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发布时间:2018-05-15 06:05

  本文选题:大学校园文化 + 地域文化 ; 参考:《赣南师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:“大学是传承、创造先进文化的中心,是一个国家的文化高地。大学文化对于社会文化具有重要的辐射、引领作用,具有不可替代的基础性、标志性意义。因此,推动实现大学的文化自觉和文化自信,促进大学文化的繁荣发展,是贯彻落实十七届六中全会精神,建设社会主义文化强国的重要内容,是历史赋予大学的神圣使命。”基于文化强国的视域下,文章从大学校园文化的视角探寻大学校园文化与地域文化和谐互动的规律,以期为大学校园文化研究与建设提供些许理论与实践参考意义,为提升大学的文化自觉和增强大学的文化自信,构建和谐文化而努力。全文共五大部分,引言部分主要是分析了选题缘由,,树立起一种问题意识,并对概念进行界定以及回顾了相关课题的学术史;第二部分是对大学校园文化与地域文化和谐互动研究基础的辩证思考,从而找出二者的契合点为二者和谐互动提供理论指导;第三部分主要从物质文化是出发点、制度文化是着眼点等五个方面探讨了大学校园文化与地域文化和谐互动的形态;同时,从四个方面论述了大学校园文化与地域文化和谐互动的意义。大学校园文化与地域文化和谐互动是一种理性的选择,有利于提升大学的文化自觉;是一种姿态,有利于增强大学的文化自信;是一种规律,有利于构建和谐文化;是一种归宿,有利于实现人的全面发展。第四部分围绕大学校园文化与地域文化和谐互动过程中要坚持的原则和应正确处理的关系展开论述;最后,从前提、基础、核心等六个维度对大学校园文化与地域文化和谐互动的路径进行构想。 本研究课题以社会互动理论为切入点,坚持用马克思主义立场、观点和方法,提出问题、分析问题和解决问题。主要采用以下方法:其一,采用分析与综合法。在分析大学校园文化与地域文化何以能、何以要和谐互动后,归纳综合出二者和谐互动的原则及应注意的问题,并得出方法。其二,文献资料法。在整理分析文献资料基础上,探索大学校园文化研究的趋向以期填补不足;其三,多学科结合法。在社会学语境下,以文化学、文化社会学和教育学相结合的方法,探寻大学校园文化与地域文化和谐互动的规律。 本研究课题可能的创新点:一,研究语境的创新。“文化强国”战略背景下探寻大学文化的文化功能;二,研究内容的创新。针对当前“象牙塔”内和塔外存在的文化价值观的偏差,试图从大学文化与地域文化互动上解决实际问题。三,研究方法的创新。借鉴文化学以及社会学的理论,采用多学科结合等方法尝试对大学文化进行哲学的思考。
[Abstract]:"University is the center of inheritance and creation of advanced culture, and the cultural highland of a country. The university culture has the important radiation, the leading function to the social culture, has the irreplaceable foundation, the iconic significance. Therefore, it is an important content of carrying out the spirit of the sixth Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee to promote the realization of the cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence of universities and the prosperity and development of university culture, as well as the sacred mission entrusted to universities by history. " From the perspective of cultural power, this paper explores the harmonious interaction between campus culture and regional culture from the perspective of university campus culture, in order to provide some theoretical and practical reference significance for the research and construction of university campus culture. In order to promote the university's cultural consciousness and enhance the university's cultural confidence, build a harmonious culture. The introduction mainly analyzes the reason of choosing the topic, sets up a kind of problem consciousness, defines the concept and reviews the academic history of the related subject. The second part is the dialectical reflection on the research foundation of harmonious interaction between campus culture and regional culture, so as to find out the joint point of the two to provide theoretical guidance for their harmonious interaction; the third part is mainly from the material culture is the starting point. This paper discusses the harmonious interaction between campus culture and regional culture from five aspects, such as institutional culture, and discusses the significance of harmonious interaction between campus culture and regional culture from four aspects. The harmonious interaction between campus culture and regional culture is a rational choice, which is conducive to promoting the cultural consciousness of the university, is a posture, is conducive to strengthening the cultural self-confidence of the university, is a law, is conducive to the construction of a harmonious culture. Is a kind of home, is advantageous to realize the person's all-round development. The fourth part discusses the principles to be adhered to and the relationship that should be handled correctly in the process of harmonious interaction between campus culture and regional culture. The core and other six dimensions conceive the path of harmonious interaction between campus culture and regional culture. Based on the theory of social interaction, this thesis insists on the Marxist position, viewpoint and method, puts forward problems, analyzes problems and solves them. The main methods are as follows: firstly, the method of analysis and synthesis is adopted. After analyzing how college campus culture and regional culture can and how to interact harmoniously, this paper summarizes the principles of harmonious interaction between them and the problems that should be paid attention to, and puts forward some methods. Second, literature method. Based on the analysis of the literature, this paper explores the trend of the research on campus culture in order to fill in the deficiency; third, the method of multi-disciplinary combination. In the context of sociology, this paper explores the law of harmonious interaction between campus culture and regional culture by means of the combination of culturology, cultural sociology and pedagogy. The possible innovations of this study are as follows: first, the innovation of context. Under the strategic background of "strong country of Culture", it explores the cultural function of university culture; second, the innovation of research contents. In view of the deviation of cultural values existing in and outside the ivory tower, this paper attempts to solve the practical problems from the interaction between university culture and regional culture. Third, innovation of research methods. Based on the theory of culture and sociology, this paper tries to make philosophical thinking on university culture by means of multi-disciplinary combination.


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