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发布时间:2018-05-22 10:24

  本文选题:跨文化适应 + 跨文化适应策略 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在全球化大背景下,中国赴美留学生逐年增长。他们的文化适应问题是当今普遍存在,亟待解决的问题。本研究以社交网络为切入点分析了中国留学生在美国的文化适应。笔者运用定性为主定量为辅的研究方法,首先对来自美国5所学校的70名中国留学生进行了问卷调查,目的是调查其文化适应策略。随后又对其中16名(每种适应策略4名)进行了访问,内容是其在美国的社交网络,目的是分析其社交网络特点及不同文化适应策略在社交网络上的特点。 研究结果表明:(1)大多数中国赴美留学生选择整合型文化适应策略,其次是同化型,,边缘化和分离型则选择者很少。(2)中国留学生与本国人建立情感型和工具型关系,与东道主国人建立真正友谊很难,与亚洲留学生更好交往。(3)选择整合型文化适应策略的学生发现社交网络可以帮助其更好地应对文化冲击;选择同化型文化适应策略学生的社交网络比较多样化;选择边缘化文化适应策略的学生后悔切断了本国社交网络;选择分离型文化适应策略的学生与本国人建立的是混合型关系。本论文的意义是不但分别分析了留学生的跨文化适应和社交网络,还分析了每种跨文化适应策略的社交网络特点。
[Abstract]:In the context of globalization, the number of Chinese students studying in the United States has increased year by year. Their cultural adaptation is a common problem that needs to be solved. This study analyzes the cultural adaptation of Chinese students in the United States from the point of view of social networks. Using the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, 70 Chinese students from 5 schools in the United States were investigated with a questionnaire for the purpose of investigating their acculturation strategies. Then 16 of them (4 from each adaptation strategy) were interviewed on their social networks in the United States to analyze the characteristics of their social networks and the characteristics of different cultural adaptation strategies on social networks. The results show that most Chinese students studying in the United States choose an integrated cultural adaptation strategy, followed by assimilation type, and only a small number of marginalized and separated students choose one) Chinese students establish affective and instrumental relationships with their native people. It is difficult to establish a true friendship with Chinese hosts. Students who choose integrated cultural adaptation strategies have found that social networks can help them cope with cultural shocks better. The students who choose assimilative cultural adaptation strategies have diversified social networks, and students who choose marginalized cultural adaptation strategies regret cutting off their own social networks. The students who choose the strategy of cultural adaptation establish a mixed relationship with their native people. The significance of this thesis is not only to analyze the cross-cultural adaptation and social network of foreign students, but also to analyze the characteristics of each cross-cultural adaptation strategy.


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