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发布时间:2018-05-23 09:32

  本文选题:大学生 + 孝道 ; 参考:《福建师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本研究以大学生为对象,采用自编的大学生孝道问卷和已有的亲社会行为问卷进行调查,考察大学生的孝道及亲社会行为特点;同时对孝道与亲社会行为之间的关系进行探究,以期为大学生的家庭、学校和社会教育提供一定的理论依据。研究结果表明: (1)自编的大学生孝道问卷包括孝道认知、孝道情感、孝道行为三个维度。问卷具有良好的信效度。 (2)大学生孝道处于中上水平,其中孝道认知水平最高。 (3)大学生孝道总分在性别、专业类型、生源地、是否独生子女、是否学生干部上存在显著性差异;在年级上不存在显著性差异。其中男女大学生在孝道三个维度上均存在显著性差异,而孝道行为在专业类型、生源地、是否独生子女、是否学生干部上均存在显著性差异。 (4)大学生亲社会行为的总体特点是紧急亲社会行为水平最高,公开亲社会行为水平最低。 (5)大学生亲社会行为总分在生源地、是否独生子女上存在显著性差异;在性别、年级、专业类型、是否学生干部上不存在显著性差异。其中公开亲社会行为在性别、是否独生子女上存在显著性差异;依从亲社会行为在性别、年级、是否学生干部上存在显著性差异;情绪性亲社会行为在性别、是否独生子女上存在显著性差异;利他亲社会行为在年级上存在显著性差异;紧急亲社会行为在不同生源地上存在显著性差异。 (6)大学生孝道及其各维度与亲社会行为均呈显著正相关,且对亲社会行为均有显著的预测作用。
[Abstract]:This research takes the university student as the object, uses the university student filial piety questionnaire and the existing prosocial behavior questionnaire to carry on the investigation, investigates the university student's filial piety and the prosocial behavior characteristic, simultaneously carries on the research to the filial piety and the prosocial behavior relations. In order to provide a certain theoretical basis for the family, school and social education of college students. The results show that: The questionnaire includes three dimensions: filial piety cognition, filial piety emotion and filial piety behavior. The questionnaire has good reliability and validity. 2) filial piety of college students is at the middle and upper level, among which filial piety cognition is the highest. 3) the total scores of filial piety of college students were significantly different in sex, type of major, place of origin of students, only child, student cadre, and no significant difference was found in grade. There are significant differences in the three dimensions of filial piety between male and female college students, while there are significant differences in filial piety behavior in the types of majors, places of origin of students, whether the only child is the only child, and whether the student cadres are students. 4) the general characteristics of prosocial behavior of college students are the highest level of emergency prosocial behavior and the lowest level of open prosocial behavior. 5) the total score of prosocial behavior of college students was significantly different from that of the only child in the place of students' origin, and there was no significant difference in gender, grade, professional type and student cadres. Among them, there are significant differences in the sex of the public pro-social behavior, whether the only child is the only child, the difference of the affective pro-social behavior in the gender, the grade, the student cadre, the emotional pro-social behavior in the gender, Whether there is significant difference in only child; altruistic pro-social behavior in grade; emergency pro-social behavior in different sources of significant differences. 6) filial piety and its dimensions were positively correlated with prosocial behavior, and had significant predictive effect on prosocial behavior.


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