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发布时间:2018-05-16 11:11

  本文选题:大学排行 + 中国与外国 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学排行是一些评价机构依据一定的理论,人为地遴选出多项或单项指标,经过一定的权重处理后,对大学的办学实力和发展水平进行综合或单项评价,并按积分的高低次序进行排序。继美国的《美国新闻与世界报道》杂志于1983年推出首个大学排行,其他国家各种类型的大学排行相继问世,犹如雨后春笋一般生机勃勃,吸引着人们的眼球。如,英国的《泰晤士报》大学排行、加拿大的《麦克林》杂志大学排行、日本的《朝日新闻》大学排行以及中国的广东管理科学研究院大学排行、中国网大大学排行、中国校友会大学排行和武汉大学中国科学评价研究中心的大学排行等等。对于我国的大学排行,近几年引起了社会的广泛争议,诸如排行主体不全面、排行理念不科学、排行指标体系不完善等问题被指出来。因此,本研究运用比较分析法和文献研究法从大学排行的主体、大学排行的理念和大学排行的指标体系三个方面对中外典型的大学排行做了详细的比较分析,找出我国大学排行的问题所在,并借鉴国外大学排行的先进经验,从而提出改善我国大学排行的技术和方法的建议。 本文共分为六个部分: 第一部分:绪论。阐述了论文研究的背景和意义,综述了国内外关于大学排行的研究状况,介绍了研究思路及方法。 第二部分:大学排行的概述。阐释了大学排行的涵义;分析了大学排行与高等教育评估的异同点;从学生和家长择校、高校自身发展和社会发展三方面需求论述了大学排行兴盛的原因。 第三部分:中国典型的大学排行介绍。介绍了广东管理科学研究院大学排行、中国网大大学排行、中国校友会大学排行以及武汉大学中国科学评价研究中心大学排行四个国内典型大学排行的发展情况。 第四部分:国外大学排行介绍。叙述了美国的《美国新闻与世界报道》大学排行、英国的《泰晤士报·高等教育副刊》大学排行、加拿大的《麦克林》大学排行和日本的《朝日新闻》大学排行的发展情况。 第五部分:中外大学排行的比较分析。侧重对国内外大学排行的排行主体、排行基本理念和排行指标体系进行比较分析。排行主体涉及官方主体、非官方主体;排行基本理念涉及综合排行理念、单项排行理念、分类排行理念、学科排行理念;排行指标体系涉及投入指标、产出指标、声誉指标、客观指标、主观指标。研究结果发现,我国大学排行的发展还不尽成熟,存在主体单一、理念趋同、指标体系数量化等问题,而国外因为大学排行发展具有较长的历史,其具有很多值得我们借鉴的地方,如国外大学排行的数据和资料来源具有较高的科学性和客观性、客观指标和主观指标合理结合、在进行大学排行时先对高校进行分类等。 第六部分:改进我国大学排行的建议。针对我国大学排行存在的问题,借鉴国外大学排行的经验,从实现排行主体管理规范化、排行理念体现多元化、排行指标体系设计科学化和排行数据真实可靠等四个方面提出了改进措施建议,即规范管理排行主体、开展分类排行、科学设计排行指标体系和确保排行数据来源真实可靠。
[Abstract]:The ranking of universities is that some evaluation institutions select a number of or single indicators artificially according to certain theories. After a certain weight treatment, a comprehensive or single evaluation is carried out on the strength and development level of the University, and the ranking is arranged in the order of the high and low points of integration. The number of university rankings in other countries came out of a variety of university rankings and attracted people's attention. For example, Britain's Times > university rankings, the rankings of the Mclean > University of Canada, the rankings of Japan's Asahi news university, and the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences in Guangdong. The ranking of China University of network university, the ranking of Chinese Alumni Association and the ranking of the University of China Science Evaluation and research center of Wuhan University, etc.. For our country's university rankings, there have been a wide range of disputes in recent years, such as incomplete ranking subject, unscientific idea of ranking, imperfect index system and so on. This study uses the comparative analysis method and the literature research method from the university ranking main body, the university ranking idea and the university ranking index system three aspects to the Chinese and foreign typical university ranking the detailed comparative analysis, finds out our country university ranking problem, and draws lessons from the advanced experience of the foreign university rankings, thus puts forward to improve me Suggestions on the technology and methods of the national university rankings.
This article is divided into six parts:
The first part: introduction. It describes the background and significance of the research, summarizes the research status of university ranking at home and abroad, and introduces the research ideas and methods.
The second part: an overview of the university rankings, explains the meaning of the university rankings, analyzes the similarities and differences between the university ranking and the higher education assessment, and expounds the reasons for the prosperity of the university rankings from three aspects of the students and parents' school selection, the self development of the University and the social development.
The third part: the introduction of the typical university rankings in China. It introduces the rankings of the Guangdong Institute of management science, the ranking of the Chinese University of network university, the ranking of the Chinese Alumni Association and the ranking of the four typical universities in China of the China Science Evaluation and research center of Wuhan University.
The fourth part: the introduction of foreign university rankings. It describes American news and world reports, university rankings, Britain's times, higher education supplement, university rankings, the rankings of Canada "Mclean > University" and the development of Japan's "Asahi news" university rankings.
The fifth part: the comparative analysis of Chinese and foreign university rankings, focusing on the ranking main body of university rankings at home and abroad, the basic concept of ranking and the index system of ranking. The main body of ranking involves the official subject and the non official subject; the basic concept of ranking involves the concept of comprehensive ranking, the concept of single ranking, the concept of classification ranking and the ranking of subjects. The index system involves the input index, the output index, the reputation index, the objective index, the subjective index. The research results show that the development of the university rankings in our country is not mature, the existence of the main body, the convergence of ideas, the quantification of the index system and so on, while the development of the university rankings has a long history in foreign countries. The places for reference, such as the high scientific and objectivity of the data and data sources of the rankings of foreign universities, and the rational combination of objective indicators and subjective indicators, first classify colleges and universities in the course of university rankings.
The sixth part: suggestions to improve the ranking of universities in China. In view of the problems existing in the ranking of universities in China and drawing on the experience of the university rankings abroad, the improvement measures are proposed from four aspects, namely, the standardization of the management of the ranking, the diversification of the concept of ranking, the scientification of the design of the ranking index system and the reality of the ranking data. Fan management ranks the main body, carry out the classification and ranking, scientifically design the ranking index system and ensure that the source of ranking data is reliable.



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