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发布时间:2018-05-19 19:53

  本文选题:武术 + 高师院校 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:武术,又称国术,是炎黄子孙经过长时间的生存磨砺与战斗实践,一步一步沉淀与发展起来的一项宝贵的文化遗产。中华武术,源远流长,具有多重的价值功能,承载着厚重的民族情感,彰显民族传统精神,是中华民族教育、培养国人的重要手段和载体。 当代的中国正处在现代化转型阶段,随着经济体制的变革、社会结构的变动,人们的心理结构、价值观念也正发生着全面而深刻的改变。在这种环境下,武术教育除了强身健体之外,更应该致力于培养和教育下一代广大青少年了解中国传统文化、认识中华民族的精髓。 本论文采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对上海市2所高等师范类院校武术专业人才培养的现状进行调查,剖析了高师院校武术专业的学生情况、师资结构、学生的习武动机、对武术的态度和行为、技术课程内容、学生综合能力以及毕业生从教率等情况,分析了主要存在的问题及影响因素。认为目前上海市高等师范类院校武术专业师资人才培养现状不容乐观,表现为:1、学生的习武动机不太稳定,2、技术内容教学过多过难,教学模式陈旧单一,3、学生的综合能力有待提高,理论教学亟待加强。并在此基础上,结合人才培养模式的基本理论,提出了高师院校武术专业师资人才培养的发展对策,从而构建既能促进专业发展又能符合未来中小学发展需求的武术专业师资人才培养模式。
[Abstract]:Martial arts, also known as national art, is a precious cultural heritage that the descendants of the Chinese people have accumulated and developed step by step after a long time of survival and combat practice. Chinese Wushu, which has a long history, has many value functions, bears the heavy national emotion, highlights the national traditional spirit, is the important means and carrier of the Chinese nation education and the cultivation of Chinese people. Contemporary China is in the stage of modernization transformation. With the change of economic system and social structure, people's psychological structure and values are also undergoing comprehensive and profound changes. In this environment, Wushu education should be devoted to training and educating the next generation of young people to understand Chinese traditional culture and the essence of the Chinese nation. Based on the methods of literature and questionnaire, this paper investigates the current situation of Wushu talent training in 2 normal universities in Shanghai, and analyzes the students' situation and teacher structure of Wushu major in normal universities. The main problems and influencing factors are analyzed, such as students' motivation to practice martial arts, attitude and behavior to martial arts, contents of technical courses, students' comprehensive ability and graduates' teaching rate. It is considered that the present situation of training Wushu teachers in Shanghai's normal universities is not optimistic, which shows as follows: 1, students' motivation to practise martial arts is not stable, and the teaching of technical content is too much and too difficult. The teaching mode is old and simple, the students' comprehensive ability needs to be improved, and the theory teaching needs to be strengthened. On the basis of this, combined with the basic theory of talent training mode, the author puts forward the development countermeasures of Wushu teachers' training in normal colleges and universities. In order to construct the Wushu teacher training model which can not only promote professional development but also meet the development needs of primary and secondary schools in the future.


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