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发布时间:2018-05-19 07:56

  本文选题:行业特色型大学 + 实践教学 ; 参考:《西安电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:行业特色型大学建立之初的是为满足国家建设工业化强国的要求,适应社会主义工业发展对专门技术人才的需求,但是随着社会发展和教育体制的改革,部委直属高校的绝大多数被划到地方政府或直属教育部管辖。这类学校的发展围绕着行业需求,针对行业特点,培养行业所需要的高水平技术人才。实践教学在行业特色型大学的人才培养中有着至关重要的地位,加强“实践教学”要根据行业的发展,依据行业所需人才的要求调整实践教学模式,并且结合行业特色创新实践教学模式。 本文运用文献研究法、归纳研究法和个案分析的方法,介绍了行业特色型大学、实践教学的内涵及特点,并结合西安电子科技大学实践教学的现状,分析了我国电子信息类大学实践教学中存在的问题,反复强调实践教学对行业特色型大学的重要性,提出了我国行业特色型大学(以电子信息类院校为例)加强和改进实践教学的对策建议。论文共分六个部分:第一部分为绪论,以背景介绍为起点,向读者展现了行业特色型大学实践教学的研究现状,进而提出了论文的主题。第二部分,对有关于行业特色型大学的相关概念进行了介绍和解释,以此为论文的撰写奠定理论基础;第三部分,针对国内高校实践教学模式的发展,对其中具有典型性的模式拿出来做详细的描述,通过对已有模式的了解总结其优缺点,再根据自身的特色来提出适合的实践教学模式;第四部分,以西安电子科技大学作为电子信息类高校的代表,对其实践教学的现状进行详细的研究总结;第五部分,是根据上述典型的实践教学模式以及西安电子科技大学的实例,对电子信息类高校的实践教学存在的现实问题进行讨论,为提出相应的改革对策;第六部分,,对全文的进行总结,并对此研究的未来发展进行展望。
[Abstract]:In order to meet the needs of the country in building a powerful industrialized country and to meet the demand of the socialist industrial development for specialized technical personnel, the universities with industry characteristics were established at the beginning, but with the development of the society and the reform of the educational system, The vast majority of colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education are assigned to local governments or directly under the Ministry of Education. The development of this kind of schools revolves around the industry demand, according to the industry characteristic, trains the high level technical personnel which the profession needs. Practical teaching plays an important role in the cultivation of talents in universities with special characteristics. To strengthen "practical teaching", it is necessary to adjust the mode of practical teaching according to the development of the industry and the requirements of the talents needed by the industry. And combined with the characteristics of the industry to innovate the practical teaching model. This paper introduces the connotation and characteristics of the industry characteristic university and practice teaching, and combines the present situation of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology with the methods of literature research, inductive research and case analysis. This paper analyzes on the problems existing in the practical teaching of electronic and information universities in China, and stresses repeatedly the importance of practical teaching to the universities with professional characteristics. The countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen and improve the practice teaching in China's characteristic universities (taking electronic information colleges as an example) are put forward. The thesis is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction, taking the background introduction as the starting point, showing readers the current research situation of the practical teaching in universities with industry characteristics, and then putting forward the theme of the paper. In the second part, the author introduces and explains the related concepts of the industry-specific university, and lays a theoretical foundation for the writing of the thesis. The third part, aiming at the development of the practical teaching mode in the domestic universities, The typical model is described in detail, the advantages and disadvantages of the existing model are summarized, and the suitable practical teaching model is put forward according to its own characteristics. Taking the Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology as the representative of the electronic and information university, this paper makes a detailed research and summary on the current situation of its practical teaching. The fifth part is based on the above typical practical teaching model and the example of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology. This paper discusses the practical problems existing in the practice teaching of electronic information colleges and universities, and puts forward the corresponding reform countermeasures. The sixth part summarizes the full text and looks forward to the future development of this research.


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