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发布时间:2018-05-13 23:28

  本文选题:农林领域 + 拔尖创新人才 ; 参考:《华中农业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Talent is the key resource of national competition now and in the future. As the key area of our country's strategic development, the demand for professional talents, especially the top innovative talents, is increasingly urgent. However, in reality, some problems in undergraduate talent training in agricultural and forestry colleges and universities in our country have resulted in the shortage of reserve resources for top-notch innovative talents in this field and the obstacles encountered in the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents. Therefore, it is more beneficial to the growth of outstanding talents in the field of agriculture and forestry to sum up the growth rules of top innovative talents and apply the operational experience to the cultivation of undergraduate talents. Based on the above research background, on the basis of the domestic and foreign relevant literature and materials as the theoretical guidance, this paper firstly defines the four aspects of agriculture and forestry field, the top innovative talents, the growth law and the undergraduate education reform. The top innovative talents are defined as high level, small quantity, high comprehensive quality, innovative spirit and ability, they are the leading figures in the field of industry, they have a strong sense of responsibility, they can lead the team for the social development, and the country is rich and strong. Human progress has made great contributions, with domestic and even international influence of the leader. It is concluded that their growth law has certain commonness and universality, which has a strong guiding significance for the cultivation of undergraduate talents. Secondly, in order to clarify the basic characteristics of top-notch innovative talents, this paper studies the growth process of 40 national academicians in the field of agriculture, and summarizes the main internal and external factors, namely, family environmental factors, educational background factors. There are six categories of environmental factors, age factors, intelligence factors and non-intelligence factors. Based on this, the author reveals the growth law of four kinds of outstanding innovative talents, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions for the later undergraduate talents cultivation and reform. Thirdly, this paper takes Huannong Agricultural University as an example to investigate the present situation of cultivating undergraduate students in agriculture and forestry by questionnaire, and finds out that there are too strict teaching management, insufficient individualized management and low acceptance of students' life management. Subject and curriculum arrangement is unreasonable, teaching method is not flexible and so on. This study holds that students' professional choice is greatly influenced by family environment and interest is an important factor affecting the development direction of talents. At present, the development course and law of innovative talents in the field of agriculture and forestry will become an important reference to solve the problem of talent training. In order to further reflect on the problems in the process of undergraduate talents training in agricultural and forestry universities in China, this paper compares the characteristics of undergraduate talents training in the fields of agriculture and forestry in famous American universities, such as Cornell University, Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois, etc. The practical experience of talent training is summarized in the aspects of student service, curriculum system construction, teaching methods and so on, which provides reference for the reform of undergraduate talents training in agriculture and forestry field in China. Finally, from the educational administrative department, teachers of higher agricultural and forestry colleges and students of higher agricultural and forestry colleges, the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the reform of undergraduate education in the field of agriculture and forestry and the cultivation of top-notch and innovative talents in China.


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