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发布时间:2018-05-13 18:33

  本文选题:儒家文化 + 大学生 ; 参考:《安徽农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生道德教育是当前道德教育工作中的重要课题,大学生的道德水平直接关系到整个社会的道德水准,在当前强调社会主义核心价值观的背景下,引入儒家文化中的优秀成分改善大学生道德教育显得尤为必要。儒家文化以仁义为主要内容,以道德性为主要特征。儒家文化是我国传统文化的重要代表,其中的道德相关内容是我国人民性格形成中的重要部分,成为中国人的道德基础。在当前的大学生道德教育中应当引入儒家文化的经典内容,改善大学生道德教育,提高大学生道德水平。为全面建成小康社会和实现中国梦培养优秀健全的接班人。儒家文化还提供了有效的道德教育方法,至今仍有重要的借鉴意义。 儒家文化是中国人性格品质的形成基础,是我国所有大学生共同的道德根基。儒家文化不仅为大学生道德教育提供了仁爱孝悌的道德内容,也提供知行合一等有效的教育方法,,还给出了君子丈夫之类的道德典型,对大学生道德教育有重大价值。儒家文化形成于封建社会,本身所包含的的内容具有先进落后双重属性,应当审慎辨别,合理使用。本文分为五个部分对论题进行了阐述: 第一部分为绪论,主要讲述了论题的研究价值背景及现状,本文采用的论证方法等内容。拟用的研究方法主要有文献分析法,价值分析法和访谈法等。 第二部分是对本文涉及的几个概念进行阐释,道德、道德教育的内涵分析,儒家文化的内涵和特点,解释了儒家文化的道德性内涵和先进性与落后性并存的特征。 第三部分论述的是儒家文化对大学生道德教育的价值。其价值体现在三个方面,一是为大学生道德教育提供了丰富的教育资源,二是为大学生道德教育提供了有效的教育方法,三是指出了道德教育的目标。合理地吸收其优秀内容,利用其多样化的方法,对大学生道德教育有重要意义。 第四部分讨论了当前大学生道德教育中儒家文化缺失的现状和原因。儒家文化对大学生道德教育有着重要的意义,当时它的价值长期得不到展现,是因为目前的大学生道德教育中儒家文化处于严重的缺失状态,大学生对儒家文化知之甚少,理解不深,行为习惯与儒家规范相去甚远。学校教育中缺少相关的内容,重视文化知识而轻视道德培养。造成这一现状的原因是:市场经济大潮对儒家文化道德观念的冲击;文化交流中外来文化对我国的攻击和渗透;网络文化中不良信息和网络文化的娱乐性消解性对传统道德构成的威胁。 第五部分着重讨论了大学生道德教育中如何有效应用儒家文化的原则和对策。儒家文化的双重性要求我们在继承其优秀内涵的时候,批判它的落后和不足。时代的变迁,儒家文化在大学生道德教育中应采用灵活适度的原则开展,以适应大学生的成长规律和道德教育的内在要求。我们在大学生道德教育中还应对儒家文化进行创新发展,对儒家文化部分内容进行新的诠释,适合大学生学习。具体操作过程中,要将家庭学校的合作教育,大学校园文化建设和大学生道德教育的教材编写、制度保障结合起来,共同建立儒家文化在大学生道德教育中发挥作用的长效机制。
[Abstract]:The moral education of college students is an important subject in the present work of moral education. The moral level of college students is directly related to the moral standard of the whole society. In the background of emphasizing the socialist core values, it is particularly necessary to introduce the excellent elements in the Confucian culture to improve the moral education of college students. The Confucian culture is based on benevolence and righteousness. The main characteristic of the content is moral. The Confucian culture is an important representative of Chinese traditional culture. The moral related content is an important part of the formation of Chinese people's character and the moral foundation of the Chinese people. In the current moral education of college students, the classical content of the Confucian literary culture should be introduced to improve the moral education of the college students. In order to build a well-off society in an all-round way and achieve a perfect successor for the realization of the Chinese dream, the Confucian culture also provides an effective moral education method, which still has important reference significance.
Confucian culture is the basis for the formation of Chinese character quality and the common moral foundation of all college students in China. Confucian culture not only provides moral content of benevolence and filial piety for college students' moral education, but also provides effective educational methods such as knowing the Union and other effective ways, giving the moral typical of the gentleman husband and so on, which is heavy on the moral education of college students. The Confucian culture is formed in the feudal society. The contents of the feudal society have the dual attributes of advanced backwardness, which should be carefully identified and used. This article is divided into five parts.
The first part is the introduction, which mainly deals with the background and status of the research value of the topic, the method of argumentation adopted in this paper and so on. The main methods to be used are literature analysis, value analysis and interview.
The second part is to explain the concepts involved in this article, the connotation analysis of morality and moral education, the connotation and characteristics of the Confucian culture, and explain the coexistence of the moral connotation of the Confucian culture and the coexistence of the advanced nature and the backwardness.
The third part discusses the value of Confucian culture to the moral education of college students. Its value is embodied in three aspects, one is to provide a rich educational resource for the moral education of college students, the two is to provide an effective education method for the moral education of college students, and the three is to point out the goal of moral education. Its diversified methods are of great significance to moral education for college students.
The fourth part discusses the present situation and reasons of the lack of Confucian culture in the current moral education of college students. The Confucian culture has an important significance to the moral education of college students. At that time, the value of the Confucian culture was not displayed for a long time. It was because of the strict lack of Confucian culture in the current moral education of college students and the knowledge of the Confucian culture by college students. Little, not deep understanding, the behavior habits are far from the Confucian norms. The lack of relevant content in school education, the emphasis on cultural knowledge and moral cultivation. The cause of this situation is: the impact of the tide of market economy on the Confucian cultural and moral concepts; the attack and infiltration of foreign culture to our country in cultural exchange; network culture. Bad information and the entertainment dissipation of Internet culture pose a threat to traditional morality.
The fifth part emphatically discusses the principles and Countermeasures of how to effectively apply the Confucian culture in the moral education of college students. The dual nature of the Confucian culture requires that when we inherit its excellent connotation, we should criticize its backwardness and insufficiency. The change of the times, the Confucian culture should adopt flexible and moderate principles to adapt to the moral education of college students, so as to adapt to it. The law of College Students' growth and the inherent requirement of moral education. In the moral education of college students, we should also carry out the innovation and development of the Confucian culture, make a new interpretation of the content of the Confucian culture and fit for the study of college students. In the specific operation process, the cooperation and education of family schools, the construction of campus culture and the moral education of college students should be carried out in the specific operation process. With the compilation of teaching materials and system guarantee, we should establish a long-term mechanism for Confucian culture to play a role in moral education of college students.



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