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发布时间:2018-05-16 12:26

  本文选题:传统孝道 + 大学生 ; 参考:《西安工程大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Filial piety plays a central role in the ethical norms of our country and plays a leading and guiding role in other moral norms. It is the quintessence of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. The university stage is an important period for the formation and establishment of college students' values. However, at present, the concept of filial piety of college students in our country is influenced and impacted by various social trends of thought, which inevitably leads to various conflicts and deficiencies. Therefore, in this case, it is particularly important to carry out and strengthen filial piety education for college students. As for the education of filial piety of college students under the new situation of inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional culture of China, the filial piety education of college students is a concrete study of the concept of filial piety under the influence of the whole society. The purpose is to make it more suitable for college students, so that it can be popularized among students. At the same time, also conducive to the implementation and implementation of the concept of filial piety. Based on this need, this paper makes an exploratory study on the filial piety education of college students by using the method of literature research, the combination of theory and practice, and so on. First of all, on the basis of the previous research results, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the traditional filial piety, summarizes the reasonable essence of the traditional filial piety content, and combines it with the contemporary social background. This paper defines the connotation of college students' filial piety and their filial piety education, puts forward the significance and necessity of strengthening college students' filial piety education, and analyzes objectively the present situation and reasons of the lack of college students' filial piety. Finally, from these problems, we try to learn from the modern value of traditional filial piety and foreign filial piety thought, perfect school education, family education and perfect social system construction, etc. This paper puts forward some effective methods and ways to strengthen and improve the filial piety education of college students. These research results hope that in the future, people can better carry out the study of filial piety education of college students to provide some reference and worthy of discussion.


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