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发布时间:2018-05-16 13:33

  本文选题:思想政治教育 + 大学生 ; 参考:《长安大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学校园文化所包含的各种制度均有育人价值。该制度,既是一种教育资源,又是一种育人文化过程。在制度的形成、制定、执行过程中,可传承着大学的文化精神,发扬着大学的校风、学风与教风精髓,可使受教育者养成良好的校园文化生活方式。大学校园文化中的制度建设与创新,可进一步加强和推进高校思想政治教育工作,巩固思想政治教育成果,丰富思想政治教育方式。 大学校园文化的制度育人问题已逐渐引起人们的关注。作为高校思想政治教育工作重要的育人途径,该制度正不断丰富和发展着思想政治教育的育人资源和方式。从培养有“社会责任感、创新精神和实践能力”[1]的校园文化制度设计出发,思考制度育人的价值取向,符合立德树人的思路。开展大学校园文化的制度创新,利于提升大学生的综合素质。探索校园文化的制度育人创新问题,可拓宽思想政治教育方式,延展思想政治教育渠道,将思想政治教育的导向要求制度化,具有重要的教育学意义。 大学校园文化的制度育人研究,是思想政治教育学关注的育人方法论问题之一。本文依托马克思主义哲学的方法论基础,以思想政治教育学的基本理论为起点,注意从教育学、文化学和制度伦理学等学科中汲取营养,从显性与隐性制度视角,分析大学校园文化的制度资源、制度活动、制度生活对育人的影响。通过文献研究法,研读相关理论文献,查阅众多大学校园文化的制度育人文献案例,检索其育人资料,核对其育人信息,比较其教育共性,概括其制度育人的功能与特性。通过总结其育人规律,寻找其育人要素,发掘其育人价值,以实体与程序制度建设为方法,探索大学校园文化的制度育人功能,梳理其制度育人动因,以提出制度育人的建议与对策。 论文围绕大学校园文化的制度育人主题,主要从如下四个方面予以论述。 第一部分,绪论(绪论部分主要介绍研究的背景、意义、研究现状和创新点,以图表的形式体现大学校园文化的制度育人的逻辑结构,为整篇文章梳理出清晰的研究思路。) 第二部分,大学校园文化的制度育人理论(论文通过对制度育人的内涵、制度育人的理论依据,大学校园文化的制度育人功能的分析,为大学校园文化的制度育人提供理论基点和依据) 第三部分,大学校园文化的制度育人问题及原因分析(该部分从大学校园文化的制度育人主体、客体、介体、环体等几方面分析制度育人过程中各要素存在的问题,相对应的分析各要素存在问题的原因,为提升制度育人实效寻找建设性的意见。) 第四部分,大学校园文化育人制度的对策和建议(论文第二、三部分已经对大学校园文化的制度育人问题及原因做了分析,本部分主要从大学校园文化制度建设的育人原则和途径展开论述,重点阐述制度何以育人及如何建构优良的大学校园文化育人制度。) 大学校园文化的制度育人问题,是一个通过制度实现育人目标的教育过程。它可有效影响、规范人们的文化活动行为与品质,促进各种校园文化规范的形成[1]。大学校园文化的制度,不但是文化活动的规范,更是育人的教育规范,构成了立德树人的教育资源,促成了制度育人的价值导向。通过校园文化规范与制度的教育实践活动,可使大学生受到制度的熏陶与洗礼,可以拓展大学生的知识视野,增强他们的社会责任感,培育实践精神和创新能力,提高综合素质。制度育人的参与过程,已成为大学德育的重要组成部分,,日益引起关注。重视大学校园文化的制度育人走向,须逐步建构与完善具有教育内涵的校园文化制度体系。通过建构显性与隐性相配合,刚性与柔性相结合的校园文化激励、引导、评价等制度,在氛围与环节上增加育人气息,在规范与程序上内化育人符号,使校园文化的显性与隐性制度,都流露着培育学生的制度特征,提升校园文化的制度育人实效性。
[Abstract]:The system of university campus culture has the value of educating people. This system is not only a kind of educational resources but also a cultural process of educating people. In the process of the formation, formulation and execution of the system, it can inherit the cultural spirit of the University, carry forward the University's school style, the style of study and the essence of the teaching style, so that the educated can form a good campus culture student. The system construction and innovation of college campus culture can further strengthen and promote ideological and political education in Colleges and universities, consolidate the achievements of Ideological and political education, and enrich the way of Ideological and political education.
The institutional education of university campus culture has gradually aroused people's concern. As an important way of educating people in Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities, the system is constantly enriching and developing the educational resources and ways of Ideological and political education. The design of campus culture system with "social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability" [1] On the basis of thinking of the value orientation of the system of educating people, it is in line with the ideas of the people of Lide tree. To carry out the system innovation of the campus culture of the university is conducive to the promotion of the comprehensive quality of the college students. To explore the problems of the institutional innovation of the campus culture, we can broaden the way of Ideological and political education, extend the channels of Ideological and political education, and the guidance of the ideological and political education system. It has important pedagogical significance.
