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发布时间:2018-05-13 10:17

  本文选题:网络 + 高职院校 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:网络的快速发展不仅改变了高职院校学生思想政治教育的信息传播模式,而且也改变了高职院校学生思想政治教育传统的工作习惯和思维方式。网络环境对高职院校学生思想政治教育工作带来的诸多影响,既有正面的,也有负面的。这些影响需要认真加以研究和解决,以不断提高高职院校学生思想政治教育效果。 本文在对高职院校学生调查的基础上,综合运用思想政治教育的环境论、内化与外化论、协调控制论、教育与管理论等理论,系统地研究和探讨了当今高职院校学生思想政治教育工作存在的问题及其原因,提出了应对的有效策略。当前,我国社会处于转型时期,思想观念纷繁复杂,就业竞争压力重重,人才评价有失偏颇,国家投入相对不足,这些因素使得网络环境下的高职院校学生思想政治教育出现了一系列问题,主要表现为管理模式过时、教育理念滞后、教学内容陈旧、教学方法呆板、师资力量薄弱、学生价值取向多元等。因此,,高职院校学生思想政治教育必须采取相应的策略进行调整和改革,要在以下方面做好工作:一是要树立正确的思想政治教育观念。这包括网络环境观念和学生思想政治教育社会化理念。根据高职院校与企业联系比较密切的特点,提出了重塑高职院校思想政治教育工作社会化理念,让合作企业、实训基地等生产实训部门参与到学生思想政治教育中来,通过加强校企思想政治教育的合作来加强高职院校思想政治教育工作。要积极发挥、利用校企合作中的积极因素,避免和克服校企合作中的负面影响;二是要加强学生思想政治教育队伍培养,积极打造网络时代的合格辅导员队伍,不断提高思想政治教师的教育教学能力,努力培养复合型网络教育人才;三是要优化包括网络环境在内的学生思想政治教育环境,加强网络管理,积极开发和利用网络教育资源,注重对学生进行网络道德教育,提高学生的网络信息判断与选择能力;四是要根据网络特点,根据网络变化情况,选择贴近学生的教育方法和措施,从主义到真理、从外在实践到内在修养、从宣讲式到探究式、从政治话语到人本话语,创新思想政治教育的工作方式、教学内容与方法,不断推进高职院校学生思想政治教育工作的开展。 总之,网络环境下高职院校开展学生思想政治教育工作,要善于趋利避害、扬长避短,整合各方资源,创造有利条件,改进工作方法,提高育人水平。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of the network has not only changed the information dissemination mode of the ideological and political education of the students in higher vocational colleges, but also changed the traditional working habits and thinking modes of the ideological and political education of the students in higher vocational colleges. The network environment has both positive and negative effects on the ideological and political education of students in higher vocational colleges. These influences need to be studied and solved in order to improve the effect of ideological and political education. Based on the investigation of the students in higher vocational colleges, this paper makes comprehensive use of the theories of environment, internalization and externalization of ideological and political education, coordination cybernetics, education and management, etc. This paper systematically studies and discusses the existing problems and causes of ideological and political education for students in higher vocational colleges, and puts forward some effective countermeasures. At present, the society of our country is in the period of transition, the ideology is complicated, the pressure of employment competition is heavy, the evaluation of talents is biased, and the national investment is relatively insufficient. These factors make the ideological and political education of higher vocational college students appear a series of problems under the network environment, which mainly show that the management mode is out of date, the educational idea lags behind, the teaching content is outmoded, the teaching method is rigid, and the teaching staff is weak. The value orientation of students is diverse and so on. Therefore, the ideological and political education of students in higher vocational colleges must adopt corresponding strategies to adjust and reform, and do a good job in the following aspects: first, it is necessary to establish a correct concept of ideological and political education. This includes the concept of network environment and socialization of students' ideological and political education. According to the characteristics of the close relationship between higher vocational colleges and enterprises, this paper puts forward the idea of reinventing the socialization of ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges, so that the production and training departments such as cooperative enterprises and training bases can participate in the ideological and political education of students. To strengthen the ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges through strengthening the cooperation of ideological and political education in colleges and enterprises. We should make full use of the positive factors in the cooperation between schools and enterprises, avoid and overcome the negative effects of the cooperation between schools and enterprises; second, we should strengthen the cultivation of students' ideological and political education teams and actively build up qualified counsellors in the network age. We should constantly improve the ability of ideological and political teachers in education and teaching, strive to cultivate compound network education talents, and third, optimize the ideological and political education environment for students, including the network environment, and strengthen the network management. To actively develop and utilize network education resources, pay attention to carrying out network moral education to students, improve students' ability to judge and choose network information; fourth, according to the characteristics of the network, according to the changes of the network, To choose educational methods and measures close to students, from doctrine to truth, from external practice to inner cultivation, from propaganda to inquiry, from political discourse to humanism, and to innovate the working methods, teaching contents and methods of ideological and political education. Promote the development of ideological and political education for students in higher vocational colleges. In short, in order to carry out the ideological and political education of students in the network environment, higher vocational colleges should be good at seeking advantages, avoiding disadvantages, taking advantage of advantages and avoiding disadvantages, integrating all kinds of resources, creating favorable conditions, improving working methods and raising the level of education.


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