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发布时间:2018-05-13 03:21

  本文选题:就业援助 + 集成整合 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着我国高校的不断扩招,毕业生的总量随之攀升,也引起了我国就业市场结构的变化。社会对于高素质人才的吸纳程度远不及每年高校所培养的大学生的供给量,就业市场供求关系的失衡势必会造成很多就业问题。但是,更为值得深入研究的是,如何在维持相对稳定就业率的前提下,不断提升就业的满意度。这就需要高效的就业援助来对其中可能产生的问题进行梳理和对接,并且在有关就业的各个环节进行相应的帮扶。要结合高校毕业生这一特殊群体的特征,从不同角度分析就业援助体系中存在的矛盾和问题,并建立一个趋近完善的就业援助体系。 就业问题在一定的经济体制下运行,对其应逐渐趋向市场化、集团化的管理,联动的考虑问题发生的根源——教育体系,问题发生的环境——企业文化,问题发生的调控——政府政策,将众多因素放在一个机构内或是体系内分析和研究,特别是每个环节的解决措施和应对方法都不应该是从单一的角度来分析,也就是说一套完整的就业援助体系一定是在过程上融会贯通,在环节上相辅相成、相互影响的立体方案。 本文所研究的就业援助将目标对象锁定在高校毕业生这个特殊群体。高校毕业生受过系统而良好的教育,拥有相对完备的知识结构,虽然相对于其他就业弱势群体而言大学生拥有更宽广的就业渠道,却也存在着很多更加特殊的就业难题,就业的对接度始终不高。就业这个过程性极强的社会问题的应对处理一直面对的一个阻碍就是信息不对接。这里所谈到的信息不对接,不单纯的指代求职应聘方面的信息,还包括政策和实施方面的信息不对接,用人单位所需要的技能和高校专业课程设置的信息不对接,甚至还有个人职业规划与实际任职工作的信息矛盾等。当今是一个信息化集成的时代,信息的低效流通一定会带来许多工作冗余。所以将“一站式”这个概念和就业援助相结合,进行内因和外因的剖析,在各个层次寻求更为有效的方式,对高校毕业生这一群体实施就业援助。 本文对我国高校毕业生的就业援助体系进行了研究,结合我国的实际情况,探讨如何将“一站式”的理念运用到就业援助的各个环节中,并且在我国就业体系的现状中寻找问题的根源。通过对发达国家就业援助相关理论的剖析,从不同角度提出完善我国高校毕业生就业援助体系的相关对策,从而促进各个就业环节更加顺畅,提升就业质量,加强就业后的跟踪,使得我国高校毕业生的就业环境能够逐步稳健的发展。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing enrollment of colleges and universities in our country, the total number of graduates has increased, which has also caused the change of the structure of the employment market in our country. The degree of absorption of high-quality talents in society is far less than the supply of college students trained in colleges and universities every year. The imbalance of supply and demand in the employment market is bound to cause a lot of employment problems. However, it is worth further studying how to improve employment satisfaction on the premise of maintaining a relatively stable employment rate. This requires efficient employment assistance to sort out and connect the problems that may arise, and to help in all aspects of employment. According to the characteristics of this special group of college graduates, the contradictions and problems existing in the employment assistance system should be analyzed from different angles, and a perfect employment assistance system should be established. The employment problem runs under a certain economic system, and it should gradually move towards marketization, collectivization of management, consideration of the root of the problem-the educational system, the environment of the problem-the corporate culture. The regulation and control of the occurrence of the problem-the government policy places many factors in one institution or system for analysis and research, especially the solution and response measures for each link should not be analyzed from a single angle. In other words, a complete employment assistance system must be integrated in the process, complementary in the links, mutual impact of the three-dimensional program. The employment assistance studied in this paper will be targeted at the special group of college graduates. College graduates have received a systematic and good education and have relatively complete knowledge structure. Although college students have wider employment channels than other vulnerable groups, there are still many more special employment problems. The docking degree of employment is not high all the time. Employment, a very strong process of social problems in response to the problem has been faced with a hindrance is the information docking. The information discussed here is not docked, not only refers to the information about job application, but also includes the information on policy and implementation, the skills required by the employer and the information provided by the university professional curriculum. There are even personal career planning and actual job information contradiction. Today is an era of information integration, the inefficient flow of information will bring a lot of redundancy. Therefore, the concept of "one-stop shop" is combined with employment assistance to analyze internal and external causes, and to seek more effective ways to implement employment assistance to this group of college graduates at all levels. This article has carried on the research to our country university graduate employment assistance system, unifies our country's actual situation, discusses how to apply the "one-stop" idea to each link of the employment assistance. And look for the root of the problem in the present situation of our country's employment system. Through the analysis of the relevant theories of employment assistance in developed countries, this paper puts forward the relevant countermeasures to improve the employment assistance system of college graduates from different angles, so as to promote the smoother employment links and improve the employment quality. Strengthening the tracking after employment makes the employment environment of college graduates in our country develop steadily and step by step.


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