The research on the institutional education of the university campus culture is one of the issues of the pedagogical methodology of Ideological and political education. This paper, based on the methodology of Marx's philosophy, takes the basic theory of Ideological and political education as its starting point, and pays attention to the absorption of nutrition from the dominant and recessive systems in such disciplines as education, culture and institutional ethics. From the angle of view, this paper analyzes the institutional resources of university campus culture, the institutional activities and the influence of the system life on the educating people. Through the literature research method, it studies the relevant theoretical literature, consulted the literature cases of the institutions of university campus culture, retrieves its educating information, checks its educating information, compares its educational generality, and summarizes the functions and characteristics of the system educating people. By summing up the law of educating people, looking for its educating elements, exploring its value of educating people, taking the construction of entity and procedure system as the method, exploring the system educating function of university campus culture, combing the motivation of institutional educating, and putting forward the suggestion and Countermeasure of system educating people.
The thesis focuses on the theme of institutional education of university campus culture, mainly from the following four aspects.
The first part, introduction (introduction part mainly introduces the background, significance, research status and innovation point of the study, in the form of charts to reflect the logical structure of the institutional education of university campus culture and clear the clear research ideas for the whole article).
The second part, the system educating theory of University Campus Culture (through the connotation of system educating people, the theoretical basis of system educating people, the analysis of the system educating function of university campus culture, providing theoretical basis and basis for the institution of university culture system educating people).
The third part, the problem and analysis of the institutional education of the university campus culture. (this part analyzes the problems in the process of educating people from the main body, object, intermediary and ring body of the university campus culture, and analyzes the reasons for the existence of the problems in order to improve the effectiveness of the system of educating people. " Opinion.)
The fourth part, the countermeasures and suggestions of the university campus culture educating system (the second, third part of the paper has made an analysis of the problems and reasons for the institutional education of the university campus culture. This part mainly discusses the principles and ways of educating people in the construction of the university campus culture system, focusing on how the system is to educate people and how to construct a good university. " Campus culture educating system.
The system educating problem of university campus culture is an educational process that realizes the goal of educating people through the system. It can effectively influence, standardize the behavior and quality of people's cultural activities and promote the system of the campus culture of [1]. University, which is not only the standard of cultural activity, but also the standard of educating people. The educational resources of the people of the people of Germany have contributed to the value orientation of the system educating people. Through the educational practice of the campus cultural norms and systems, the students can be nurtured and baptized by the system. They can expand their knowledge field of knowledge, enhance their sense of social responsibility, cultivate practical spirit and innovative ability, improve the comprehensive quality. System educating people. The participation process has become an important part of the university moral education, and it has become an important part of the moral education. In the atmosphere and links, increasing the atmosphere of educating people, internalizing education symbols in the norms and procedures, making the dominant and recessive system of campus culture reveal the system characteristics of cultivating students, and improve the effectiveness of the system of campus culture.



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1 张静静;安世遨;;交往与对话:建设和谐大学校园的动力机制[J];宁波广播电视大学学报;2015年01期




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