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发布时间:2018-05-19 06:27

  本文选题:当代高校教师 + 价值观 ; 参考:《南京信息工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着高校教师队伍的扩大,高校教师价值观问题得到广泛关注。研究当代高校教师价值观具有紧迫的实践价值和深远的学术意义。高校教师价值观内涵丰富,通过对价值观内涵的研究试推导出高校教师核心价值观内涵,是本文的突出创新点。 本文主要采用文献分析法和问卷调查法等研究方法。在第一部分从价值和价值观理论出发,详细探究了价值的演变、内涵,以及价值观的内涵,作用。第二部分提出高校教师价值观的概念,并将高校教师价值观划分为政治价值观、经济价值观、道德价值观、人生价值观、人际价值观、婚恋价值观、创新价值观、信仰价值观、知识价值观、职业价值观、幸福价值观、审美价值观十二个方面,就这十二个方面做了系统的论述。在此基础上,笔者将人生价值观、职业价值观、道德价值观作为构建高校教师核心价值观的关键维度,概括出高校教师的核心价值观内容,即教学为本,辨证育人,上善立身,诚信建树。并对此做了相应的阐述。接着在本文的第三部分,在对已有研究成果进行认真分析和研究的基础上,通过设计调查问卷对120位高校教师进行问卷调查,根据调查结果分析得出当代高校教师价值观存在的问题及问题背后的深层原因。在本文的第四部分,根据高校教师价值观的现状,以及核心价值观的内涵,笔者分别从社会角度、学校角度、教师自身角度三方面探索合适的路径,以期更好地重构高校教师核心价值观。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the expansion of university teachers, the issue of university teachers' values has been paid more and more attention. It is of urgent practical value and profound academic significance to study the values of teachers in contemporary colleges and universities. The connotation of college teachers' values is rich. It is the outstanding innovation of this paper to deduce the connotation of college teachers' core values through the study of the connotation of values. This article mainly adopts the literature analysis method and the questionnaire survey method and so on research method. In the first part, the evolution, connotation, connotation and function of value are discussed in detail from the theory of value and value. The second part puts forward the concept of college teachers' values, and divides them into political values, economic values, moral values, life values, interpersonal values, marriage values, innovative values, belief values. Knowledge values, career values, happiness values and aesthetic values are systematically discussed in this paper. On this basis, the author regards life values, professional values and moral values as the key dimensions of constructing college teachers' core values, and generalizes the core values of university teachers, that is, teaching as the basis, dialectical education, and good health. Integrity and success. And to this has made the corresponding elaboration. Then in the third part of this paper, on the basis of careful analysis and research on the existing research results, 120 college teachers are investigated by designing a questionnaire. According to the analysis of the results of the investigation, the problems existing in the values of contemporary university teachers and the deep reasons behind the problems are obtained. In the fourth part of this paper, according to the current situation of college teachers' values and the connotation of core values, the author explores the appropriate path from the social perspective, the school angle, and the teachers' own angle. In order to better reconstruct the core values of college teachers.


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