of the young teachers' colleges and universities; the two is that the construction of the legal education curriculum for the students of the junior high school students is not perfect; three is the legal education of the students of the preschool teachers' colleges. At the same time, the causes of these problems are analyzed, including the negative effects of bad phenomena in the society on legal education; some misconceptions of the school have negative influence on the legal education; the weakness of the teacher's strength restricts the development of legal education; the students' own reasons also affect the effect of legal education; Family legal education has lagged behind the effectiveness of legal education.
The fourth part, in view of the existing problems, this part puts forward the concrete countermeasures to strengthen and improve the legal education of students in junior high school: first, it requires that the school should change the concept, correct the position, clear the target, improve the system, improve the knowledge and increase the investment. Secondly, we should accelerate the construction of the legal education curriculum, including the content of education; The form of education, the innovative teaching method, and the strengthening of the practical teaching. The second school should also accelerate the construction of the faculty and build a strong team of part-time part-time teachers; fourth, the students as the object of legal education should strengthen the self-improvement of the legal literacy, including the positive learning attitude, and increase the reserve of legal knowledge; It is very important to participate in legal activities, improve legal ability, set up a sense of rights and strengthen legal belief; the last point is that the multi forces should cooperate fully, the state should strengthen the governance, the school should strengthen the rule of rule by law, the community should increase the legal publicity and education, the parents should change the wind, create a good legal education society, campus, community, and family. The environment of the court.



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