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发布时间:2018-05-22 10:30

  本文选题:台湾综艺节目 + 大陆大学生 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生作为社会未来的建设者和生力军,其价值观关系到国家未来的面貌,关系到社会主义事业的前途。但是在当今这个纷繁多样的时代,大学生的价值观受到各种因素的影响,其中以《康熙来了》为代表的台湾综艺节目深受大陆大学生的喜爱,其渗透的当代西方文化思潮、承载的多种价值观念对大陆大学生的价值观产生了不可小觑的影响。本文意在辩证地总结这些影响,分析其产生影响的机理,并对台湾综艺节目影响下的大陆大学生价值观教育对策进行尝试性的探讨。 论文先以具体客观的调查访谈数据总结了台湾综艺节目对大陆大学生价值观的双重影响,其积极影响主要表现在强化大陆大学生的公民意识,增强其政治民主观念;拓宽大陆大学生的文化视域,丰富其文化价值观念;激发大陆大学生的主体意识,提升其主体价值观念,其消极影响主要表现在滋长个人主义,加速人生理想失重;拉低道德水准,助长道德虚无主义;加重政治娱乐化倾向,淡化政治意识;轻视中国传统文化,弱化文化自信;致使婚恋、消费、审美、人际交往多方面庸俗化。接着从当代西方文化思潮在台湾综艺节目中的渗透、台湾综艺节目对大陆大学生心理需求的满足、环境因素的催化三大方面分析了台湾综艺节目对大陆大学生价值观产生影响的机理。最后提出了台湾综艺节目影响下大陆大学生价值观教育的对策,包括以社会主义核心价值体系引领价值观教育核心理念、呼吁强有力的传媒监管与自律、强化价值观教育主要素、优化价值观教育环境等。以期能够深入认识台湾综艺节目对大陆大学生价值观的影响,希望可以为台湾综艺节目影响下的大陆大学生价值观教育贡献一点想法。
[Abstract]:As the constructor and new force of the social future, college students' values are related to the future of the country and the future of the socialist cause. However, in this complicated and diverse era, the values of college students are influenced by various factors. Among them, the Taiwan variety show, represented by "Kangxi", is deeply loved by mainland college students and permeated by contemporary Western cultural trends. The bearing of various values on the mainland college students have a significant impact on the values. The purpose of this paper is to dialectically sum up these influences, analyze the mechanism of their influence, and try to probe into the countermeasures of value education of Chinese college students under the influence of Taiwanese variety programs. The paper first summarizes the dual influence of Taiwan variety show on the values of mainland college students with concrete and objective data of investigation and interview. The positive influence is mainly reflected in strengthening the citizen consciousness and strengthening the political and democratic concept of the mainland college students. Broadening the cultural horizon of mainland college students, enriching their cultural values, stimulating their subjective consciousness and promoting their subjective values, the negative effects of which are mainly reflected in the development of individualism and the acceleration of life ideal weightlessness. Lower the moral level, encourage moral nihilism; increase the tendency of political entertainment, desalinate political consciousness; despise Chinese traditional culture, weaken cultural confidence; cause marriage, consumption, aesthetics, interpersonal communication many aspects vulgarization. Then, from the penetration of contemporary Western cultural trends in Taiwan variety arts programs, Taiwan variety shows meet the psychological needs of mainland Chinese college students. This paper analyzes the influence mechanism of Taiwan variety show on the values of mainland college students in three aspects of the catalysis of environmental factors. Finally, it puts forward the countermeasures of the value education of mainland college students under the influence of Taiwan variety show, including guiding the core idea of value education with the socialist core value system, calling for strong media supervision and self-discipline. Strengthen the main elements of value education, optimize the value education environment and so on. In order to deeply understand the impact of Taiwan variety show on the values of mainland college students, we hope to contribute some ideas to the value education of mainland college students under the influence of Taiwan variety show.


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