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发布时间:2018-05-17 16:32

  本文选题:芬兰 + 高等教育 ; 参考:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:知识经济的到来,促使科学文化知识在经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色,推动了科技成果的商品化和知识创新。创业作为把知识转化为经济价值和社会价值的最有效手段之一,受到了世界各国的高度重视。相应地,创业教育课程建设已经成为各国高校关注的焦点。在我国,完善创业教育课程体系是高校教育体制和机制改革的重要组成部分,是解决毕业生就业问题有效措施,同时也是高校服务国家经济社会的有效途径。在芬兰,于韦斯屈莱理工学院是创业教育发展得最好的高校之一,有着系统的创业教育课程,而且创业教育课程的实施取得了较好的效果,值得我们借鉴。 本研究从比较教育理论和实用主义课程论的视角出发,运用文献法、比较法、因素分析法和个案法,深入分析了芬兰于韦斯屈莱理工学院创业教育课程。首先,阐述了研究的缘由,对“创业教育课程”、“于韦斯屈莱理工学院”等核心概念进行了界定,梳理国内外对相关问题的研究,提出研究的理论基础和研究方案,分析了研究重难点和可能的创新点。其次,深入分析了于韦斯屈莱理工学院创业教育课程产生的背景。揭示了该校创业教育课程是在芬兰全国创业教育大背景下,学校为了满足地方社会经济发和学校自身发展的需求而开展的学校教育的新领域。第三,介绍了于韦斯屈莱理工学院创业教育课程设置现状。主要包括:创业教育课程目标,创业学科课程设置以及教学方法,创业活动课程设置以及实施途径,创业教育课程师资等。第四,分析了于韦斯屈莱理工学院创业课程的特点:学校高度重视创业教育课程,创业教育课程兼顾服务地方经济发展和面向国际化,创业教育课程设置系统化,创业教育课程实施途径多样化,创业教育课程内容和教学面向学生职业生涯;第五,评价了于韦斯屈莱理工学院创业教育课程产生的影响。创业教育课程的实施加强了学生的综合素质,提升毕业生就业率,学校为地方经济的发展做出了更大的贡献,促进了学校自身的发展。同时,于韦斯屈莱理工学院创业教育课程也存在不足,改进这些不足也是该校创业教育课程发展的趋势。最后,在分析了我国理工高校创业教育课程现状和存在的问题的基础上,提出针对性的启示。分别为:我国理工高校应该提供系统的创业教育课程,采取灵活多样的创业教育课程实施途径和教学方法,重视创业活动课,注重创业教育课程师资培养,开发创业教育网络课程。
[Abstract]:With the advent of knowledge economy, scientific and cultural knowledge plays a more and more important role in economic development, and promotes the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements and the innovation of knowledge. As one of the most effective means to transform knowledge into economic value and social value, entrepreneurship has been attached great importance to by countries all over the world. Accordingly, the construction of entrepreneurship education curriculum has become the focus of attention of colleges and universities all over the world. In our country, perfecting the course system of entrepreneurship education is an important part of the reform of the educational system and mechanism in colleges and universities, is an effective measure to solve the employment problem of graduates, and is also an effective way for colleges and universities to serve the national economy and society. In Finland, the University of Technology is one of the best universities in the development of entrepreneurship education, with a systematic entrepreneurship education curriculum, and the implementation of entrepreneurship education curriculum has achieved good results, which is worthy of our reference. From the perspective of comparative education theory and pragmatism curriculum theory, this study makes a thorough analysis of the entrepreneurship education curriculum of Finland's Huesquilai Institute of Technology by using the methods of literature, comparison, factor analysis and case study. First of all, it explains the reason of the research, defines the core concepts such as "Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum" and "Yu Westchoulay Institute of Technology", combs the domestic and foreign research on related issues, and puts forward the theoretical basis and research scheme of the research. The important and difficult points of the research and the possible innovation points are analyzed. Secondly, the background of entrepreneurship education in Wesquillay Institute of Technology is analyzed. It is revealed that the curriculum of entrepreneurship education in this school is a new field of school education in order to meet the needs of local social and economic development and the development of the school itself under the background of national entrepreneurship education in Finland. Thirdly, it introduces the present situation of entrepreneurship education curriculum in Wesquillay Institute of Technology. It mainly includes: the course goal of entrepreneurship education, the course setting and teaching method of entrepreneurship subject, the course setting and implementing way of entrepreneurial activity, the teachers of entrepreneurship education course and so on. Fourthly, it analyzes the characteristics of the entrepreneurship curriculum in Yuxtrilai Institute of Technology: the school attaches great importance to the entrepreneurship education curriculum, and the entrepreneurship education curriculum takes into account the service of local economic development and internationalization, and the establishment of entrepreneurship education curriculum is systematized. The course content and teaching of entrepreneurship education are aimed at students' career. Fifthly, the impact of entrepreneurship education curriculum on entrepreneurship education in Westchoulay Institute of Technology is evaluated. The implementation of the course of entrepreneurship education has strengthened the students' comprehensive quality, promoted the employment rate of graduates, and made greater contributions to the development of the local economy and promoted the development of the school itself. At the same time, there are some shortcomings in the course of entrepreneurship education in Huesquilai Institute of Technology, which is the trend of the development of entrepreneurship education curriculum. Finally, on the basis of analyzing the present situation and existing problems of entrepreneurship education in science and technology universities in China, the author puts forward some enlightenment. They are as follows: universities of science and technology in our country should provide systematic entrepreneurship education courses, adopt flexible and diverse approaches and teaching methods of entrepreneurship education courses, attach importance to entrepreneurial activities courses, and pay attention to the training of teachers in entrepreneurship education courses. Develop the network course of entrepreneurship education.


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