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发布时间:2018-05-13 23:25

  本文选题:安徽大学 + 社会服务 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育经历了从最初单一的教学功能发展到科学研究功能,再发展到社会服务功能的过程,高等学校服务经济社会发展已经成为当代大学发展的一个基本规律。当今时代,新的科学技术革命促进了以知识的生产、传播、创造和应用为基础的知识经济的形成,知识成为经济发展的决定性因素,大学的综合实力竞争也集中表现为其社会经济服务功能的发挥。地方高校作为我国高等教育的主体部分,应该如何更好地融入地方、服务地方经济社会,已成为地方高校关注的热点和重点问题。 地方经济社会的发展离不开地方大学人才、技术等方面的支持,同样,地方大学的发展也离不开地方政府的扶持,以及地方经济的发展。安徽大学是安徽省属“211工程”大学,是安徽省具有极大影响力的高校之一,安徽大学教育事业的发展能够推动地方经济社会的发展。安徽大学为地方经济社会发展提供所需要的高素质劳动力,安徽大学是地方技术创新的主力军,也是地方软环境建设的重要力量。地方经济社会的发展也为安徽大学的发展提供了物质基础的同时,地方经济的发展水平又制约着安徽大学发展的规模、速度和结构。想要处理好二者之间的关系,协同创新则是高校服务地方经济社会发展的必然选择。 安徽大学推进社会服务的过程中存在着很多制约因素,如国家宏观政策方面,地方政府以及地方企业方面,同时安徽大学自身也存着一些问题,主要表现在:人才培养方面、学科建设方面、自然科学研究方面以及服务机制方面。想要更好地促进安徽大学服务地方经济社会发展,必须从改善外部环境以及提高安徽大学自身服务能力两方面结合进行。在国家宏观政策上,应当完善相关的国家法律法规,落实地方高校的办学自主权,并为地方高校制定专门的评估标准。地方政府应加大对安徽大学的政策支持和资金投入力度,建设“安大智库”品牌并且主动地引导、协调、促进校企之间的合作。地方企业需要转变思想、着眼长远合作,与安徽大学依托各自优势加强产学研联合。同时还要增强安徽大学自身服务能力,首先需要树立正确的服务观,其次要完善服务机制,除此之外还应当优化专业结构并积极加快科技成果的转化。
[Abstract]:Higher education has experienced the process of developing from a single teaching function to a scientific research function and then to a social service function. The economic and social development of colleges and universities has become a basic law of the development of contemporary universities. Today, the new scientific and technological revolution has promoted the formation of a knowledge-based economy based on the production, dissemination, creation and application of knowledge, which has become a decisive factor in economic development. The competition of university's comprehensive strength also focuses on the exertion of its social and economic service function. As the main part of higher education in our country, how to better integrate into the local and serve the local economy and society has become a hot spot and key issue of local colleges and universities. The development of local economy and society can not be separated from the support of talents and technology of local universities. Similarly, the development of local universities can not be separated from the support of local governments and the development of local economy. Anhui University is a "211 project" university in Anhui province, and it is one of the most influential universities in Anhui Province. The development of Anhui University education can promote the development of local economy and society. Anhui University provides high quality labor force for the development of local economy and society. Anhui University is the main force of local technological innovation and the important force of local soft environment construction. The development of local economy and society also provides the material basis for the development of Anhui University, at the same time, the development level of local economy restricts the scale, speed and structure of the development of Anhui University. To deal with the relationship between the two, collaborative innovation is the inevitable choice for colleges and universities to serve the local economic and social development. There are many restrictive factors in the process of promoting social service in Anhui University, such as national macro policy, local government and local enterprises. At the same time, there are some problems in Anhui University itself. Discipline construction, natural science research and service mechanism. In order to better promote Anhui University to serve the local economic and social development, it is necessary to improve the external environment and improve the service ability of Anhui University. In the national macro policy, we should perfect the relevant national laws and regulations, implement the autonomy of the local colleges and universities, and formulate special evaluation standards for the local colleges and universities. The local government should increase the policy support and capital investment to Anhui University, build the brand of "Anda think tank" and actively guide, coordinate and promote the cooperation between universities and enterprises. Local enterprises need to change their thinking, focus on long-term cooperation, and Anhui University rely on their respective advantages to strengthen the combination of production, learning and research. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the service ability of Anhui University. Firstly, it is necessary to set up a correct view of service, secondly, to perfect the service mechanism. In addition, we should optimize the professional structure and actively speed up the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.


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1 李达轩;论地方中心城市高校的建设和发展[D];华中科技大学;2004年

2 叶們;地方高校定位研究[D];华中科技大学;2005年

3 和飞;地方大学办学理念研究[D];华中科技大学;2005年




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