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发布时间:2018-05-19 18:36

  本文选题:高校 + 创业型团组织 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:加强高校创业型团组织建设是历经新民主主义革命时期、社会主义改造和建设时期、“文化大革命”时期、改革开放逐渐展开与“四化”建设提出时期、市场经济发展和深化改革时期,进入到“创业型社会”崛起时期的应然追求。 高校创业型团组织是以创业为鲜明主题,以建设学习型、服务型、创新型马克思主义青年组织为切入点,以高校共青团员、高校共青团干部为重点,着眼于培养团组织成员的公益意识、忧患意识、社会责任感、创新精神、创业意识和创业能力,不断增强团组织自我净化、自我完善、自我革新、自我提高能力的一种崭新的高校团组织形态。高校创业型团组织以履行政治职能与坚持立德树人作为根本目标,以倡导创业与责任为核心价值,以大兴学习、服务与创新为内在动力,以保持忧患、奋斗与实干为精神状态,以力促开放、自主与协同为实践逻辑。高校创业型团组织在目标定位、核心价值、精神状态等等方面的新特质及其对高校团组织工作的特殊要求,决定了高校创业型团组织建设工作的理论建构与实践推进不能简单“借用”一般的组织工作模式,必须体现出高校创业型团组织的独特性要求。 切实提高高校创业型团组织建设的针对性和实效性,必须高度契合高校创业型团组织建设存在的主要问题及原因。调查显示,高校创业型团组织建设各方面都取得了一定的成效,如高校团组织创业工作获初步认同、创业教育课程较为丰富、创业实践活动取得一定成效、创业师资队伍初步建成、高校积极落实创业政策、政府大力支持创业工作。但也存在思想认识不够到位、价值观认同需提高、动力源泉发掘不够、精神状态还需提升、运行模式亟待完善等问题。 进一步推进高校创业型团组织建设,要实现“五位一体”:一是确立共同愿景,破除建设高校创业型团组织的思想认识障碍;二是培育核心价值,提升高校创业型团组织的价值引领力;三是强化动力系统,激活高校创业型团组织的正能量;四是培养良好精神状态,构筑高校创业型团组织的精神高地;五是推进协同创新,增强高校创业型团组织建设的实效性
[Abstract]:Strengthening the construction of entrepreneurial group organizations in colleges and universities is the period of the new democratic revolution, the period of socialist transformation and construction, the period of the "cultural revolution", the period of reform and opening up and the period of putting forward the construction of the "four modernizations". In the period of market economy development and deepening reform, it should be pursued in the rising period of "entrepreneurial society". The entrepreneurial league organizations in colleges and universities take entrepreneurship as the distinct theme, the construction of learning, service and innovative Marxist youth organizations as the breakthrough point, the members of the Communist Youth League and the cadres of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities as the focal points. With a view to fostering the awareness of commonweal, suffering, social responsibility, innovative spirit, entrepreneurial awareness and entrepreneurial ability of the members of the League organization, and constantly enhancing the self-purification, self-improvement and self-innovation of the League organization, A brand-new form of league organization in colleges and universities with self-improvement ability. The entrepreneurial group organizations in colleges and universities take performing political functions and sticking to the establishment of morality as the basic goal, advocating entrepreneurship and responsibility as the core value, taking Daxing learning, serving and innovating as the internal motive force, and keeping suffering, struggling and working as the spiritual state. To promote openness, autonomy and coordination as the practical logic. The new characteristics of entrepreneurial group organizations in colleges and universities in the aspects of target orientation, core value, mental state, etc., and their special requirements for the work of League organizations in colleges and universities. It is decided that the theoretical construction and practical promotion of the construction of entrepreneurial group organizations in colleges and universities should not simply "borrow" the general organizational work mode, but must reflect the unique requirements of the entrepreneurial group organizations in colleges and universities. In order to effectively improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the construction of entrepreneurial group organizations in colleges and universities, it is necessary to accord with the main problems and causes of the construction of entrepreneurial groups organizations in colleges and universities. The investigation shows that the construction of entrepreneurial group organizations in colleges and universities has achieved certain results in various aspects, such as the initial recognition of the entrepreneurial work of the League organizations in colleges and universities, the abundance of courses in entrepreneurship education, and the achievement of certain results in entrepreneurial practice activities. The initial establishment of a team of entrepreneurial teachers, colleges and universities actively implement entrepreneurial policies, the government vigorously support entrepreneurial work. However, there are still some problems, such as the lack of ideological understanding, the need to improve the identity of values, the insufficient excavation of the source of power, the improvement of the mental state, and the urgent need to improve the operating mode. To further promote the construction of entrepreneurial group organizations in colleges and universities, we should realize "five in one": first, to establish a common vision and to break down the ideological barriers to the construction of entrepreneurial groups in colleges and universities; and second, to cultivate core values. Promote the value leading power of the entrepreneurial group organization in colleges and universities; strengthen the dynamic system and activate the positive energy of the entrepreneurial group organization in colleges and universities; fourth, cultivate a good mental state and construct the spiritual highland of the entrepreneurial group organization in colleges and universities; fifth, promote collaborative innovation, Enhancing the effectiveness of the construction of entrepreneurial group organizations in colleges and universities


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