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发布时间:2018-05-20 19:07

  本文选题:《独立评论》 + 20世纪30年代 ; 参考:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:《独立评论》(1932年5月—1937年7月)创办于北平,是一份政论时评周刊,在当时是最具有影响力的刊物之一。它是在“九一八”事变爆发、中华民族危机加深的背景下,以胡适为主的自由主义知识分子所创办的。主要撰稿人大部分是高校教师或科研工作者,且绝大多数曾留学海外,可以说是真正的社会精英,因而文章的知识性和思想性都十分突出,在知识分子和青年学生当中有很强的号召力。高等教育担负着国家学术研究和技术人才养成的重要使命,历来备受关注。20世纪30年代正值中国高等教育制度的定型期,国民政府对高等教育采取了一系列的整顿和改革措施。《独立评论》中的文章对于高等教育现状与改革、政府教育政策,常常有独到的见解和有价值的建议,引起了很大的社会反响,对中国高等教育的发展具有一定的推动作用。 本文以《独立评论》中的高等教育文章为中心,并结合当时其他教育舆论,分析《独立评论》周围的学者对当时的大学改革、高等师范教育改革、高等教育学术自由等问题的主张,探讨《独立评论》与30年代所进行的高等教育改革的相互关系。 全文分为前言、正文五个部分,以及结语等七部分。 前言概述了本文的选题缘由、研究现状、概念界定、研究思路与方法等。 第一部分,主要是介绍《独立评论》的创刊始末以及创办宗旨,《独立评论》的主创与主要撰稿人群体的概况,梳理了刊中关于高等教育的文章的总体情况。 第二部分,梳理《独立评论》知识分子对于中国高等教育问题成因的分析,包括教育思想、政治的影响和教育计划的缺失等方面。 第三部分,论述了《独立评论》同人对高等教育改革的讨论,对裁并大学、改良大学学科布局、设置大学研究院等问题的主张和建议。 第四部分,呈现了《独立评论》在高等师范教育的存废之争中的观点及其影响,评价这场争论的意义。 第五部分,论述了《独立评论》周围的知识分子对中国学术自由的倡导,对于高等教育以学术为核心的强调。《独立评论》中的学术自由主张可以分为三个方面:高等教育独立,中国的学术独立,以及理性处理学术与救国的关系等。 结语部分,结合30年代高等教育的时代背景,述评《独立评论》中的高等教育改革主张。
[Abstract]:Independent Review (May 1932-July 1937), founded in Peiping, is a political commentary Weekly, at that time is one of the most influential publications. It was founded by liberal intellectuals based on Hu Shi under the background of the outbreak of the September 18 incident and the deepening crisis of the Chinese nation. The major contributors are mostly university teachers or scientific research workers, and most of them have studied overseas. They can be said to be the real social elites. Therefore, the knowledge and ideological content of the articles are very prominent. There is a strong appeal among intellectuals and young students. Higher education shoulders the important mission of national academic research and the cultivation of technical talents, and has always received much attention. In the 1930s, China's higher education system was being finalized. The National Government has taken a series of measures to rectify and reform higher education. The articles in Independent Review often have unique opinions and valuable suggestions on the present situation and reform of higher education and the educational policies of the government. Has caused the very big social response, has the certain promotion function to the Chinese higher education development. Taking the higher education articles in Independent Review as the center, and combining with other educational public opinion at that time, this paper analyzes the scholars around the Independent Review on the university reform and the higher normal education reform at that time. This paper discusses the relationship between Independent Review and the reform of higher education in 1930s. The full text is divided into the preface, the body five parts, as well as the conclusion and so on seven parts. The preface outlines the reason, the present research situation, the concept definition, the research thought and the method and so on. The first part mainly introduces the beginning and end of the independent review and its purpose, the general situation of the authors and the main writers, and summarizes the general situation of the articles on higher education in the journal. In the second part, the author analyzes the causes of the intellectuals' higher education problems in China, including the educational thought, the influence of politics and the lack of educational plan. In the third part, the author discusses the discussion on the reform of higher education with independent review, the opinions and suggestions on the issues of cutting and unifying, improving the subject layout of the university, setting up the university research institute, and so on. In the fourth part, the author presents the viewpoint and influence of Independent Review in the debate on the retention and abolition of higher normal education, and evaluates the significance of the argument. In the fifth part, the author discusses the intellectuals' advocacy of academic freedom in China and the emphasis on academic freedom in higher education. The academic freedom in Independent Review can be divided into three aspects: the independence of higher education. China's academic independence and rational handling of the relationship between academic and national salvation. The conclusion, combined with the background of higher education in 1930's, reviews the ideas of higher education reform in Independent Review.


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1 黄华文,王一丁;论《独立评论》中的教育主张[J];安徽史学;2003年02期

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3 汪兆悌 ,蔡振生;我国高等师范教育独立体制的历史考察[J];北京师范大学学报;1984年04期

4 卫志骞;三十年代中国教育发展状况(1930-1939)[J];成人高教学刊;1998年06期

5 刘颖;;简析国民党统治时期的民国高等教育[J];湖北社会科学;2009年01期

6 董国强;论1910-1930年代中国自由主义知识分子的发展流变——以《新青年》同人群体、“新月派”和“独立评论派”的结构分析为视角[J];民国档案;2003年02期

7 黄波粼;;近三十年来国内《独立评论》研究综述[J];民国档案;2008年04期

8 曹金祥;;《独立评论》与中国20世纪30年代的教育改革论争[J];现代大学教育;2009年01期

9 曹金祥;;20世纪30年代独立评论派的大学教育观[J];现代大学教育;2011年06期

10 张太原;从边缘到中心:《独立评论》的创办宗旨[J];中山大学学报(社会科学版);2003年04期

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2 卢军;《独立评论》的“独立精神”与抗战时期学人时评[D];安徽大学;2006年

3 刘荣争;《独立评论》视野下的知识分子与乡村建设论争(1932-1937)[D];西南大学;2008年




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