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发布时间:2018-05-19 16:20

  本文选题:责任 + 意识 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:责任是人类社会永恒的话题,是指在一定社会条件下,处在一定社会关系中的社会个体或者群体所要承担的义务、使命、职责等。责任是个关系命题,不仅包含人与人的关系,也包括人与社会、人与自然的关系。由于人在其本质上是一切社会关系的总和,因此,社会责任不仅对于个人具有重要意义,而且与整个社会的进步和发展密切相关。大学生作为社会的储备人才,他们的责任意识状况如何将关系到他们自身的成长与国家历史使命的担当。 如今大学生社会责任意识状况如何?通过本人的调查及对他人研究资料的搜集,发现如今大学生社会责任意识主流状况是好的,但也存在一些不足,需要加强社会责任意识教育,这是大学生群体的现实需求。同时,“责任”也引起了社会的普遍关注,特别是上海市提出的“公正、包容、诚信、责任”价值取向,责任是其中重要维度,这是社会现实的呼求。而现有的对大学生责任教育的研究,大多集中于责任的外在规定性分析和社会责任的实证研究上,对大学生主体性追求的关注不够,没有从意识的角度深入进行探讨。因此,从意识的视角对大学生责任教育进行研究很有必要,既考虑到社会发展的责任外在规定性要求,也充分尊重了大学生责任主体自我发展的内在需求,既有研究的理论价值,也具有较强的现实意义。 本论文共四部分:第一部分概述了大学生社会责任意识的培育,主要涵盖一些内涵解析,包括责任、责任意识、社会责任意识以及大学生社会责任意识等内容,并对大学生社会责任意识形成的条件及培育的意义做出解读。大学生社会责任意识作为大学生一种主体性诉求,不仅是社会要求的外在规定性,同时也是大学生自我完善、自我实现的价值追求,它形成的逻辑起点是大学生对于社会角色的职责的认知,并在自由基础上逐渐自主最终达到自觉。大学生社会责任意识是通过一定的责任体验与责任担当行为不断得到深化和升华的。培育大学生社会责任意识对于塑造大学生健全人格、促进社会化、提高思想道德素质具有重要意义,同时也有利于社会主义和谐社会的构建以及促进中华民族伟大复兴的实现。 第二部分主要进行大学生社会责任意识培育的理论支撑与引领的阐述。认识来源于实践,科学的认识能够指导实践。培育大学生社会责任意识也离不开一定理论的指导,主要包括社会存在与社会意识的关系理论及个体思想道德社会化理论等,在这些理论的支撑下,提出了大学生社会责任意识培育的目标与内容,即向度与维度。培育的目标在于健全思想道德人格和培养责任品格,促进大学生社会角色的成功转型和社会责任与历史使命担当能力的提高。培育的具体内容包括政治责任意识、道德责任意识、文化责任意识、生态责任意识和公民责任意识等方面。 第三部分的内容主要是根据对上海五所高校大学生的问卷调查及他人调查结果的概括分析,得出现今大学生社会责任意识的总体状况及存在的不足,并通过理论分析与实证考察,对产生这些问题的原因进行了剖析。如今大学生社会责任意识有积极的表现,如关心社会公共事务、爱国热情高等,也存在一定的问题,如理想信念淡化、感恩回馈意识缺乏等。发现问题后就要解决问题,而解决问题的关键是究其原因,论文主要从大学生自身、家庭、学校及社会影响等方面探究引发大学生社会责任意识问题的原因。 第四部分作为论文的关键部分,在前三部分内容研究的基础上,遵循社会责任意识的形成条件,并从社会责任培育的维度和向度出发,针对大学生社会责任意识存在的不足提出对策建议。主要从意识的角度进行认知、情感、行为意向方面的培育,并加之大学生自我教育,提高大学生的社会责任意识,增强责任担当能力。 论文旨在突出“意识”二字,创新之处也在于从社会存在与社会意识辩证关系角度研究大学生社会责任意识的培育,特别是对责任意识的形成条件进行了深入探索,注重责任外在规定性的同时强调责任的主体性内涵,激发大学生群体的主体意识,即自我发展、自我完善的不断追求。这种由内而外、内外统一的责任意识更有利于提高大学生的自主自觉性,增强责任担当能力,从而引领大学生的健康成长和全面发展。
[Abstract]:Responsibility is the eternal topic of human society. It refers to the obligations, missions, responsibilities, etc. of a social individual or group in certain social relations under certain social conditions. Responsibility is a relationship proposition. It includes not only the relationship between human and human, but also the relationship between man and society, and the relationship between man and nature. The sum of the relationships, therefore, social responsibility is not only important to the individual, but also closely related to the progress and development of the society as a whole. As a reserve talent for the society, the state of their sense of responsibility will relate to their own growth and the responsibility of the national historical mission.
At present, how is the sense of social responsibility of college students? Through my investigation and the collection of research materials of others, it is found that the mainstream of social responsibility consciousness of college students is good, but there are also some shortcomings. It is necessary to strengthen the education of social responsibility consciousness, which is the realistic demand of the college students. At the same time, the "responsibility" also causes the society. The general concern, especially the value orientation of "justice, tolerance, honesty and responsibility", which is put forward by Shanghai City, is an important dimension of responsibility. This is the call for social reality, and the existing research on College Students' responsibility education mainly focuses on the external prescriptive analysis of responsibility and the empirical study of social responsibility, and the pursuit of the subjectivity of college students. Therefore, it is necessary to study the responsibility education of college students from the perspective of consciousness, not only to consider the external requirements of the responsibility of social development, but also to fully respect the internal requirements of the self development of the main body of the university students, both of the theoretical value and the stronger of the research. The practical significance.
