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发布时间:2018-05-14 07:15

  本文选题:三段模式 + 实验班模式 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学通识教育兴起于美国。我国现代大学建立之初就实践了通识教育,20世纪90年代中国大学开始将其本土化为“大学生文化素质教育”。由于制度和认识方面的差距,目前我国通识教育实践存在许多有待研究的问题,其中大学通识教育实践的研究是相对比较重要的问题。 大学通识教育实践研究,主要是关于大学“如何推进通识教育”的研究。美国大学推进通识教育的两大武器是“选修制”和“精英领导”,启示我们:以选修制为核心的制度改革和高校领袖的推动是开展通识教育的“左膀右臂”。日本大学推进通识教育的路径是:美国主导到高校自主。从被动接收到主动吸收,日本大学树立了将通识教育本土化的成功范例。 我国现阶段大学推行通识教育的方式暂时可归为四类:三段模式、实验班模式、“本科生院”模式和书院模式。其中,三段模式,以“开设选修课、课程整体规划、人才培养模式改革”如此逐步开展通识教育为特征,此种模式适用范围广,但受制于学年学分制及其相关管理体制的影响,很难整合全校力量推进通识教育。实验班模式,顾名思义以独立建制的实验班为载体推进通识教育,缺点是容易陷入“精英教育”,并且实验班与普通院系的衔接也是个考验。“本科生院”模式,特点是设立本科生院,统一全体本科生的通识教育,改革力度大,但此种模式易导致通识教育与专业教育相隔离,也面临着“核心课程”建设难度大的困境。书院模式,以学生社区为载体推进通识教育,是对我国大学传统学生管理体制的创新,也给我国大学传统管理体制带来了冲击。 上述四类模式都存在优缺点,同时又受到很多客观条件的制约。针对我国大学通识教育实践存在的共性问题,并结合美国和日本大学推行通识教育的经验和教训,笔者认为在我国推进通识教育必须把握好三个关键环节,分别是:构建通识教育核心课程体系、以建立选课制为重点推进学分制改革、构建通识教育与专业教育相融合的教学模式。
[Abstract]:College general education emerged in the United States. At the beginning of the establishment of modern universities in China, general education has been practiced. In the 1990s, Chinese universities began to turn it into "cultural quality education for college students". Because of the gap between system and cognition, there are many problems to be studied in the practice of general education in our country at present, among which, the research on the practice of general education in universities is relatively important. The practical research of general education in universities is mainly about how to promote general education. The two major weapons used by American universities to promote general education are "elective system" and "elite leadership", which enlightens us: the system reform with elective system as the core and the promotion of university leaders are the "right arm" of general education. The path of Japanese universities to promote general education is: the United States dominates to the autonomy of colleges and universities. From passive reception to active absorption, Japanese universities have set a successful example of localization of general education. At the present stage, the general education in universities in China can be classified into four categories: the three-paragraph model, the experimental class model, the "undergraduate college" model and the college model. Among them, the three-stage model is characterized by the gradual development of general education, such as "opening elective courses, overall course planning and the reform of personnel training mode". This model has a wide scope of application, but is subject to the influence of the academic year credit system and its related management system. It is difficult to integrate the strength of the whole school to promote general education. The model of experimental class, as its name implies, takes the independent experimental class as the carrier to promote general education, but its shortcoming is that it is easy to fall into "elite education", and the connection between the experimental class and the general college is also a test. The mode of "undergraduate college" is characterized by the establishment of undergraduate college, unifying the general education of all undergraduate students, and the great reform, but this model can easily lead to the isolation of general education from professional education. It also faces the dilemma of the construction of the core curriculum. The college model, with the student community as the carrier to promote general education, is the innovation of the traditional university student management system in our country, and it also brings the impact to the traditional university management system of our country. The above four kinds of models have their advantages and disadvantages, and are restricted by many objective conditions at the same time. In view of the common problems existing in the practice of general education in universities of our country and the experience and lessons of carrying out general education in American and Japanese universities, the author thinks that it is necessary to grasp three key links in promoting general education in our country. They are: constructing the core curriculum system of general education, promoting the credit system reform with the emphasis on establishing the elective course system, and constructing the teaching mode of combining general education with professional education.


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