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发布时间:2018-05-20 07:28

  本文选题:本科 + 转专业 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:转专业制度作为一块教学管理制度改革的“试验田”,从萌芽阶段的缓慢探索,经历了束缚与自由之间交替更迭的发展背景,逐步呈现规范化的趋势。本研究从历史维度对转专业制度的发展进行梳理,选取武汉七所211高校与美国三所一流大学的案例进行比较,从转专业制度文本结构分析、转专业文本内容解读两个方面进行研究,从而提出我国转专业制度改革的建议。 绪论部分简要介绍本研究的缘起、研究的意义、研究内容和方法,着重对转专业研究文献进行梳理。第二部分对转专业制度相关概念进行界定。第三部分回溯了转专业制度的历史演变,发现我国转专业制度经历了初创阶段、停滞阶段、恢复阶段、规范阶段之后,转专业制度呈现出新的发展态势。本研究在第四部分选取了武汉市7所211高校的转专业制度文本作为分析对象,建立了如下分析框架:转专业制度文本的结构分析、转专业制度文本的内容解读,具体细分为转专业的时间安排、转专业的对象范围、转专业的人数控制、转专业的考评方式、转专业的操作流程。通过研究发现,大学转专业制度文本的结构与主体内容基本一致,转专业制度的时间安排大部分属于“固定时间型”,转专业制度的对象范围属于“局部限制型”,转专业制度的人数控存在转出与转入控制两种标准、转专业制度的第二层“过滤网”是考核,转专业工作主要分为六个流程:公告—申请—审核—考评—录取—办理学籍异动手续。并提出我国转专业制度存在的主要问题:转专业资格限制过多、转专业时间过于集中、转专业考核制度单一、专业实体结构间转换的障碍、专业设置缺乏自主机制、专业选择时间过早。 本研究在第五部分对美国三所世界高水平所大学(哈佛大学、加州大学伯克利分校、麻省理工学院)的转专业制度进行分析,发现其特征为:课程组合的专业内涵、灵活自主与咨询辅导结合的专业选择、宽松自由的转专业制度。从而总结出美国大学转专业制度对我国的启示:转专业理念方面从“管理者本位”转向“学生本位”、转专业制度方面从“多方限制”转向“全面灵活”、转专业保障方面从“指导不力”转向“充分指导”。最后提出了转专业制度改革的对策建议:一、建立现代化的转专业制度。二、构建良好的转专业学校制度环境。三、建立转专业咨询服务机制。
[Abstract]:As an "experimental field" for the reform of teaching management system, the system of transferring specialty has experienced the background of alternating between restraint and freedom from the slow exploration of the embryonic stage, and gradually presents the trend of standardization. This study combs the development of the system of transferring specialty from the historical dimension, selects the case of seven 211 universities in Wuhan and three first-class universities in the United States to carry on the comparison, and analyzes the text structure of the system of transferring specialty from the perspective of history. In order to put forward the suggestion of reforming the system of transferring specialty, this paper makes a study on the interpretation of the text. The introduction briefly introduces the origin, significance, contents and methods of this study, and focuses on sorting out the research literature. The second part defines the concept of transfer system. The third part looks back the historical evolution of the system, and finds that the system has experienced a new development trend after the initial stage, stagnation stage, recovery stage, standard stage. In the fourth part of this study, the text of the system of transferring specialty in 7 colleges and universities in Wuhan is selected as the analysis object, and the following analysis frame is established: the structure analysis of the text of the system of transferring specialty, the interpretation of the content of the text of the system of transferring specialty; The specific subdivision is the time arrangement, the object scope, the number control, the evaluation method and the operation flow. Through the research, it is found that the structure of the text of the system is basically consistent with the content of the subject, and the time arrangement of the system belongs to the "fixed time type", and the object scope of the system belongs to the "partial limitation type". There are two kinds of standards of turning out and transferring control in the CNC of the people who transfer the specialty system. The second "filter" of the system is the examination. Transfer work is mainly divided into six processes: announcement-application-review-evaluation-admission-handling procedures for student status change. It also points out the main problems existing in the system of professional conversion in our country: too many restrictions on the qualification of conversion, too much concentration of the time of transfer, a single system of professional examination, obstacles to the conversion of the structure of professional entities, and lack of independent mechanism for professional setting. It is too early to choose a major. In the fifth part of this study, the author analyzes the transfer system of three high level universities in the United States (Harvard University, Berkeley University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and finds that the characteristics of the system are: the professional connotation of the curriculum portfolio. The combination of flexible autonomy and counseling professional choice, loose and free system of professional transfer. From this, the author summarizes the enlightenment to our country from the idea of changing majors from "manager standard" to "student standard", and from "multi-restriction" to "comprehensive flexibility" in the aspect of the system of changing major from "multi-restriction" to "comprehensive flexibility". Turn professional safeguard from "weak guidance" to "full guidance". Finally, the author puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the reform of the system of transferring majors: first, to establish a modern system of transferring majors. Second, to build a good institutional environment for professional schools. Third, the establishment of professional consulting service mechanism.


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