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发布时间:2018-05-19 10:28

  本文选题:高校对口援助 + 人才培养模式 ; 参考:《中南民族大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在中央实施“西部大开发”战略的宏观背景下,为缩小东西部高等教育发展的差距,,加快西部地区高级专门人才的培养,促进实现教育公平,促进西部地区经济又好又快发展,2001年6月,教育部印发了《关于实施“对口支援西部地区高等学校计划”的通知》确定了首批以北京大学与石河子大学等为首的13对东西部高校建立对口支援关系。此后,教育部陆续增加了内地一些办学水平较高的高校对口支援中西部地区发展相对落后的高校,帮助受支援高校提高办学质量,培养适应社会发展需求的高级专门人才,对我国西部大开发的经济战略提供有力的教育支持。 地处中西部地区的民族类大学是党和国家为解决国内民族问题而建立的综合型普通高等院校,主要宗旨为培养少数民族干部和专门人才。肩负着为少数民族和民族地区经济发展服务培养骨干人才、中坚力量的重任。由于历史和地理位置等诸方面原因,民族类院校相对国内一流大学无论从办学质量、办学条件还是办学特色都有着不小的差距。在高等教育大众化的今天,高等学校间的竞争日趋激烈,在社会经济快速发展的情况下,社会对高校培养人才的需求也日趋个性化和多样化。民族高等教育面临着前所未有的挑战,长期以来民族院校都是以干部培训和知识教育为主导的办学模式。这种模式导致了在人才培养上的重知识轻能力,个性化和创造能力不足,难以满足少数民族地区日益增长的对优质的具创新能力的人才的需求,无法对少数民族地区经济发展提供有力的教育支持。因此,对民族院校人才培养模式的创新研究显得十分紧迫和重要。在国家对高校对口支援提供有力的政策支持的契机下,民族类高校更应该抓住有利时机,加快转变人才培养模式,以适应新时期民族地区社会经济发展对民族院校培养人才的新需求。在高校对口支援契机下研究民族类高等院校人才培养模式的创新,事关国家经济发展战略和民族地区经济与社会发展需求。具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。
[Abstract]:Against the background of the central government's implementation of the strategy of "developing the West", in order to narrow the gap in the development of higher education between the east and the west, speed up the training of senior specialized personnel in the western region, and promote the realization of educational fairness, To promote sound and rapid economic development in the western region, June 2001, The Ministry of Education issued the Circular on the implementation of the "counterpart support for institutions of higher Learning in the Western region". The Ministry of Education confirmed that the first batch of 13 pairs of universities in the east and the west, headed by Peking University and Shihezi University, should establish a corresponding support relationship. Since then, the Ministry of Education has successively increased the number of colleges and universities with relatively high levels of running schools in the mainland to support relatively backward universities in the central and western regions, to help supported universities to improve the quality of running schools and to train senior specialized personnel to meet the needs of social development. To our country western development economic strategy provides the strength education support. The ethnic university located in the central and western regions is a general comprehensive university established by the Party and the state to solve the national problems in China. The main purpose of the university is to train minority cadres and specialized talents. Shouldering the important task of serving and cultivating backbone talents for the economic development of ethnic minorities and ethnic regions. Because of the history and geographical location, there is not a small gap between ethnic universities and domestic first-class universities in terms of quality, conditions and characteristics of running schools. With the popularization of higher education, the competition among colleges and universities is becoming more and more fierce. With the rapid development of social economy, the demand for cultivating talents in colleges and universities is becoming more and more individualized and diversified. Ethnic higher education is facing unprecedented challenges. For a long time, ethnic colleges and universities have been dominated by cadre training and knowledge education. This model has led to an emphasis on knowledge over ability, personalization and lack of creative capacity to meet the growing demand for high-quality innovative talent in ethnic minority areas, Unable to provide strong educational support for economic development in ethnic minority areas. Therefore, it is very urgent and important to study the innovation of talent training mode in ethnic colleges and universities. Under the opportunity of the state providing strong policy support to the corresponding support of colleges and universities, ethnic colleges and universities should seize the favorable opportunity to speed up the transformation of the talent training model. In order to adapt to the new period of social and economic development of ethnic minority colleges and universities to train new needs. Under the opportunity of university counterpart support, the research on the innovation of talent training mode in ethnic colleges and universities is related to the national economic development strategy and the needs of economic and social development in ethnic regions. It has important theoretical and practical significance.


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