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发布时间:2018-05-19 23:29

  本文选题:藏族大学生 + 恋爱 ; 参考:《青海大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:青海是一个多民族的省份,藏族大学生是青海高校大学生中的重要群体,,他们的健康成长,对青海全面建成小康社会,促进青海经济社会全面发展和民族团结,维护社会稳定均具有重要的影响。目前,藏族大学生的恋爱意识、态度、行为等已成为影响其健康成长的重要因素,根据抽样调查,90.9%的藏族大学生曾经或正在恋爱,说明青海高校藏族大学生的恋爱已成为一种普遍现象。面对藏族大学生恋爱方面存在的问题,加强藏族大学生的恋爱教育,从而引导藏族大学生树立正确的恋爱观,规范藏族大学生的恋爱行为,对藏族大学生健康成长显得十分重要。 本文在对青海高校藏族大学生恋爱现状抽样调查基础上,从恋爱动机、恋爱态度、性观念、择偶标准、获取恋爱相关知识的途径和恋爱行为等六个方面分析了青海省高校藏族大学生的恋爱现状,发现他们的恋爱现状呈现出对恋爱的认识还不全面、容易出现盲目的恋爱动机,恋爱态度比较理性、重视学业,对待性的态度比较宽容、具有两性的差异,择偶标准具有显著的民族认同性、重视个人的内在素质,获取恋爱相关知识的途径多元化、恋爱的责任感较弱等特点。针对这些特点,从加强学校教育、重视家庭教育、净化社会环境和创新教育方式等四个方面提出了进一步创新藏族大学生恋爱教育的具体对策。
[Abstract]:Qinghai is a multi-ethnic province, and Tibetan college students are an important group of college students in Qinghai. Their healthy growth will promote Qinghai's overall economic and social development and national unity by building a well-off society in an all-round way. Maintaining social stability has an important impact. At present, the love consciousness, attitude and behavior of Tibetan college students have become an important factor affecting their healthy growth. According to a sample survey, 90.9% of Tibetan college students have been or are in love. It shows that the love of Tibetan college students in Qinghai has become a common phenomenon. In the face of the problems existing in the love affairs of Tibetan college students, we should strengthen the love education of Tibetan college students, so as to guide Tibetan college students to establish a correct view of love and standardize their love behavior. It is very important for the healthy growth of Tibetan college students. On the basis of a sample survey of Tibetan college students' love status in Qinghai Province, this paper analyzes the relationship motivation, attitude, concept of sex, and the criteria of mate selection. This paper analyzes the current situation of love of Tibetan college students in Qinghai Province from six aspects, such as the way of obtaining the knowledge of love and the behavior of love, and finds that their current situation of love shows that their understanding of love is not comprehensive, and they are prone to appear blind motive of love. Love attitude is more rational, attention to study, attitude towards sex is more tolerant, with gender differences, the criteria of mate selection has a significant national identity, attach importance to the internal quality of the individual, access to love related knowledge of a variety of ways, The sense of responsibility of love is weak and so on. In view of these characteristics, this paper puts forward concrete countermeasures for further innovating Tibetan college students' love education from four aspects: strengthening school education, attaching importance to family education, purifying social environment and innovating education methods.


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1 张月琴;;大学生恋爱问题原因分析及对策浅议[J];才智;2008年18期

2 熊吕茂,肖瑛,祁淑静;大学生的恋爱心理及现象透析[J];湖南第一师范学报;2003年04期

3 王枚;王磊;;试析网络环境对大学生恋爱观的消极影响[J];广西青年干部学院学报;2006年06期

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