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发布时间:2018-05-16 11:01

  本文选题:湖北省高校 + 体育特长生 ; 参考:《武汉工程大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward that the growth of the Chinese nation and the national economy can not be divorced from education. This shows that education not only plays an indispensable role in various undertakings but also plays an important role. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the implementation of the party's educational ideas and policies and to develop the process of modernization. To maximize the function and function of education and enhance the quality of talents, we should constantly change and innovate education, enhance the quality of education, and make students develop innovative ideas. From the eighteen major reports, it can be seen that moral education has become more and more prominent in the whole educational mechanism. At the present stage, higher schools The first difficult problem is how to better carry out and implement ideological and political education and how to improve the ideological and political level of the students of special sports. The special sports students are also known as high level athletes, which means that the enrollment colleges and universities approved by the Ministry of education should promote quality education according to the construction needs of the high level sports team project and participate in the whole country. There are 235 students who are able to recruit sports specialties at the present stage. Among them, 9 of the 985 types of schools are able to recruit sports students, and 22 of the 211 types of schools can be recruited. Hubei Province, approved by the Ministry of education, allowed only 21 colleges and universities that allow special students to recruit sports students, accounting for the 9%. of the country, taking the sports specialties of 7 colleges and universities in Hubei Province as an example. The seven schools are: Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Huazhong Normal University, China University of Geosciences and Wuhan Engineering University, Wuhan University of Technology and Hubei University of Economics. This paper investigates the present situation of Ideological and political education in the 7 colleges and universities by using the form of questionnaire to understand the ideological and political education of the sports students and analyze the causes of the present situation of Ideological and political education. The countermeasures to strengthen the ideological and political education of the college sports students in Hubei province. After the detailed and in-depth investigation and research, the article mainly describes the following aspects: the first part of the introduction: this part is mainly to list the conditions and causes of the problems, and explain the meaning, current situation, ideas and ways of the research. Second The first chapter is the first chapter of the article, the overview of college sports students, detailed analysis of the definition of college sports long students, including the connotation and characteristics of sports special students. The second chapter is the status quo of the special students in Hubei Province, including the status of cultural learning and psychological thought; and the status of the ideological and political education of sports special students, from two The first is the present ideological and political status of the special students in sports, including the ideological and political investigation of the special sports students and the main problems of the ideological and political existence of the special sports students. Two, the present situation of the ideological and political education of the special sports students, including the investigation of the ideological and political education of the special sports students and the existence of the ideological and political education of the sports special students. The third chapter is the analysis of the main reasons for the main problems in the ideological and political education of the special sports students, including the objective and the subjective reasons. The objective causes are the influence of the social pluralism and the multiple effects of the development of the high technology; the subjective reasons are influenced by the school education, the influence of the family education and the deficiency of the students themselves. The fourth chapter is the strengthening. The Countermeasures of the ideological and political education work of the special sports students, based on the group of the college sports students in Hubei Province, put forward several countermeasures according to the characteristics of the students of the college sports students in Hubei Province, and promote the creation of the mode of Ideological and political education by combining the actual situation of the sports special students, and strengthen the party members' construction and promote the thought of the sports special students. The development of political education work; improve and perfect the form and system of Ideological and political education with the help of the media, strengthen the students' ideological level and moral thought; strengthen the mental health education of the special sports students; alleviate the contradiction of the school and training, attach importance to the study of the culture course; strengthen the ideological and political education in the social practice; optimize the campus culture. Construction, construction of cultural education platform, the use of "star effect", play example demonstration. The article mainly focuses on the sports students in Hubei colleges and universities as the research object, analyzes their ideological and political education level, and then provides the conditions for strengthening the ideological level of sports students and ideological and Political Education.



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