This thesis consists of four parts: the first part outlines the cultivation of social responsibility consciousness of college students, which mainly covers some content analysis, including responsibility, responsibility consciousness, social responsibility consciousness and social responsibility consciousness of college students, and makes an interpretation of the formation of social responsibility consciousness of college students and the significance of cultivation. As a subjective appeal of college students, the sense of responsibility is not only the external requirement of the social requirements, but also the self perfection of the college students and the pursuit of the value of self realization. The logical starting point of the formation is the cognition of the college students' responsibility to the social roles, and on the free basis, they gradually reach their self-consciousness. Knowledge is deepened and sublimated by certain responsibility experience and responsibility. Cultivating college students' sense of social responsibility is of great significance in Shaping College Students' sound personality, promoting socialization and improving their ideological and moral qualities. It is also beneficial to the construction of a harmonious socialist society and the promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Realization.
The second part mainly expounds the theoretical support and guidance of the cultivation of the sense of social responsibility of college students. The knowledge comes from practice and scientific knowledge can guide the practice. The cultivation of social responsibility consciousness of college students can not be separated from the guidance of certain theory, including the relationship theory of social existence and social awareness and the socialization of individual thought and morality. Theory and so on, under the support of these theories, the goal and content of the cultivation of the sense of social responsibility of college students are put forward, namely, the degree and dimension. The goal is to improve the ideological and moral personality and moral character, to promote the successful transformation of the social role of College students and to improve the ability of social responsibility and historical mission. It includes political responsibility consciousness, moral responsibility consciousness, cultural responsibility consciousness, ecological responsibility consciousness and civic responsibility consciousness.
The third part is mainly based on the questionnaire survey of five university students in Shanghai and the summary analysis of the results of other people's investigation, and the overall situation and shortcomings of the social responsibility consciousness of the present college students are presented. The reasons for these problems are analyzed through theoretical analysis and empirical investigation. The consciousness has positive performance, such as caring for social public affairs and high patriotic enthusiasm, and there are certain problems, such as the desalination of ideal and belief, the lack of gratitude and feedback consciousness, and so on. After the discovery of the problems, the problem is solved, and the key to the problem is to investigate its reasons. The thesis mainly explores the influence of the college students themselves, their families, the school and the social influence. The cause of the problem of social responsibility consciousness of college students.
The fourth part, as the key part of the thesis, follows the formation conditions of the social responsibility consciousness on the basis of the research in the first three parts, and sets out from the dimension and direction of the social responsibility cultivation, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions on the deficiency of the social responsibility consciousness of the college students. The cultivation of college students and self education of college students will enhance their sense of social responsibility and enhance their responsibility.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the two characters of "consciousness", and the innovation is to study the cultivation of social responsibility consciousness of college students from the perspective of the dialectical relationship between social and social consciousness, especially to explore the formation conditions of the sense of responsibility, pay attention to the external regulation of responsibility and strengthen the subjective connotation of responsibility, and stimulate the group of college students. The subjective consciousness, namely, self development, and the continuous pursuit of self perfection, is more conducive to improving college students' self-consciousness and responsibility, thus leading to the healthy growth and overall development of college students.


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8 蓝超英;;大学生责任意识的培养[J];高教论坛;2007年03期

9 张宗海;西方主要国家的高校学生责任教育与启示[J];高教探索;2002年03期

10 陈锡敏;健全人格与大学生社会责任感[J];高校理论战线;2005年11期

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