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发布时间:2018-05-12 14:27

  本文选题:动物实验 + 伦理学教育 ; 参考:《中国病理生理杂志》2013年10期

[Abstract]:Animal experiment is the main content of medical functional subject especially pathophysiology experiment teaching which is helpful for medical students to deepen their knowledge and understanding improve their operational skills and cultivate scientific thinking. In the process of medical students carrying out animal experiments, it is one of the important teaching goals to run through and strengthen ethics education, and also an important way to cultivate medical ethics for medical students. During the first contact with the students, we will carry out the ethics education of animal experiments, systematically introduce the principles of ethics, the norms of animal protection and the contribution of experimental animals to medical progress and human health. In particular, as early as 1997, our college established a monument to experimental animals engraved with the words "return to nature and save human beings", so as to maintain the fine tradition of protecting experimental animals in our college and to help students establish the idea of being kind to life. In teaching, we actively implement the 3 R principle, that is, the principle of reduction, optimization and substitution. Reduction is to make students familiar with the operation flow, skillfully use instruments, understand the influencing factors of the success or failure of the experiment, reduce the probability of failure and reduce the usage of experimental animals through the multimedia teaching method under the premise of determining the experimental scheme. Optimization is "being kind to living animals and reducing the suffering of death." in teaching, we always instil animal welfare awareness, put an end to the phenomenon of teasing and mistreating animals, and require students to be familiar with experimental techniques to reduce the unnecessary suffering of animals; and to choose euthanasia. Inhuman treatment of animals is prohibited. Substitution is the use of computer virtual experiment technology to replace a part of live animal experiments. The above practice provides a feasible way to improve the teaching effect and solve the ethical problems of animal experiments.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学医学病理生理学教研室;


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