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发布时间:2018-05-13 04:40

  本文选题:大学新生 + 入学教育 ; 参考:《河北科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校新生入学教育是帮助新生了解高校教育特点快速融入大学生活的有效环节,也是对大学生进行健全人格和健康心理培养的起点。做好这项工作对于使新生尽快适应大学生活,树立新的人生目标,提高心理素质,培养专业兴趣,强化专业意识,调整好心态,遵守校规校纪有重要意义。而如何实现新生教育的目标,关键在于新生教育的定位、形式、内容等设计的是否科学合理。新生教育的组织应具有系统性、内容应具有针对性、时间应具有持续性。 论文阐述了研究背景,选题意义,国内外研究现状,总结提出了大学新生思想政治教育的概念,,进一步明确了大学新生思想政治教育的目的、原则、方法和内容。随后笔者通过资料搜集、学生调查和走访,在河北科技大学理工学院发放了200份调查问卷,收回有效问卷193份,并对其进行了整理和分析。由此可得,全面、立体地掌握了目前我国高校对刚入学新生的思想政治教育的现状,包括教育成效和存在的问题以及主要成因。提出了构建高校新生教育体系和运行机制的思路,将新生教育工作统筹规划、合理安排;使学校的各方面力量都参与进来;对新生教育工作分模块设计、分阶段实施;完善新生教育体系的运行机制,保证新生教育工作有序开展。总之,大学新生的思想政治教育是整个大学阶段思想政治教育的基础部分,在学生个体社会化的过程中举足轻重的地位,高度重视并认真做好新生教育工作是高校提高高等教育质量的有效途径,对高校的教育管理工作有着很重要的意义。
[Abstract]:The entrance education of college freshmen is an effective link to help freshmen understand the characteristics of college education and integrate into college life quickly. It is also the starting point for the cultivation of sound personality and healthy psychology of college students. It is of great significance for freshmen to adapt to college life, set up new life goals, improve psychological quality, cultivate professional interest, strengthen professional consciousness, adjust their mentality and abide by school rules and regulations as soon as possible. How to realize the goal of freshman education depends on whether the design of orientation, form and content of freshman education is scientific and reasonable. The organization of freshman education should be systematic, the content should be targeted, and the time should be sustainable. This paper expounds the research background, the significance of selecting the topic, the current research situation at home and abroad, summarizes and puts forward the concept of ideological and political education for freshmen, and further clarifies the purpose, principles, methods and contents of ideological and political education for freshmen. Then, through data collection, student investigation and interview, 200 questionnaires were distributed in Hebei University of Science and Technology Institute of Technology, 193 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. From this, we can get a comprehensive, three-dimensional grasp of the current situation of ideological and political education of freshmen in colleges and universities in our country, including the effectiveness of the education, the existing problems and the main causes. This paper puts forward the idea of constructing the education system and operating mechanism of freshmen in colleges and universities, making the freshman education work as a whole and arranging it rationally, making all aspects of the school participate in it, designing the modules of the work of freshmen education, and implementing the work in stages. We will improve the operational mechanism of the freshman education system and ensure that the work of freshmen's education is carried out in an orderly manner. In short, the ideological and political education of freshmen is the basic part of the ideological and political education in the whole university stage, and plays an important role in the process of individual socialization of students. It is an effective way to improve the quality of higher education in colleges and universities to attach great importance to and do a good job of freshmen's education, which is of great significance to the educational management of colleges and universities.


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