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发布时间:2018-05-13 09:18

  本文选题:创新 + 创新人才 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着知识经济和全球化的到来,人才战略日益成为国家进行国际竞争的首要战略,创新人才及其培养问题也就成为了全球化的热点。在现有的学校教育体系下,如何创新人才培养模式?如何使高校不断培养出创新人才?这些都是当代中国高等教育必须回答和解决的理论和实际难题。总体上,从系统论的视角出发,高校培养创新人才的教育工作是一项艰巨而又复杂的系统工程,在培养创新人才的实践过程中,必须考虑培养与成长的结合,制度、机制与环境的结合。本文具体采用反思性、阐释性的研究方法,研究创新人才培养实践的问题。 分析国内外一流大学探索创新人才培养的经验性材料及有关创新人才培养的直接文本资料,在结合现有的研究文献的基础上,从理论上探讨创新人才培养实践及其理论构建。培养创新人才是高校的时代责任和必有的功能,创新人才也有利于高等教育事业的发展,这个关系是高校培养创新人才的逻辑起点;创新人才的培养工作不是加强某个局部的教育工作,而是孕育在大学理念、学校制度、校园文化、课程教学、学校管理和课外活动等学校基本教学活动中的整体性工程;创新人才培养实践,是在一定的创新教育理念指导下,以培养学生的创新素质和创新能力为目标,对培养目标、专业设置、培养方案、培养途径和考核制度等方面进行创新和改革的过程及其“形成性状态”的总和。 从石河子大学人才培养的历史、改革、经验和相关史料中,分析石河子大学培养创新人才的实践探索,抽象并再现其中的创新人才培养实践理论。石河子大学地处我国西北边境,是一所地方性综合大学,选择的创新人才培养可以归纳为基于服务区域经济的“多样化创新人才培养实践”,其特点有多样化的培养理念与目标、多样化的培养过程与手段和多样化的培养途径等,在实践中存在不少教学、课程、制度和环境上的问题。 综合理论探讨和个案研究,本着遵守理论结合实际的原则,从石河子大学的实际情况出发,本研究从培养理念与目标、培养过程与手段和培养途径三个方面,,对提升石河子大学创新人才培养实践水平给出了基本原则、整体设计和具体保障等对策性思考。
[Abstract]:With the advent of knowledge economy and globalization, the talent strategy has become the most important strategy for the country to compete internationally, and the problem of innovative talents and its cultivation has become the hot spot of globalization. Under the existing school education system, how to innovate the talent training mode? How to cultivate innovative talents in colleges and universities? These are theoretical and practical problems that must be answered and solved in contemporary Chinese higher education. In general, from the perspective of system theory, the educational work of cultivating innovative talents in colleges and universities is a difficult and complicated systematic project. In the practice of cultivating innovative talents, we must consider the combination of cultivation and growth, and the system. The combination of mechanism and environment. This paper adopts reflective and explanatory research methods to study the practice of cultivating innovative talents. This paper analyzes the experiential materials and the direct text materials about the cultivation of innovative talents in the first-class universities at home and abroad. On the basis of the existing research literature, the paper theoretically discusses the practice and theoretical construction of the cultivation of innovative talents. It is the responsibility of the times and the necessary function of colleges and universities to cultivate innovative talents, and the innovative talents are also conducive to the development of higher education. This relationship is the logical starting point for colleges and universities to cultivate innovative talents. The cultivation of creative talents is not to strengthen a part of the education work, but in the concept of university, school system, campus culture, curriculum teaching, school management and extracurricular activities in the school basic teaching activities. The practice of cultivating innovative talents is directed by a certain innovative education idea, aiming at cultivating students' innovative quality and ability, and aiming at training the goal, specialty setting and training scheme. The process of innovation and reform and the summation of "formative character state" in the aspects of cultivation approach and examination system. From the history, reform, experience and relevant historical data of talent training in Shihezi University, this paper analyzes the practice and exploration of cultivating innovative talents in Shihezi University, abstracts and reproduces the practical theory of cultivating innovative talents. Shihezi University is located in the northwest border of China and is a local comprehensive university. The selection of innovative talents can be summed up as "diversified innovative talents training practice" based on serving regional economy. There are many problems in teaching, curriculum, system and environment in practice. Based on the principle of following the principle of combining theory with practice and the actual situation of Shihezi University, this study focuses on three aspects: the cultivation idea and goal, the training process and means, and the training way. The basic principles, the overall design and the concrete guarantee are given to improve the practical level of the cultivation of innovative talents in Shihezi University.


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