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发布时间:2018-05-19 05:53

  本文选题:大学校长职业化 + 历史演变 ; 参考:《河北科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The president of a university is the soul of a university, which is closely related to the development of a university. Looking back at the construction of a world-class university, its outstanding achievements are often inseparable from the university president's efforts to govern the university, and the importance of the university president is beyond doubt. In the long history of university development, due to the changes of external environment and the needs of the development of the university itself, the role of university president is constantly changing and gradually showing the trend of professionalization. Nowadays, with the maturity of market economy and the development of modern universities, the presidents of professional universities have become a universal orientation for managers in many world-class universities. Our country is in the key period of setting up modern university system actively and striving to realize the modernization of university governance system and governance ability. It is imperative to reform the professional system and management system of university presidents. The professionalization of university presidents is an important measure of the above-mentioned reform. The study of the professionalization of university presidents is beneficial to enrich the theory of university presidents' leadership, to establish the scientific management system of university presidents, to promote the development of professionalization of university presidents and to realize the modernization of university governance. At present, the research on the professionalization of university presidents in domestic academic circles mainly focuses on the definition of the concept and the analysis of the reasons, and discusses the professional management system of university presidents from the micro perspective. This paper will follow a new research thought of "historical combing-essence digging-dilemma resolving-path building". This paper combs the evolution history of the professional development of western university presidents, traces back to the source, reveals the essence of the professionalization of university presidents from the perspective of historical development, and thus profoundly grasps the connotation and significance of the professionalization of university presidents. Based on the understanding of the essence of the professionalization of university presidents, this paper considers the confusion in the process of professionalization of university presidents in our country, breaks through the limitations of the previous thinking of "professionalization itself", and attempts to explore it from the macro and micro aspects. This paper puts forward four puzzles: maturity of market economy, high education system, professional management system of university presidents and personal development of university presidents. According to the perplexity and the viewpoint of organization theory from the angle of human capital theory and open system, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to promote the professionalization of university presidents in our country, which makes history and essence. Puzzlement and the path of several aspects of the research interlocking, gradual extension. The research enriches the theoretical system of the professionalization of university presidents in China and has certain theoretical value and practical guiding significance.


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