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发布时间:2018-05-15 12:35

  本文选题:民办学校 + 公办学校 ; 参考:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教育是民族振兴的基石,我国应大力发展教育事业。在现阶段,我国存在公办教育和民办教育两大类型,相应地衍生出公办学校和民办学校。公办学校是我国教育领域的主要存在形式,在教育事业中占支配地位;民办学校是公办学校的补充形式,它不仅打破了我国公办学校长期垄断的局面,减少了财政负担,合理利用闲散资金,实现资源的有效配置,而且将竞争机制引入教育领域,有利于我国教育事业水平整体的提高,因此我国应适当并正确引导民办学校的发展。但是,我国民办学校存在起步晚、基础薄弱等缺点,需要靠强有力的手段来支持。思想政治教育是一种行之有效的内化手段,将思想政治教育引入民办学校是目前诸多民办学校实行的措施。然而由于众多原因,,民办学校与思想政治教育在融合过程中存在着许多问题,需要进行深入的研究和探讨。 目前我国民办学校思想政治教育过程中存在着许多问题,表现在三个方面:校方思想政治教育意识不强、校方思想政治教育投资不足、校方思想政治教育氛围不浓厚;教师教学方式单一、教学综合素质较低及稳定性较差;学生逆反心理较强,学习主动性差等问题。为此,我们从学校、教育者和教育中介三个方面来具体阐述产生此问题的原因,并重点论述了学校这一大的、宏观环境的制约。我们应该创造良好的思想政治教育环境、掌握一定的语言艺术、发挥语言的魅力,抓住机遇,实现民办学校思想政治教育质的飞跃。 本文立足民办学校,从民办学校的思想政治教育存在的问题出发,来研究民办学校思想政治教育问题产生的原因及应采取的有效措施,进而来促进民办学校和民办教育的可持续发展、和谐发展。我相信,在不久的将来,民办学校思想政治教育将会得到很好的实施,并取得很好的效果。
[Abstract]:Education is the cornerstone of national rejuvenation, our country should vigorously develop education. At the present stage, there are two types of public education and private education in our country, corresponding to public schools and private schools. Public schools are the main existing forms in the field of education in our country and occupy a dominant position in educational undertakings. Private schools are supplementary forms of public schools, which not only break the long-term monopoly of public schools in our country, but also reduce the financial burden. The rational use of idle funds, the effective allocation of resources, and the introduction of competitive mechanism into the field of education are conducive to the overall improvement of the level of education in China, so our country should properly and correctly guide the development of private schools. However, private schools in our country have some shortcomings, such as late start and weak foundation, which need to be supported by powerful means. Ideological and political education is an effective means of internalization. However, due to many reasons, there are many problems in the process of fusion between private schools and ideological and political education, which need to be deeply studied and discussed. At present, there are many problems in the process of ideological and political education in private schools in China, which are manifested in three aspects: the weak consciousness of ideological and political education, the insufficient investment in ideological and political education, and the lack of strong atmosphere of ideological and political education; The teaching method is single, the teaching comprehensive quality is low and the stability is poor, the students have strong contrarian psychology and the study initiative is poor, and so on. Therefore, we expound the causes of this problem from three aspects of school, educator and educational intermediary, and focus on the restriction of the macro environment of school. We should create a good environment for ideological and political education, master certain language art, exert the charm of language, seize the opportunity, and realize the qualitative leap of ideological and political education in private schools. Based on the private schools and the problems existing in the ideological and political education of the private schools, this paper studies the causes of the ideological and political education problems in the private schools and the effective measures to be taken. And then to promote the sustainable development of private schools and private education, harmonious development. I believe that in the near future, the ideological and political education in private schools will be well implemented and achieve good results.


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