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发布时间:2018-05-20 00:16

  本文选题:高水平大学 + 本科专业 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国共进行了四次大规模的本科专业目录的调整工作,第一次修订目录于1987年颁布实施,修订后的专业种数由1300多种减到671种,第二次修订目录于1993年正式颁布实施,专业种数为504种,第三次修订目录于1998年颁布实施,专业种数由504种调减到249种,第四次修订目录于2012年颁布实施,专业种数由修订前的635种调减到506种,每一次本科专业目录的调整都离不开对本科专业数量和本科专业结构的调整。2011年我国教育部对本科专业目录进行了新的修订,并于2012年出台,新的本科专业目录增加了艺术类,实现了与研究生专业学科门类分布的一致,各大学将从2013年按照此本科专业目录进行招生。 本文以我国38所高水平大学的本科专业设置为基础,从我国38所高水平大学的本科专业数量、本科专业结构以及本科专业和研究生专业的比较三个方面进行分析,探究我国38所高水平大学本科专业设置的现状以及存在的问题。本科专业数量主要是分析了我国38所高水平大学本科专业种数、本科专业点数和本科专业类型,以此探究我国38所高水平大学本科专业设置是否存在着重复设置的严重问题;本科专业结构主要对我国38所高水平大学的本科专业分布进行了分析,以此探究我国38所高水平大学本科专业设置是否存在着学科分布失衡的问题;本科专业和研究生专业的比较主要是从二者的专业数量、专业招生规模和专业的学科分布进行分析,以此探究我国38所高水平大学本科专业和研究生专业之间存在的问题,尤其是学科分布不一致的问题。同时还分析了我国38所高水平大学近十年来新增本科专业的专业数量、专业种数、专业点数和专业的学科分布问题。通过对我国38所高水平大学近十年来新增本科专业的设置状况,进一步探究我国38所高水平大学本科专业设置中存在的种种问题。 本文试图通过对我国38所高水平大学本科专业现状的分析,探究我国大学本科阶段专业设置数量是否是合理的,应该设置多少专业;我国大学本科阶段应该设置哪些专业,不应该设置哪些专业;我国大学本科专业和研究生专业之间是否应该具有密切的联系,它们之间应该具有什么样的关系。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China has carried out four large-scale adjustments to the undergraduate professional catalogue. The first revised catalogue was promulgated and implemented in 1987. The revised number of specialties has been reduced from more than 1300 to 671. The second revised catalogue was formally promulgated and implemented in 1993, with 504 specialties. The third revised catalogue was promulgated and implemented in 1998. The number of professional species was reduced from 504 to 249. The fourth revised catalogue was promulgated and implemented in 2012. The number of specialties has been reduced from 635 to 506, and every adjustment of the catalogue of undergraduate specialties can not be separated from the adjustment of the number of undergraduate specialties and the structure of undergraduate specialties. In 2011, the Ministry of Education of our country revised the catalogue of undergraduate specialties. In 2012, the new catalogue of undergraduate majors added the art category, which is consistent with the distribution of postgraduate specialties. Universities will recruit students according to the catalogue of undergraduate majors from 2013. Based on the undergraduate specialty setup of 38 high-level universities in China, this paper analyzes the number of undergraduate majors, the structure of undergraduate majors and the comparison between undergraduate majors and graduate majors in 38 high-level universities in China. This paper probes into the present situation and existing problems of undergraduate specialties in 38 high-level universities in China. The number of undergraduate majors is mainly the analysis of the number of undergraduate specialties, the number of undergraduate specialties and the types of undergraduate majors in 38 high level universities in China, so as to explore whether there is a serious problem of repeated setting of undergraduate specialties in 38 high level universities in China. The undergraduate specialty structure mainly analyzes the undergraduate specialty distribution of 38 high level universities in our country, so as to probe into whether there is an imbalance of discipline distribution in the undergraduate specialty setting of 38 high level universities in our country. The comparison between undergraduate and graduate majors is mainly based on the analysis of the number of majors, the scale of enrollment and the distribution of disciplines, so as to explore the problems between undergraduate majors and graduate majors in 38 high level universities in China. In particular, the distribution of disciplines is not consistent. At the same time, this paper analyzes the number of specialties, number of specialties and the distribution of specialties in 38 high level universities in China in the past ten years. Through the establishment of the new undergraduate majors in 38 high level universities in China in the past ten years, the problems existing in the setting up of the undergraduate majors in 38 high level universities in China are further explored. Based on the analysis of the current situation of undergraduate majors in 38 high level universities in China, this paper attempts to find out whether the number of undergraduate majors in our country is reasonable, how many specialties should be set up, which specialties should be set up in the undergraduate stage of universities in our country. What specialties should not be set up, whether there should be close relations between undergraduate majors and graduate majors in our country, and what kind of relationship they should have.


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1 刘楚佳;;我国高校本科专业设置改革探讨[J];高等理科教育;2007年04期

2 龚怡祖;大学专业设置模式探析[J];教育发展研究;2001年11期




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