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发布时间:2018-05-13 03:13

  本文选题:焦点解决 + 奇迹提问 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:奇迹提问是焦点解决治疗中最有特色的提问技术之一。与传统原因提问的方向不同,奇迹提问主要通过关注问题已经解决的未来,使当事人从被问题主宰(constraint-saturated)的状态中解脱出来,并据此设定具体治疗目标。以往关于奇迹提问研究主要关注其在治疗中的作用以及治疗师如何使用这项技术以获得更佳效果,而循证研究相对较少。为此,本研究采用WehrGrant(2010)纸笔测验范式,以期探索和验证奇迹提问相关的如下假设:(1)奇迹提问能够激发被试即时积极情绪,并表现出更为积极的心理状态;(2)被试对奇迹提问应答倾向于更多积极表述并能促进其回忆起更多既往较好状态的情境;(3)被试陈述问题的严重程度、持续时间和发生频率与接受奇迹提问所激发出的反应没有关联。 本研究包含了三个子研究,其中: 研究一,69名大一学生被随机分入奇迹提问组(以下称MQ组,N=35)与原因提问组(以下称RQ组,N=34),检验被试接受提问后的情绪体验和积极心理状态。组内比较提示,MQ组被试在接受提问后的自评自我效能感、希望感、积极/消极情绪与之前比较存在显著差异(p.01),对照组差异无显著性(p.05)。组间比较提示,MQ组被试积极/消极情绪和希望感的前后测变化与RQ组相比存在显著差异(p.05)。结果支持假设一,即:奇迹提问能够激发被试即时积极情绪,并表现出更为积极的心理状态。 研究二,59名大一学生被随机分配到MQ组(N=29)与RQ组(N=30),检验被试对奇迹提问的应答倾向及其与被试能够记录下的既往较好状态情境数量的相关关系。结果表明,与对照组比较,MQ组被试应答中使用了更多积极语段(p.01)和更少消极语段(p.01),MQ组被试能够记录下既往较好状态情境的数量与RQ组存在显著差异(p.05),积极语段的数目与被试记录下既往较好状态情境的数量相关具有显著性(p.05)。结果支持假设二,即:奇迹提问能够引导被试更为积极地思考与问题有关的内容,这种积极的应答倾向促进被试回忆起更多关于既往较好状态的情境。 研究三,86名大一至大四学生接受奇迹提问,检验主诉问题的严重程度、持续时间和发生频率与接受应答反应之间的关系。结果提示,,奇迹提问所激发的积极/消极情绪、积极心理状态,在提问前后的变化与被试对问题主观报告的严重程度、持续时间和发生频率相关均无显著性(p.05)。但被试自评积极情绪(p.01)和希望感(p.05)在提问前后的变化与解决问题信心之间相关具有显著性。结果支持了假设三,即:被试陈述问题的严重程度、持续时间和发生频率与接受奇迹提问所激发出的反应之间没有关联。
[Abstract]:Wonder question is one of the most characteristic questioning techniques in focus-solving therapy. Different from the traditional reason question, the miracle question is mainly concerned with the future that the problem has been solved, so that the person concerned can be freed from the state of being constrained by the problem, and set the specific treatment goal accordingly. Previous research on miracle questions focused on its role in treatment and how therapists use the technique to achieve better results, while evidence-based research was relatively rare. Therefore, the present study adopts WehrGrant2010) paper and pen test paradigm to explore the hypothesis that the following hypothesis is relevant to the miracle question: 1) the miracle question can stimulate the participants' immediate positive emotion. The subjects showed a more positive psychological state and a more positive response to a miracle question. The subjects tended to express themselves more positively and to promote their recall of more situations in which they had a better past state. (3) the severity of the subjects' statements was found to be more serious than that of the subjects. Duration and frequency of occurrence were not associated with the response stimulated by a miracle question. This study includes three sub-studies, among which: A total of 69 freshmen were randomly assigned to the Miracle question Group (MQ group) and the reason question Group (RQ group) to test the emotional experience and positive psychological state of the subjects after being asked questions. The results showed that there were significant differences in self-evaluation self-efficacy, sense of hope, positive / negative emotion between the MQ group and the former group (P < 0.01), but there was no significant difference between the control group and the control group. The results showed that there was significant difference in positive / negative emotion and hope between MQ group and RQ group. The results support hypothesis one, that is, miracle questioning can stimulate the participants' immediate positive emotion and show a more positive psychological state. In this study, 59 freshmen were randomly assigned to MQ group (n = 29) and RQ group (n = 30) to test the respondents' tendency to respond to miracle questions and their correlation with the number of previous better state situations recorded by the subjects. The results show that Compared with the control group, there were significant differences in the number of positive segments (p. 01) and negative segments (P. 01) between the MQ group and the RQ group (P. 05), the number of positive speech segments and the number of positive speech segments in the MQ group were significantly different from those in the RQ group. There was a significant correlation between the number of previous good state situations and that of p. 05. The results supported hypothesis two, that is, the miracle question could lead the subjects to think more positively about the content related to the question, and the positive response tendency promoted the subjects to recall more situations about the past better state. In this study, 86 freshmen to senior students were asked miracle questions to test the relationship between the severity of the main complaint problem, duration and frequency of occurrence and the response to the response. The results showed that there was no significant correlation between the positive / negative emotion, the positive psychological state, the changes before and after the question and the severity, duration and frequency of the subjects' subjective report. However, there was a significant correlation between the changes of positive emotion and hope before and after questioning and the confidence in problem-solving. The results support hypothesis three, that is, there is no correlation between the severity, duration and frequency of the subjects' statements and the responses stimulated by the miracle questions.


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